Forced evolution(3)

Bellania quickly retreated as the bird attacked the cage walls while angrily screeching but nick simply ignored the beast as he started activating several machines that began to whir to life. soon the bird noticed it couldn't escape with brute force and began to obverse its surroundings on to stop on nick as it was surprised to see the prey it sought earlier to be outside its cage. the bird had developed a small amount of intelligence when it mutated managed to put two and two together and figured out that nick was the one who captured it. "CAW CAW!" the bird yelled at nick angrily. nick was surprised at this but quickly recovered and chuckled at the bird. "it seems your mutation was wisdom based rather than physical , though i doubt you can understand me even with that being the case." he said calmly. the bird was unable to translate what nick said but it could easily tell that nick thought little of it which agitated its pride. the bird released an aura of killing intent hoping to frighten nick to assuage its anger even a little.

Nick was wholly unaffected by such a weak aura but decided to show this stupid creature who was truly boss and released his own killing intent which immediately chilled the air and to both bellania and the bird they hallucinated a world of blood with a mountain of corpses before nick withdrew it leaving both on the ground shaking and panting as their bodies tried to recover from the experience. the bird knew that it was before a beast far greater than its self and summited quietly in hopes of being spared. nick nodded at this since it would make it easier for him to work on the bird if it wasn't struggling to much. bellania on the other hand was horrified at the scenes she saw and no matter how much she tried to she couldn't shake the existential terror that gripped her instincts. nick saw this and simply sent some qi into her to wipe the effects of his killing intent that was lingering in her body. "you should work on your will a bit so you don't get stuck in that state again." nick said to her seriously. she pouted at his words but didn't refute them since she knew she was weak willed.

Nick walked over to one of the machines that had a screen with an image of the bird on it with extremely detailed information that told the method of strengthening it in theory. on one of the sides of the machine an empty slot with the words sample intake written in bold letters. nick took out a vial of vibrant crimson liquid which he placed into the slot calmly before looking back to the screen where the information of a second creature appeared this time a lion type creature that looked quite regal. indeed the liquid nick put into the machine was the bloodline of a beast known as the dread shadow lion that was another mutant like the bird that nick had in the cage. nick inputted a command into the machine and the two images on the screen crossed into each other and began to morph into a monstrous variety of shapes before the machine beeped and a list appeared on the screen of every possible outcome of the fusion.