
Nick waited until the woman was gone before tossing a gold coin to the shop owner and thanking them for helping him hide. Nick left the store and cautiously made his way back to the house , after arriving he noticed a note on the dinning room table from jakob telling him that jakob is going to spend the rest of the time till the entrance exams training and that he should do the same.after reading the note nick decides to do precisely that and heads to his room where he will decide what to train and how far to train it.

'Hmmm... First let's see my options, system status!'


NAME:Nicholas varia







CULTIVATION:origin core tier 8

PROFESSION:alchemist tier 1 , array master tier 1

SKILLS:swordsmanship lv5 , flame step lv4 , dragons rage lv3,divine might lv2

ABILITIES:awareness (user is aware of all things around them even without seeing it.)

Body control (user has complete control of their physique including nerves, pores,veins,etc)

Divine charm (user naturally emits an aura that attracts others to them like a natural leader)

Nature child (user is accepted by the laws of the universe, let one cultivate without angering the heavens)






LAW:Space initial step


'Ok so I'll level my professions up as well as my skills ,I also need to bring my space law to a decent level as well as learn some auxiliary skills like qi control and battle skills since I've sort of been winging it so far and since learning professions are so easy for me thanks to the system I'll learn blacksmithing ,inscriptions ,healing as well as cooking since that should come in handy, alright lets begin!'

Nick only had six days to do all of this so he started with the hardest task first, contemplating the space law. Nick closed his eyes and entered a meditative state.

'What is space? Space is a void. What is space?'

Nick contemplated space for an entire day before he managed to increase his knowledge to the level of minor completion. Next nick purchased all the manuals he needed for tier 2 in all the professions he will have as well as a few auxiliary skills and battle skills.

First nick learned the battle skills before he started training in them.

The first skill he started training was a combo between defense and perception called (AREA OF CONTROL), the way the skill worked was that the person who used it compresses their divine sense into an orb twice their wingspan before teaching their body to block or avoid any attack that enters the orb. The second skill is a sword skill called (MYRIAD FORMS) the skill basically taught the user how to copy just about anything and turn it into a sword move instead. Nick also learned and archery skill called (VOID SHARD) that uses the space law to laugh and arrow made out of only qi thus allowing for near infinite arrows. After reaching level 9 in each of his skills nick learned each of the new professions using the creation mode as well as the ridiculous amount of materials he had in his space rings from before he went into a coma. About 3 days were spent in leveling his skills and the rest on learning and leveling his professions to tier 2.

'Okay the entrance exams are today I should be prepared for whatever happens today , so system status!'


NAME:Nicholas varia







CULTIVATION:origin core tier 8

PROFESSION:alchemist tier 2 , array master tier 2 , blacksmith tier 2 , inscription master tier 2 , healer tier 2 , cook tier 2

SKILLS:swordsmanship lv9 , bowmanship lv9 flame step lv9 , area of control lv9 , myriad forms lv9 , void shard lv9 , qi control lv9 , dragons rage lv9 , divine might lv9

ABILITIES:awareness (user is aware of all things around them even without seeing it.)

Body control (user has complete control of their physique including nerves, pores,veins,etc)

Divine charm (user naturally emits an aura that attracts others to them like a natural leader)

Nature child (user is accepted by the laws of the universe, let one cultivate without angering the heavens)

Monster (user has surpassed even geniuses in many ways , culture with twice the results with half the effort.)






LAW:Space small completion

SYSTEM EVALUATION:this is the way!*