
Nick nodded after he got the information he wanted and walked away still carrying aria by her neck. nick walked outside the hall to come face to face with old sun who had rushed over as soon as he felt nicks power surge. "oi lad what gives." old sun asked calmly while pointing to aria. "this girl tried to assassinate me so i am every so slightly livid." nick said angrily. old suns face grew cold when he heard what nick said and finally understood where nicks hostility came from. "i came here looking for a safe place to cultivate and instead i have been subject to no less than three different times where i was not safe and i have only been here a few months!" nick vented at old sun who could only awkwardly stand there and take it. "i will give this academy one final chance and then I'm going to leave for good so either this academy keeps it's promise or i go my own way." nick said giving the academy an ultimatum.

normally if a student were to say such words the academies could ignore it since most of their students needed the academies for resources and knowledge however nick was an entirely different matter since he could get plenty of resources even if he was not part of the academies and as for knowledge nick even possesses methods that would even make gods fight over much less whatever the academies had. old sun was practically panicking when he heard the ultimatum since he had seen first hand how talented nick was and for such a person to leave the academy because he wasn't being given what he was promised would be a massive hit to the academies reputation not to mention that the sheer value of what old sun knew nick had created would be lost to the academy if nick left which while not damaging to the academy would certainly hurt to think about. nick walked past old sun after he had said his piece and headed back to his sanctuary with jakob quietly following behind since he knew things were about to get dangerous. unknown to anyone a different student hidden just of of range of nicks senses was recording the entire event . nick moved quickly towards his sanctuary with aria still being held tightly all while ignoring to various surprised faces along the way.

After about an hour nick arrived at his sanctuary and threw aria inside without any care for her safety which also woke her from being unconscious. "oh good you're awake that will save me the effort of waking you up ." nick said with a vicious expression. aria was confused when she heard nicks voice since her mind was still a bit foggy until she remembered how she passed out and the fog cleared and was replaced by fear. she tried to stand up but nick grabbed her by her hair and held her against the wall of the sanctuary before a chain came out of nicks inventory and wrapped aria up making resistance pointless. aria looked at nick defiantly to which nick simply smirked evilly. "not to worry i won't ask who sent you since after all you were sent as an assassin so you should already be prepared to give your life , however what you don't know is that you are about to be exposed to pain the likes of which will likely drive you into insanity , be sure to tell me when its to much." nick said sadistically while taking out a unique item that was in his inventory , a sky projector.