The Heart Pounding and Red Face Scene

It had been a long time since Ruan Zeyan had kissed her with such a punishing force. Ling Tianya's body was plastered to the bed and, considering her stomach, she didn't make any drastic movements and could only whimper in pain.

Very quickly, due to Ling Tianya's soft lips and pleasant sounds, the man's overflowing rage slowly began to subside, and the punishing kiss became soft and long.

The man moved over and his two big hands grasped Ling Tianya's face. Just when he was about to get closer to her, he was reminded of the child and was forced to arch his back. Yet, he was unable to tear himself from the woman's lips.

The nurse came to check the rooms and, seeing the open door, knocked and came in to witness a scene that would cause an ordinary person to blush and their heart to pound. Ruan Zeyan reluctantly release Ling Tianya's now swollen mouth.