In the doors there was a massive room so big nick thought it might have been endless. lining the floor for as far as nick could see was a vast assortment of treasures literally everywhere. "Holy shit!" Nick and veras exclaimed at the same time before immediately looking at the other in shock. Drasius's reaction was a bit more tame as his eyes were wide and his jaw was open as for Sabrina's she fainted almost immediately after seeing the vast riches. 'System if this is your idea of meh than your sight must be fucking massive.'


*Host is mistaken I evaluated the KEY as meh not what it led to.*


'Also what am I even going to do with all of this stuff, I can guarantee that I'll never use some of this stuff!' Nick ask the system worried.


*Trade it to the system in exchange for points based on evaluation or a new skill or ability in some cases.*

Nick was startled at the systems answer as he wasn't aware of that he could do that. 'Hang on so I was strapped for points this whole time when I could have just given you some stuff instead?'


Nick cursed himself for not asking how to acquire points before making him feel like an idiot. Nick walked over to a small mountain of treasure and with a flick of his sleeve collects it into his inventory and after quickly setting out what was useful or not he just feeds the rest to the system earning him a good number of points and after confirming that he got points for the stuff he turns to the others and says "what are you Waiting for grab what you want because I'm clearing all of this place out and not leaving anything behind!" Upon hearing what nick said veras cries out "why Though you have the key and no one can get in here without it why not save something for your descendants!" Nick looks at veras seriously and says "if even as whisper of this got out what makes you think we can hold onto the key?" After that nick began to collect the treasure in vast amounts at a time without stopping but even with his rate of collection it didn't even seem like he was leaving a mark on the horde. Veras thinks about what nick said and sees the truth of what nick says and steels his heart to leave nothing behind and he starts grabbing anything that drew his attention as drasius and sabrina both snap out of their dazed state and dive in following the others example Sabrina was the slowest as she had next to no idea what she was looking at most of the time just like nick however unlike him she didn't have a system to label everything for her so she just grabs as many space rings as she can wear and starts stuffing them with loot. Meanwhile on the far side of the continent a person who appears to be a skeleton awakes as the eye sockets glow from an eerie blue flame in the back of them . a raspy voice that would grate against ones ears leaves the skeleton "I feel a vast aura of yin and yang energy has erupted from somewhere along with a dense metal aura as well, someone must have found an abandoned sects warehouse for me, let me go show them my gratitude haha hahaha!" The skeleton stands up making it's bones creak and groan before it launches it self into the air leaving a loud boom as it streaks through the sky heading in a certain direction Cackling madly along the way. Nick unaware of the danger heading his way continues ripping through the vast amounts of treasure constantly gaining points and gold as he goes leaving his wealth at an absolutely ridiculous figure after he goes through half of the sea of treasure in about 30 minutes stunning the other three at his progress as they have only gotten about a fifth of what he's gotten as he is quite literally sprinting through the treasures while they are at most fast walking after seeing the speed of nick not slowing down the other three come to a silent agreement to just haphazardly stuff their rings with treasure without caring what it is like nick and within another 15 minutes the entire warehouse is completely empty without a single coin left in it. Upon sorting their gains all four of them exit the warehouse and nick seals it again making the doors fade away as though they weren't there to begin with . Suddenly the system goes off .


A pillar of black flames erupts everywhere within a 20 mile radius turning everything into glass except nick who was protected by the system leaving him alone on the wasteland that once was his home . nick can't even begin to process what just happened from the speed that it happened the moment his mind catches up to the event that occurred it snaps for the shear weight of it causing him to black out.