
Nick stood there calmly as the children all rushed towards him joyfully since they remembered how nice he was when he came last time. "big brother did you take care of those nasty old men outside?" a little girl asked with big bright eyes. nick nodded "of course i did , here have a piece of candy." he said before handing out candy to all of the children and sending them on their way. nick looked around and made a plan in his head before he walked over to the barricade and waved his hand causing it to come undone and float to the side neatly. opening the front door which groaned loudly nick walked outside and circled around the building inspecting it closely before shaking his head. in truth nick was originally going to repair the old building but after careful examination he discovered that even the foundation was on the verge of collapse making such an action pointless. nick walked back into the building and had the children and youths grab everything they wanted before having them leave the building by telling them he was going to destroy the building before rebuilding it even bigger and better.

It took about five minutes for everyone to clear out everything they wanted which was only because they didn't have much to begin with. once that was done nick spent another ten minutes in order to convince everyone that tyrion wasn't dangerous to them. ironically it was the little children who were easiest to convince since to be honest they wanted nothing more than to pet him from the moment they saw him which made tyrion uncomfortable but he didn't lash out since nick sent him a warning not to. after everyone was out of the building nick wrapped the building with his qi before making it implode crushing the building foundation and all in an instant. if it had been a few days ago this wouldn't have been possible for nick since his cultivation was still greatly sealed but thanks to the ever increasing qi in the atmosphere his cultivation had unsealed to the peak of nascent soul tier. the truth is that the only reason nick hadn't recovered his full cultivation was that the world was still lacking a bit to support someone in void chasing tier. once nick cleared away the area he flattened the ground perfectly.

The area now looked as though it never had any building to begin with which satisfied nick so he began to create a new foundation this time using sturdy cultivator materials like jade stone. the foundation alone was so large that it easily reached the size of half a football field. after the foundation was set nick began to create the outer walls out of solid jadestone slabs seamlessly placed to surround the foundation without any cracks before he created a roof out of ebony wood which was known for its strength and rich dark coloration as the the supports before covering it with gorgeous blue dragon scale shaped tiles. once done nick entered the empty shell of the building an created two different dorms for the male and females each with ten rooms each as well as two bathrooms as well per dorm. after that he created a kitchen area as well as a few crafting rooms and a library. after the building was roughly done he placed doors were needed before filling the building with the needed furniture such as beds ,chairs ,tables and so on before stocking the library with books on all subjects and various foods in the kitchen while the basic equipment for each of the crafting rooms. with this nick was finished with the building but it looked a bit plain in his opinion so he added some windows before using his qi to to carve various divine beast on the walls with the entryway having a massive image of tyrion standing majestically.