Chapter 1995 Ruan Mingxiao was her backer

Lin Wei had a faint smile on his face, but his eyes were filled with disdain for Huang Mengluo. This Huang Mengluo claimed to be a socialite, but her style of doing things was not even half as good as Miss Jun. , “That’s right. Since Miss Huang did not see what happened later, how could she be sure what Miss Jun did?”

Huang Mengluo realized that Lin Wei’s words were wrong. “What do you mean?”

Lin Wei’s eyes were cold. “Bai Chi, Li Guang Mao, Wang da Chen, Shang da Wei, Yu Tao. These people should all be your classmates, Miss Huang.”

Huang Mengluo was shocked. Those people were indeed her classmates. And this Friday, she had gone with them to Liu Fei. How did Lin Wei know their names?

“Why? Why would you...”Huang Mengluo’s face was deathly pale.