Chapter 1994, Messy Matters

Huang Mengluo’s words once again caused an uproar among the people present. The people who came to the luncheon today were all the top bigwigs in this circle. They were well-known and had a powerful family background. They would never allow their own children to fall in love at will, not to mention a girl like Jun Jun, who did not have a family background and was a dancer in a place like Liu Fei.

After Huang Mengluo’s words, they knew that Jun Jun might not be clean anymore. Why would ruan Mingxiao fall in love with a woman like her?

At this point, the bystanders could not stay calm anymore and were in an uproar. On the other hand, Ruan Zeyan and Ling Tianya were still sitting there quietly. Ruan Zeyan’s face was obviously not worried, but he did not say anything. Ruan Mingxiao would take care of everything himself. Ling Tianya’s reaction was even stranger. She just sat there with her chin in her hands, a smile still on her face.