Chapter 2: How can there be no golden finger?

 Editor: Francis

Suspicion has no fruit, Jack Ming has to smash the pot to the big god, and perhaps the old man is too old, and sent him to the wrong coordinates.

  Jack Ming remembered that the protagonists in the novels will always have a golden finger after crossing, and then he thinks about himself. Although he does not think that he is a dragon amongst man or a protagonist but he himself is a qualified member of the Isekai gang, and he still passed through the high-risk Marvel movie world, if someone doesn't send a golden finger, he can't live three episodes.

  So, what is his golden finger?

  "System?" Jack Ming whispered quietly.

  ... silence.

  "It seems that I don't have any system," Jack Ming first ruled out the system scenario, and then called: "Grandpa?"

  ... still silence.

  "Beauty? Handsome guy? Senior? Big bang?..." Jack Ming did not give up a few names, but unfortunately, the legendary grandfather did not appear at all.

  "Cut... there is no soul grievances, I don't have to worry about being burdened by revenge in the future." After discovering that there was no sturdy old grandfather, Jack Ming ultimately comforted himself.

  But still, Jack Ming is convinced that he must have a golden finger... If not, he really has to only wait for death.

  After the system and the old grandfather's guess were shattered, Jack Ming began to look for things in the house, like a ring, a necklace, a jade, a dilapidated old book, and the likes.

  According to the novel routine, these inconspicuous small objects are often artifacts of the cow X to the extreme, and in the broken book, there must be hidden earth-shattering inheritance or treasure map...

  Well, it must be like this. In order to confirm his own thoughts, Jack Ming searched enthusiastically.

  In the drawer, under the bed, the bookshelf is stitched...

  After half an hour...

  "The... fu*ck, the novels are all scammer!"

  After carefully turning the whole house three or four times, Jack Ming declared with frustration that the treasure-hunting operation had completely failed. Jack Ming's new body's owner was completely a thrifty and boring nerd. There were no pendants and ornaments. All kinds of books are very common books.

  Hell, even these comics are not good, how boring was "I"?

  Secretly spitting out at his own "body", Jack Ming regained his lazy posture, lying softly on the bed.

  "The earth is so dangerous, I want to go to Mars... Oh, no, there is a bunch of big cockroaches in the universe, the whole universe is so dangerous..."

  The system, the old grandfather, the artifact, these three commonly used golden finger routes did not appear, Jack Ming has no hope nor the chance of ​​owning a golden finger.

  "Okay... Next, see if you have awakened superpower... Come out fire... Oh, really no... Puke fire!!!... that made me awkward, really... lying sh*t!!!"

  Jack Ming was suddenly squinting his eyes. Of course, he couldn't see his expression at all, because...he disappeared.

  Accurately speaking, Jack Ming became invisible!

  "Wow, ah..." he held his mouth before he could shout more remembering his "friendly" neighborhood, Jack Ming was shocked by his sudden stealth. He went up and down, left and right, and carefully observed his current situation. It is the very ability of invisibility itself. Though, if he didn't touch something, Jack would think that he has become a ghost without knowing it.

  Since I can be invisible, can I also change back? Ignoring the voices of the neighbors, Jack Ming concentrated his spirit and constantly thought of "remove the invisibility" and "change back." The next second, Jack Ming's body reappeared.

  "Haha... I want to be arrogant!" Making sure that he got stealth ability, Jack Ming laughed loudly.


  The rude slamming sound awakened Jack Ming, habitually wanting to shut up, but when thinking about his stealth ability, would he be afraid of a hair? Thinking of this he felt that he lost the face of the Isekai gang.

  With his newfound confidence in his stealth ability, Jack Ming was suddenly full of enthusiasm, arrogantly slamming in the direction of the door "I am noisy if you don't like come and bite me, f*ck you!"

  Although Jack Ming is now able to speak English fluently, he still habitually uses Chinese to swear, that's why the American neighbors outside the house cannot understand what Jack Ming said, but the last sentence is enough for them to understand what Jack Ming is saying.

  Originally, it was a bit discriminating against Jack Ming's Chinese identity. They didn't expect this Chinese monkey, who was always unassuming, to dare open his mouth. This made the unfriendly American neighbors completely angry. One of them was a rough-looking, white-faced white man. Coming near Jack's door, he screamed:

  "Kid! You are very courageous today! Come out and talk to Grandpa Frank!"

  Sh*t, it turned out to be the bully Frank of the nearby bar...

  Carefully recalling the memory of the original owner, Jack Ming remembered the identity of the person outside the house. As a thug, Frank is not a big-named big man, but he is very ruthless and brutal, very known in the entire street.

  Mom, I was too proud...

  Subconsciously, Jack Ming was ready to launch stealth, hide, and find a chance to fight back, but thinking about it, if he used his ability would he get himself exposed? Knowing that the black technology of this world is super high-tech, maybe there will be a SHIELD agent knocking on his door and kidnap him for experimentation.

