
Nick used the system to figure out what each of the items were and the results were as follows. _____________________________



DESCRIPTION: Robe created by the lord of a thousand faces from the silk of five different elemental spider divine beast that has the innate ability to amplify the wearers elemental law perception. comes with auto repairing and size changing inscriptions and can be inscribed further according to the owners preference.

SYSTEM EVALUATION: NICE ____________________________________



DESCRIPTION: The seed of a many faced peach tree that evolved into a divine tree and reached the lord tier cultivation before shedding this single seed. can restore ones broken dantian and grant an innate physique based on the consumers talents if consumed on an eclipse.

SYSTEM EVALUATION:NICE! ____________________________________



DESCRIPTION: A ring with an entire world inside it that was created from the blood essence of a primordial devourer beast and the lord souls of three divine dragons. the world inside this ring can improve indefinitely as long as the criteria is met.

SYSTEM EVALUATION: WORTHY! _______________________________________________

Nick sucked in a deep breath as he read the descriptions of each of the items and knew that he could never let anyone he didn't trust with his life know about them as each and every one of these items were enough to spark a massive war much less all three together. "judging from the reaction on your face you can tell how special these items are to some degree so allow me to clarify what each of them are. the robe was crated by the illustrious lord of a thousand faces from the silk of five different elemental spider divine beast and has the ability to make elemental laws more clear while also having resizing and auto repairing inscriptions that take up a small amount of space making it possible to add more inscriptions." the spirt paused to let nick absorb the knowledge. "the seed there is actually the only seed the lord created after reaching the lord tier and not even the lord knew what it did but he was sure that it was a great treasure." the spirit said before pausing again while observing nick to make sure he wasn't unable to understand.

"The ring is the most valuable item the lord had and unfortunately the reason for his demise as an expert a realm higher than the lord coveted this ring forcing the lord to use a forbidden technique that burned all of his potential and all but a year of his lifespan to barely kill the expert. this ring was found by the lord in the tomb of an extreme expert and besides that there is a world inside it the lord didn't have time to discover anything else about this ring."