They Don’t Deserve Pity or Sympathy

On the other side, Ling Tianya, together with Li Na and Wang Yazhi, was accompanying Madam Ruan to the hospital to visit the old lady.

The old lady, Ling Tao, and Yu Chenshi were all in the same hospital. Lina knew that Ling Tao and Yu Chenshi treated Ling Tianya well, so she wanted to visit them and express her gratitude.

Ling Tao was still in a coma, so Ling Tianya didn't stop Lina from seeing him. However, Yu Chenshi was already recovering and would be discharged soon. So far, the fact that Ling Tianya wasn't Yu Meizi's biological daughter was still being kept a secret from Yu Chenshi. Recently, this matter had been greatly exaggerated by the media, so Ling Tianya had specially instructed the nurses and hospital staff to take care of Yu Chenshi, she couldn't tell her about this.