  After hesitating, the door had already been slammed open, and Frank walked in with a smirk.

  "What the fuck, the quality of this door is too bad!" Seeing how his own door was easily brought down by Frank, Jack Ming could not help but scream.

  Frank couldn't understand what Jack Ming was saying, but listening to Jack Ming's tone he thought that he was yelling at him and he suddenly became angry.

  "You are looking for death, you yellow-skinned monkey!" Frank waved his hand to Jack Ming.

As the palm was about to hit his face. The wind generated of the soon to be collision made his scalp numb. He immediately raised his arms to protect himself.

As Frank's palm was heavily slamming on Jack Ming's arm but an incident occurred. Such a strong and powerful blow did not manage to knock down Jack.

  "Hey?" The two voiced at the same time in confusion.

  Frank was a little surprised. Didn't he knock this little bug down to the ground? And Jack Ming is also full of doubts, is Frank just a soft shrimp?

  What happened? Both are full of doubts.

  Not knocking Jack Ming down to the ground, made Frank felt that he lost his face, he heard the neighbors watching the lively show, they began to whisper among themselves, they seem to be skeptical about Frank's strength, which made him angry, as he yelled at Jack Ming: "Kid, die for me!"

  Frank desperately wanted to beat Jack Ming, so that he could recover his fierce image in front of everyone.

  Seeing Frank acting like a crazy punch machine, even though he still hasn't figured out his situation, Frank's attack doesn't seem to be that bad. Jack Ming is now calm at the moment, he clenched his fist ready to hit Frank. Stopping his heartbeat from speeding up a few points.

  Jack Ming grabbed Frank's wrist, and Frank wanted to break away but failed to do so. The hand felt like eagle claws, never letting go of its prey, and suddenly he was shocked, and his eyes turned a bit red.

  With his right arm, immobile Frank immediately made a fist with his left hand and tried to throw a punch at Jack Ming.

 Jack Ming responded faster, not waiting for Frank's left fist to attack, he quickly punched hitting Frank's belly squarely.


  Frank was thrown out by Jack Ming, and directly fell into the wall of the corridor, foam coming out his mouth, hiding the irises and completely fainting. A few neighbors who had no time to dodge were also hit by Frank and fell to the side while watching Jack Ming in horror.

  Seeing Jack Ming, the thin guy, even punched the strong Frank, it was like David defeating Goliath, the neighbors could not believe it, but everything in front of them is telling them all, that it's all true...

  When they saw Jack Ming's gaze turning to them, they didn't know who screamed first. Just like sending a signal, everyone suddenly ran back to their homes in panic, and even several ones locked their home's door. Then like a turtle hiding in their houses and did not dare to go out.

  "Ha ha ha..." Seeing that the neighbors who always crowded him and bullied him were scared and ran away, Jack Ming felt refreshed and laughed unscrupulously.

  After his emotions calmed down a little, Jack Ming looked at the door of his home that was left with a broken lock. He couldn't help but worry "This door can't be closed. I have to ask someone to fix it tomorrow. I don't know if a thief will enter tonight..."

  However, as soon as he thought of his inexplicable strength, Jack Ming did not need to worry about these trivial things. Looking at Frank, who was unconscious outside, Jack Ming smiled smugly and then closed the door.

  It doesn't matter if the door can't be locked. Jack Ming still has a little expectation to those who want to come and are not afraid of death, let them try how hard his current fists are.

  Jack Ming fluttered into the bed, and finally could not suppress the excitement of the heart, rolling back and forth, jumping up and down.


  It seems that he wants to wipe out the previous troubles. Jack screamed for nearly half a minute, scaring the neighbors around him, worried that this guy will suddenly go crazy and find them trouble.

  Brain fever is only a one-and-a-half-time event. When Jack Ming calmed down, he began to think about the changes that have occurred in him.

  "There is no doubt that I have gained stealth ability, and my strength has grown a lot. Hey? It seems a bit familiar, where have I seen... this?"

  Seemingly to thinking of something, Jack Ming's face was a mix of few surprises and tensions, carefully recalling the relevant information in the impression, Jack Ming took a deep breath, raised a thought in his mind.

  The next moment, Jack Ming was suddenly in a state narcolepsy [a condition characterized by an extreme tendency to fall asleep whenever in relaxing surroundings]. When the eyes were closed and the body was soft, the whole person could not help but fall on the bed, unable to move.

  The whole room was quiet at once, and only the sound of the ticking clock hanging on the wall is heard.

  Jack Ming seems to be really asleep, but no one knows, or see that Jack Ming is floating in the air, in a soul state cannot be seen with the naked eye!

  Looking at his seemingly sleeping body, and then feeling his soul floating, Jack Ming already knows what his golden finger is.

  Drifting back to the top of his body, then falling down, the soul and the body fused together, Jack Ming opened his eyes, his face was covered with ecstasy, and he was excited to say his own guess: "The talismans!"