The story unfolds with heartbreak and leads to a tragic new start where you will find lots of mysteries to be solved and a new and different kind of love story where you will decide with whom the female lead will end up to.........
Eve a very romantic person goes through heartbreak after breaking up with her boyfriend called Charles and ends up in another girl's body name Caroline who seems to have some sort of connection with the mysterious hunk called Damon and among all these, there is a handsome mafia.
Awesome writing keep your hard work....waiting for new chapters....i love the new turns of event that took place and the FL is becoming interesting....
This book is interesting and really different from most of the stories on webnovel. Worthy of your time.
Here I am being the author, still commenting on my own story shamelessly. I will be really grateful if everyone will comment on my story. Thank you
keep it up good work 👍👍👍. your writing is amazing . but I have a question why do you always write about heartbreak, breaku**, cheating ? I read your both books and I found that I found it strange