Go Against Daddy

Ling Tianya wasn't wrong. In Ruan Zeyan's eyes, nothing was more important than Ling Tianya's safety. Anything that would endanger Ling Tianya would not be tolerated. 

"So can you stop being angry?" Ling Tianya's little hands made circles on Ruan Zeyan's body as she batted her eyes. "And I just found that I am pregnant today, I swear! If I knew I was having a baby, I wouldn't do anything risky."

The woman's hands kept moving around on Ruan Zeyan's body, which tightened up as a result. There was desire emerging in his previously cold eyes. 

He just couldn't be angry with this woman for too long. As soon as she gave in and played cute, his temper dissipated. 

Observing the changes in Ruan Zeyan's eyes, Ling Tianya sighed. "Well, when Big Guy swapped Mandy's medicine back then, I brought it to Dr. Zhao here and asked him to check what kind of medicine it was. I then learned that it was a slow-acting drug that could lead to infertility."