
The shopkeeper grows pale and backs up against the wall in fear while nick picked up his chopsticks and went back to eating. About ten minutes passed by before nick finished eating and walked it off the shop. After leaving the shop nick went to an information shop and purchased a complete set of information on the world since he never was taught any of it when he was younger . nick then made his way back to his house where he went into closed door cultivation for half a month in order prepare for the entrance exams for the academy.

Meanwhile in a certain place an absolutely gorgeous girl with smooth silky black hair and soft alabaster skin was angrily listening to a jade. "What do you mean there's no information on him!?" The girl yells at the jade angrily. The jade buzzed and a voice surprisingly comes out of the jade belonging to another woman. "Young miss it is almost as if he only started to exist a few months ago when he suddenly walked into a city from the sea , I even spoke with the underwater kingdom of yolnir and they said no one with his features was ever there so the trail simply doesn't exist past that coastal city." The woman said calmly. The girls eyebrows crease and she grits her teeth in irritation "could they be lying?" She asked. "They honestly seemed like they didn't know anything, though they did question whether he could have come from that island that suddenly vanished." The woman said calmly. The girl deeply sighed and said "there is no way to check that though since that place doesn't exist anymore , what's worse is I have no idea where he went after that incident since according to the city logs he used a private teleportation array which could have sent him to any number of places ,whatever, I refuse to believe he can escape my grasp so forget about trying to learn more about him and focus on locating him, so long as he doesn't enter an academy or the capital nowhere is beyond my reach." The woman agrees and the jade dims down since it deactivated.

'System status'


NAME:Nicholas varia







CULTIVATION:origin core tier 8

SKILLS:swordsmanship lv5 , flame step lv4 , dragons rage lv3,divine might lv2

ABILITIES:awareness (user is aware of all things around them even without seeing it.)

Body control (user has complete control of their physique including nerves, pores,veins,etc)

Divine charm (user naturally emits an aura that attracts others to them like a natural leader)

Nature child (user is accepted by the laws of the universe, let one cultivate without angering the heavens)






LAW:Space initial step


'Why did my charisma go down?'


*Host has developed a bit of a bloodlust aura from killing without mercy.*

'Now that i think about it I have been a bit quick to kill recently.'

Nick ponders on how he reached this point and discovered that it was only after he got his bloodline that he started to kill without caring and then it clicked in his mind he has the bloodline of a wargod and it might have set his temperament to match. Nick left the house after checking his plants and heads over to the market to look for anything interesting. What nick doesn't know is that as soon as he arrived at the market a woman in black notices him and her eyes lit up and she speaks into a jade before following nick from a distance. Nick noticed the gaze of the woman but acts like he didn't as he continued through the market he buys a divine sense blocker which he immediately puts on and continues until he goes into an alley out of the woman's sight and rapidly goes over the building and into the next street over and enters the first shop he sees so fast that by the time the woman realized what happened he was already well hidden from her.