Forced evolution(2)

Bellania was surprised at the reasoning behind nicks actions since as far as she could tell they sounded like the actions of a madman rather than the grounded person she knew. nick ignored the look that he was receiving and walked past bellania to the door of his residence and casually pulled it open with his free hand . "well come in so i can get this experiment on the road." he said to bellania impatiently. bellania stepped into the doorway and was surprised to see a large set of stairs leading into the earth in the center of the room. nick enter behind her and shut the stone door before heading past her down the stairs while dragging the bird behind him since the ceiling wasn't high enough for him to continue carrying it on his shoulders. "follow me" nick said without looking back. bellania looked nervous as she headed down the stairs behind nick but soon the ever brilliant light from the special stones that lined the walls caught her attention as she was wondering how nick had artificial lighting that wasn't fire. bellanias eyes widened as she finally saw the ridiculously posh interior of nicks abode.

Shock was written boldly on her face as the brilliant materials used as mere decorations shone brightly while the various depictions on the walls seemed so real she felt it wouldn't be odd if they were to leap off the walls and attack. nick noticed the stunned look on bellanias face and was confused for a moment before it dawned on him that she was far less desensitized to material things than he was as a cultivator. "no need to look so shocked to higher tier cultivators such as myself materials like this are only useful as decorations and little else , if you want to see something truly impressive you should head to the room at the far end of the area." he said bragging slightly. bellania looking at nick in disbelief when she heard what he said as it made no sense how anyone could see such wealth as mere decoration when there was literal gold covering the walls. as much as she wanted to argue with nick about it she could tell from his tone that what he said was true. "it just seems wasteful to only use such wealth as decorations." she said before dropping the subject.

Nick didn't comment on what she said as he walked a short distance down the hall before walking through a doorway to his left with the bird. the room nick had entered was filled with various pieces of equipment that were currently inactive but could be turned on whenever he felt like it. in the center of the room a large cage made of a type of extremely strong metal stood with elemental resistance runes carved into each of the bars making it the perfect holding container for beast no matter the element. nick put the bird into the cage before shutting the door of it and taking out some smelling salts forcing the bird to wake up groggily. bellania watched as the massive avian slowly came to before it noticed its surroundings and screeched in rage before quickly standing up and throwing itself against the bars with violent force only for the cage to not even wiggle a little.