The spar(4)

The girl didn't panic like nick thought instead he actually felt a sense of danger from her so he rabidly retreated while releasing her sword. the instant after he did so he felt a wave of law energy ripple off of the girls sword right where his hand was just a moment before. "hey no fair no one said we were using laws!" nick yelled angrily. the girl stomps her foot on the ground angrily before pointing her finger at nick "don't you dare talk to me about fair!" she yelled "you are the most monstrous individual i have ever met! not only is your cultivation one and a half major realms below mine own you haven't even gone all out yet!" the girl yelled in frustration. nick couldn't really argue with the girl since she was right . "ok so that is all good and dandy but this was a spar of skill but by using your laws you have forcefully elevated it beyond that , are you absolutely sure you want to do that?" nick said seriously. the girl froze when she realized nick was right. "so the laws were a bad idea but still do you have any idea how hard i worked to get my title as a lotus?" the girl said obviously upset. nick burst into laughter when he heard the girl greatly angering her. "what's so funny about that?!" she yelled offended. nick managed to suppress his laughter before he answered her. "sorry about that but the fact you think i want your title is just too damn funny." he said with a chuckle.

the girl was stunned at what nick said at first before she was offended by what it implied. "why don't you want my title you think your better than me." she said hostilely. nick just ignored her hostility. "do you know how many assassination attempts you have had since you got that title?" he asked seriously. the girl was surprised at then question but answered anyway "that i know of twenty probably been more though why?" she asked not understanding the point nick was making. "despite me being both more obviously talented and stronger than you do you know how many assassination attempts i have had to deal with?" he asked seriously. the girl had an idea what he was getting at but refused to accept it. "no how many? " she asked curious.

nick grinned before forming an o with his hand "zero , not one time and do you want to take a guess why?" nick asked with his devilish smile. the girl remained silent but nick wouldn't allow her it cop out so easily. "the reason is simple unlike you lotuses i don't paint a massive bullseye on my back by basically telling the whole world that I'm super likely to grow into a dangerous individual." he said factually. the girl huffed angrily "there's more to being a lotus than just fame!" she said defensively. nick shrugged "of course there is however what are those benefits is it resources because i alone at this exact moment could open and fund a sect. is it backing , i already have the same level of backing you do if not more. maybe its marriage opportunities , if so i have a literal goddess trying to woo me not to mention the countless other women aiming for the same." nick said crushing almost any chance of arguing back. the girl lowered her head in defeat as if what nick said is true then the title of lotus would truly be more of a burden than benefit.