
A sky projector was a unique device that captured whatever scene it was pointed at and as the name suggested projected it into the sky making it the ideal way to send information to as many people as possible. upon seeing the sky projector aria immediately knew what nicks plan was , he was going to turn her into a warning to her employers. aria started to violently struggle in a vain attempt to escape but her actions only served to make nick laugh cruelly. "its pointless to struggle those chains are tier 3 you'll never get free of them." he said shattering any hope of escape aria had. she looks at nick with a defeated look and stopped struggling before sitting still on the ground while nick set up the projector which only took him a minute. after the projector was set up nick pointed it at aria and turned it on sending the scene of the tied up girl into the sky startling everyone in the nearby academies since they weren't expecting this event. the higher ups of the academies who had sent aria had an ominous feeling upon seeing the bound figure in the sky.

Nick walking into view and greeted his audience "good afternoon ladies and gentleman my name is Nicholas farias and the girl you see behind me was sent by some scum in an attempt to assassinate me , however as you can see she not only failed but was also captured by yours truly instead." nick said gaining nods of approval from most of the people watching with the exception of a certain group who all had ugly expressions. "Now you may be wondering why I'm broadcasting this event since most would try to lay low after an assassination attempt. the answer to that question is simple really , i want everyone to know who the scum who tried to get me killed for no good reason are , and so here i am about to torture the information out of this girl right before all of your eyes feel free to go indoors if the events you are about to witness make you uncomfortable." nick said before taking out two pills one pitch black the other a deep crimson. "this black pill will heighten the amount of pain one will feel by a factor of a hundred while this red pill will subject whoever takes it to the worst pain possible to inflict upon a person." nick said while showing the two pills to the audience. most of the audience was horrified at the amount of pain those two pills were said to inflict together but couldn't tear their attention away from the image in the sky while a certain group of people were starting to panic since if the girl tells who sent her their reputations will go down the drain.

nick walked over to the aria who was struggling again after hearing what nick said and as he approached her with the two pills she grew more despaired until nick stood before her. nick grabbed aria by her lower jaw as she tried to struggle but nicks strength was just too much and her mouth was unwillingly pried open. to show the audience the truth about the pills nick shoved the black pill into arias mouth where it slid down her throat as a sense of terror overwhelmed her. nick released her jaw before pointing at her. "I have just given her the black pill so in a moment her sensitivity to pain will be increased a hundred fold." nick said to the audience. indeed not more than a moment after he said that arias face changed as she started to clench her teeth hard while trying to withstand the massive pain washing over her body. nick unbound aria since at this point she couldn't resist even if she wanted to and then he produced a small but sharp knife from his inventory and to show the effect of the black pill better he lightly cut a small wound on arias face in full view of the audience.