The last two

On an open area with no one nearby a man stood with a smug grin on his face. "two birds with one stone , bastard thought we would let him ruin everything i showed him." the man said to himself before his instincts screamed death at him causing him to start to panic but then the very same spear he had thrown impaled him and created a massive crater where he stood that would later become a lake. the mans final thought before he died was that the spear looked familiar. old sun ripped apart the gap between dimensions with his hands before walking into the darkness and looking at nick who was in full fight mode with a sigh. "i killed the insect who sent that spear after you however your home was completely destroyed." old sun said with a deep sigh. nick nodded "lets finish this then" nick said before leaving the dark with aria in tow. old sun followed after with a serious look on his face. In the regular world nick looked at the debris that was once his home and a bone chilling coldness filled his heart before buying another sky projector from the system shop before setting it up on the ruined area.

In the sky a projection appeared again causing the audience to sigh in relief. nick put aria on the ground before turning to look at the projector and by extension the audience before speaking. "one of those scum just tried to kill both me and this girl here in order to keep their names from being made public , but we survived and now you shall all here who they are." nick said righteously. the audience all roared in approval while the last two people who sent aria went pale. aria spoke up again the moment nick glared at her. "the three people were all from the same place , the sleepless forest academy." both nicks and old suns eyes narrowed at that information. "furthermore they were from the higher ups of that academy ,in fact their identities as such were what gave them away." she paused to take a breath before continuing "the three people were the first elder , the discipline elder and the man in charge of the pill building." after speaking aria felt a weight removed from her chest causing her to sigh in relief.

nick pulled out yin yun and swiftly decapitated aria before burning her body to ash with his law fire all so fast that aria didn't even have time to know she was dead. "completely painless as promised." nick said to the audience who nodded in approval. nick looked at old sun before purchasing a destruction seed from the system store for a whopping two thousand points before pulling it out causing the same reaction as when he pulled one out before. old sun instantly broke into a cold sweat when nick pulled out the seed before becoming dumbfounded when nick went to hand it to him. "only someone who knows what those people look like can use this on them." nick said calmly. old sun looked at the tiny object in nicks hand cautiously. "how do i use it?" he asked while carefully taking the seed. nick shrugged "simply picture the targets in your mind then inject qi into the seed it will do the rest." old sun was speechless "that's it !?" he said incredulously. nick chuckled "that's it." he said calmly. old sun nodded and closed his eyes for a moment and nick felt the qi leaving old sun and entering the seed.