
The seed wiggled for a moment before shooting of into the distance faster than nick could follow almost instantly arriving at it first target. the man felt death and knew he was finished so he didn't struggle but disintegrated turning into dust before being blow away by a soft breeze. after the seed was finished with its first job it flew to the second person who had just watched their friend turn to dust and was trying to escape but the seed easily caught up to the person and sank into their back before they too turned into dust and was blown away. there was no great disturbance no grand struggle merely a gentle breeze erasing the last remnants of two people. old sun was speechless at how quiet the seed was in its job before looking at nick awkwardly. "so about that spear from earlier...." old sun began before being cut off by nick "I'm not counting that since it was my fault to begin with I'll still attend the academy till such time as it fails to uphold its promise or i exceed the point it can teach me , until then you can relax. now then i should probably rebuild my house so if you would leave I'd appreciate it." nick said calmly.

old sun nodded in understanding before teleporting away leaving nick standing on the barren patch of land his home once was. nick rubbed his chin in thought for a few moments new ideas running through his mind. 'perhaps a floating land disguised as a cloud? hmmm no a nonmoving cloud would be too suspicious. maybe an underground base? no that would probably impose too many restrictions to be usable.' nick thought deeply about how to rebuild his home. the goddess showed up with lo mia and jakob by walking out of the dark with the other two. "good thing i was faster than that spear or jakob would have been killed." the goddess said proudly. nick heard what she said and immediately went pale as he realized that he was so focused on aria that he forgot jakob was right by him. turning to jakob nick fell on his knees and apologized repeatedly to his friend for his lack of thought. jakob was uncomfortable with how much nick was apologizing "it's fine i wasn't hurt at all."jakob said seriously.

nick shook his head before looking at jakob emotionally "it's not fine , you almost died because of me and i didn't even remember you were with me until after you were saved by someone else , some friend i am." nick said depressed. jakob didn't realize how much his friendship saved nick from becoming a cold indifferent monster. "do you think i wasn't aware of the danger i would be in? i knew the danger extremely clearly and yet here i stand waiting for you to bring me to an amazing future. so stand up dust off your pants and get stronger not so you can change the world but so the world doesn't change you." jakob said seriously. jakobs words resonated with nick and he stood up and reaffirmed his determination. the three saw the light behind nicks eyes and couldn't help be drawn to it. "enough about that we need to figure out how to rebuild the sanctuary." nick said after a moment.