The spar(fin)

Nick shook his head "no need to look so dejected , my circumstances are likely quite different than your own however having said that a bit of advice before i go all out and defeat you. never judge someone based on your own standards as everyone is different." nick said before bringing forth his full power. the space in the arena began to warp as a brilliant crown manifested above nicks head and a massive amount of aura was freely radiating from nick. the girl immediately wrapped herself in the small amount of law energy she had while shivering in subconscious terror. nick nodded at her attempt to defend herself. "very good just like that feel my power sharpening your blade , don't blink focus and i will show you power." nick said seriously before he brought his hands together. In the space between his hands nick focused every drop of his energy into a tiny swirling orb. the space in the arena quaked and started to tear at the mere presence of the orb as nick held his hands in front of him toward the right side of the girl since he wasn't trying to kill her. the girl felt so much danger from nick at this moment that she simply froze unable to react at all as her body subconsciously used one of her protective items forming a thick barrier in front of her.

nick opened his hands slowly before the energy that formed the orb finally had a direction to escape to and rushed out violently. inside the arena it looked like the world had turned white for a split second before the isolation barrier shattered loudly and a white beam flew off into the horizon while terrifying most of the students who felt the power contained in it. the man who had tested nick was the first person outside the arena to focus his attention back to the arena or rather what was left of it . on the arena nick stood panting violently while the girl had barely managed to survive thanks to that barrier she summoned however she lacked even the strength to move as the barrier drew from her own energy to protect her life and nicks attack was so powerful that the barrier drain all of her strength and even took a year off of her life since her energy wasn't sufficient.

After catching his breath somewhat nick walked off the arena unsteadily before taking a seat next to the arena jakob was using and entering a shallow meditative state so he could recover. thankfully no-one was able to tell what happened since the isolation formation prevented anyone from spectating what was going on inside. nick sat silently for only a few minutes before he felt a presence sit next to him what besides that whoever it was didn't do anything else so he ignored it and went back to recovering. the person who sat next to nick was studying him as though trying to imprint every detail of his person into their mind. the person was none other than the second lotus herself. after observing nick for a few minutes she imprinted a jade token with a message before leaving it next to nick and leaving silently , all of which was observed by nick through his senses.