Nick opens his eyes and immediately notices how much sharper his vision is compared to when he started his cultivation he sees the particles of dust floating around him in fine detail and can't help but marvel how useful cultivation is . standing up nick radiates a small amount of qi from his pores sending the thin later of dust on him floating away while releasing his aura out slightly before closing his pores once again . that brief outburst however was enough to grab the attention of everyone in the mansion as they all stopped what they were doing at the aura that suddenly reared up like a king demanding attention. Veras looks up from the pile of paperwork in front of him and smiles 'he's awake' he thinks before standing up and settling the paperwork into a nice even stack before walking towards nicks courtyard. Nick sees the amount of dust that came off of him 'system how long was I cultivating for?'he ask curiously.


*Host has been cultivating for exactly 6 days 14 hours 57 minutes and 12 seconds.*

After nick hears the system he nods in understanding as this has happened to him before which bothered him at first but since veras insisted that it was normal he eventually got over it.'I have been out for a while let's see what's changed,system status!'


*NAME:Nicholas varia





CULTIVATION:spirit gathering tier 5

SKILLS:swordsmanship lv4 , flame step lv2 , dragons rage lv3,divine might lv1

ABILITIES:awareness (user is aware of all things around them even without seeing it.)

body control (user has complete control of their physique including nerves, pores,veins,etc)

Divine charm (user naturally emits an aura that attracts others to them like a natural leader)








Nick sees that besides a small increase in stats there's an ability that doesn't have a name or description only question marks. "OK system what's with this ability here that's all strange?'


*Host remembers the object with the unusual energy ?*


*While host was cultivating system analyzed and absorbed it granting host that ability since it will help host later.*

'Ok that explains where it came from but not what it is '

*Host cultivation is to low to access the ability and it is thus hidden to prevent host from injuring themselves.*

Nick nods and walks out of his room into the courtyard and after seeing his garden back to full health he begins to walk towards his fathers office before noticing that the two guards who should be by his courtyard are missing before dismissing it entirely. Veras , drasius and sabrina all arrive in the main courtyard at the same time and drasius and sabrina greet veras respectfully while veras nods in acknowledge and they wait for about 5 minutes before nick walks out of his courtyard and into the main one where he is not at all surprised to see the others there as he figured they felt his aura just a second ago. "I was informed you had quite the gains at the auction eh kid?" Veras says while grinning. Nick smiles happily and takes out the key to show his father proudly. Veras takes the key from nick and looks it over carefully before giving it back to nick with a look of loss on his face "I can't say I see what's so special about this key besides the material which is quite hard as even with my strength I couldn't harm it even a little just now." Nick held the key protectively after veras said that making him scratch his head sheepishly ."how could you try testing the strength of the key without saying anything before hand!" Nick complained to his father who merely fidgeted slightly Before turning serious "that little miss over there said that you told her that key could store an entire sects fortune in it was a little hard to believe is all." Veras says seriously. Nick nods in understanding before asking the system to use the key.



Nick points the key to the middle of the courtyard when it starts shining and a beam of light about the size of a pencil shot from the end of the key in a straight line till it gets two feet from the end where it seems to strike something causing it to disappear into bright flash blinding everyone looking right at it temporarily . After everyone's vision returns they see a large pair of metal doors with two suns chasing each other across them constantly entrancing those looking at it until veras and drasius manage to free themselves from the enchantment and quickly remove the two youths from it as well . nick almost panicked when he came too as he had no idea that would happen . "Well since the doors there let's check it out I'm curious what is in there ." nick says while he pushes the doors open revealing what inside.