
Even though the bespectacled woman looked gentle, she wasn't a pushover. Upon hearing Xu Cheng's words, she immediately knew who she was.

"Oh, so you're the one who resigned after staying in this office for a few days." The bespectacled woman pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose. She wasn't in the mood to waste any more time with Xu Cheng. She had an important task at hand. It was to change the novel, "The Final Battle," which was about to be made into a film script by her boss Ling Tianya. Time was tight and the task was heavy. She didn't have any extra time to waste.

Therefore, the bespectacled woman walked past Xu Cheng, entered the password of the office door, and walked in.

Xu Cheng followed her in, and the first thing she saw was the completely changed office. Xu Cheng was so angry that she stomped her feet. "What right do you have to make my office look like this!"