
The group of men looked at tyrion with fear as he stood on the crushed remains of the two he landed on. tyrion glared at the men mockingly before he stepped forward and flapped his wings propelling himself rapidly towards the fearful men before they could react. he almost instantly arrived in front of the group where he raised his right talon and ripped another man in half with his razor sharp claws. meanwhile nick had started moving at a greater speed once he confirmed that someone was starting trouble at the orphanage since while he wouldn't care if it was someone he didn't know but since he had decided to teach that young man alchemy he was quite peeved that some people would dare attack before he was done. unknown to nick it was the innate arrogance of his dragon king bloodline that was affecting his thoughts and stoking the flames of his wrath. tyrion dashed to the next man and much like the previous cleaved him in half while blood splashed onto his face but he ignored it before he charged at another and in this way tyrion massacred the men with cold ease.

Nick arrived at the orphanage where he stopped tyrion from killing the last man with his blood-soaked claw right above the man like the grim reapers scythe. nick walked over to the last man coldly stepping on the corpses sprawled across the area with an indifferent expression. "tell me , are you bunch the only ones with designs on this place?" he asked coldly. the last man saw the same predatory indifference in nicks eyes as he did in tyrions and horror filled him as he cursed that he most have been unusually cruel to kittens in his past life to meet such monsters. "o-only me an me mates ad an idea on them potions that we tracked ere." the man said fearfully with a broken accent. nick nodded before waving his hand causing the man to implode in a horrifying display of power that made even tyrion shrink back fearfully. nick created a spark of flame which he expanded to incinerate the corpses in the area as well as causing the blood to dry and evaporate erasing any sign of the men who had came to cause trouble before cleaning tyrion off since he was covered in blood and bits of viscera.

After taking care of that problem nick walked up to the side of the orphanage where a broken was high up on the wall and lightly tapped his foot sending himself up and through the window in one casual movement before landing gracefully on the floor of the building with a loud thump. the children who were staring at the barricaded door turned to look at the place were they heard the sound and were shocked to see nick standing there casually.