New space

Nick had guessed that something had happened to the lord of a thousand faces when he read the description of the ring as he refused to believe that anyone would just give something like this away. the spirits explanation confirmed what nick had thought while also making it clear why this inheritance was here as the lord of a thousand faces did not want their techniques to go to waste. "the final thing that my creator left for you was the token containing the faceless mask technique in its entirety as the one you used previously was only the first part out of four with each being more special and powerful than the last." the spirit said before a brilliant azure leaf appeared in front of nick which he had the system verify before he reached out and placed the leaf into his inventory. "well go ahead and collect the items on the alter since after all they were left for whoever completed the test." the spirit said calmly. nick walked up to the alter and with a wave of his hand collected each of the items with the ring being stored in the inventory as it would collapse the spatial ring if it was placed in it since space can only be compressed so far based on the materials used to create the ring.

After collecting his rewards the spirit spoke to nick again " since you have taken all of the rewards there is only a single piece of business left to go over." the spirit said calmly. "oh and what might that be?" nick asked while putting up his guard. "no need to bristle up like that , the final the is you need to decide what you want to do with the pocket dimension the inheritance is located in." the spirit said with a hint of anticipation. "what do you mean i thought it would simply close permanently once i left like most inheritances." nick asked confused. "if this space was unstable like the ones most inheritances are found in then yes it would collapse as soon as you left , however my creator thought that was such a waste so he made this space solid enough to withstand the corrosion of time with little damage to its stability. unfortunately he didn't have enough time to expand the space to the size of the ones well founded clans like to reside in." the spirit explained with a bit of sadness in its multiple voices.

"Does that mean i could turn this space into my own personal clan dimension?" nick asked excited. "if you have enough materials then yes its possible though at your age i don't believe you should have even a single one of the required materials." the spirit answered calmly. nick made an odd face when the spirit said he shouldn't have any of the ingredients as he knew he had a stupid amount of materials from the two sect vaults he had looted that were just sitting in his inventory or spatial ring. "what materials are needed exactly?" nick asked with a sneaking feeling that he had quite a few of the materials. "well there's ...." the spirit went on to list the materials that could be used and as nick checked the materials he had his face got darker and darker as he quickly realized he had most of the materials with the exception of at most five.