Superheroes start with the uniforms

Editor: Francis

Through some tests just now, Jack Ming can be sure that his golden finger is the ability of the twelve talismans in Jackie Chan's Adventures.

  Just now, he meditated in his heart, "the astral projection" and then his soul was separated from the body and floats in the air.

  The astral projection, the power of the sheep talisman, and the invisibility and the sudden increase of strength at the beginning are the ability of the snake charm and the cow spell.

  As soon as he thought that he had obtained twelve talismans abilities, Jack Ming was so excited that he couldn't hold back himself and even had the urge to use all the spells.

  However, as soon as I saw where I lived, there was not much room for narrowness. Jack Ming still resisted it. I must know that the ability of the Dragon Charm is "Combustion" which mean blasting and the ability of the Pig Charm is "Electro heat vision". Once it is displayed, Jack Ming's home will blow up...

  "The rat spell can give life to the dead. There is no doll model here. It is useless for the time being. The power of the cow spell has been already experienced. The tiger spell is to balance the strength of the body. The speed of the rabbit spell can make me fast..."

  Thinking of this, Jack Ming's eyes lit up, first open the door, hold his breath, make a starting position, and then...


  using the ability of the rabbit talisman for the first time made him hit the wall but without accident, because he failed to accurately control speed.

  "Well, there is the horse talisman, I don't feel pain at all." Jack Ming came out of the wall that had been smashed without any injury, and there were no changes in his face.

  Well, it doesn't matter if everything doesn't go smoothly for the first time. This is understandable...

  The speeding power of the rabbit spell(talismans/spells all the same) makes Jack Ming have a supersonic speed in a few steps. This makes him think of a US drama "The Flash" that he used to watch. The speeding power of the rabbit spell is not the lightning effect, but the speed is Comparable to the speed of the Flash.

  There is also a horse charm, its ability to purify and cure so that Jack Ming has not felt a trace of pain, he has already cured the wound immediately. In conjunction with the dog spell that gives him immortality, Jack Ming can proudly say "I will never die!"

  Although I am eager to continue to use several other spells, I still don't want to prematurely expose myself before I master them. Jack Ming is not arrogant to despise this world of black technology.

  It is even possible that the SHIELD agent will come to the door in the next second. Although it is unlikely to cause life-threatening to Jack Ming, Jack Ming does not want to provoke constant trouble.

  In order not to attract the attention of some people, Jack Ming pressed his inner impulse and prepared to return to his room and study slowly.


  It seems that we still have to practice more...


  After returning to the room, Jack Ming practiced stealth and astral soul for a while, and after basic skill, he began to plan for his future life.

  Since i am reborn with the twelve spells, i don't have to worry about my life safety for the time being. It can be said that except for the infinite gems and the big BOSS in the universe, there is no ... on the earth, except for the ancient one, the magicians, and more bizarre means... basically, no one can threaten him.

  Like the Captain America, Iron Man, Hulk, Thor or someone else, although Jack Ming doesn't want to confront these superheroes, if there is a conflict, they can't complain with Jack Ming, this is a monster that can't be killed.

  (Deadpool: Are you talking about me?)

  Since there is such a plug-in, Jack Ming certainly has to make good use of it to improve his living conditions.

  Now with superpowers, Jack Ming decided decisively to resign the shop he is working for, and then use the power of the spell to do some high-paying work.

  what? Did you say that Jack Ming now has superpowers and shouldn't work? Please, clothing, food, and shelter, which of these do not cost money? Jack Ming isn't like those villains, that want to rule the world. He doesn't have this energy, and he doesn't have this ambition.

  Think of those powerful villains,

Which one had a good end ?...

  Jack Ming held his chin in one hand and thought about it. "I can't find a job in the high-end payment. I am tired of those paying less. should I start my own business? What do I want to do?"

  Even with the power of twelve spells, Jack Ming is still very troublesome in looking for a job. He wants to use spells to solve the employment problems, but Jack Ming, who lacks imagination, has no clue.

  Ox spell, powerful, go to move bricks?

  Rabbit spell, quick and agile, go to express delivery?

  Dragon spell, flame blast, go to demolition sites?

  Snake spell, stealth, oh...i will looks like a lot like a gentleman?


  I want to use the spell to start a work. The result is a few thoughts.

  For the time being, I can't think of any job to look for, and Jack Ming, who is easygoing, puts things behind.

  Looking at the news broadcast on TV, Jack Ming touched his chin and muttered to himself: "should I go to save the 'big man'? looks like 'iron man' is the gold lord of money, if I save his ass, Shouldn't I get a lot of money?"

  Money is what Jack Ming is most in need of now. Whether he is the former or the old one in this world, he is just an ordinary person. The property of the old body is only the money after selling his grandfather's fast food truck, and the wages for working in the shop.

  Although Jack Ming is immortal because of the power of the dog spell, it doesn't matter if he doesn't eat or drink. But this does not mean that he has no need for material. If you have good food, you still have to eat it. If you found some fun, you still have to play. And these are based on a certain economic foundation.

  For Jack Ming, to rescue Tony Stark, and then ask for money, although this is not very good-looking, but also a way to get money quickly, by the way, you can get to know the future Iron Man.

  "Okay, save Tony Stark."

  I made up my mind to save people, but Jack Ming did not leave immediately, because it was more than half a month since Tony Stark was rescued. The time is still too short. It is high enough to first familiarize himself with the power of the spell. Moreover, Jack Ming hopes to save Iron Man, not the flowery, cynical dude.

  Without the three months of imprisonment, Tony Stark would not reflect on his own mistakes. It was the hard days that made him reborn and became the Iron Man who later knew how to deny himself.

  "After some time i will go to save people, let me practice now." Thinking of this, Jack Ming was a little excited because he had the idea to fight criminals as a superhero and train his abilities by the way.

  Every man has a heroic dream. Jack Ming has longed for the heroic life of sin and punishment. He didn't have the ability in the past but now is another talk. Now he has extraordinary power. How can he continue to sit back and ignore it?

  Well, I don't rule out the ingredients that Jack Ming wants to show off...

  In the Marvel world, it would be a pity to not be a superhero as a part-time job, isn't it?

  Fantasying himself fighting against crime with heroic spirit, Jack Ming cannot help but scream.

  "The first step to becoming a superhero is, of course, to make a personal combat uniform!" Jack Ming snapped a finger and solemnly said to himself.

  Dressing up is an important factor that affects the image of others in the eyes of others. If you wear too low and too much, the first impression will not be good, and the teacher like Saitama is the greatest example.

  Unless you are a popular justice fighter like Captain America.

  However, designing combat clothing is not an easy task, let alone Jack Ming, a person who has no artistic cells. Don't expect him to think of cool clothes, just copy the virtual characters in his mind.

  Desperately searching from my own memories, a lot of character images emerged. Saint Seiya, Saiyan, A brother, Saitama teacher, Kirito, Naruto, magical girl... Hey, it looks like I thought of something strange.

  Weirder characters are coming to mind, and the thoughts are more chaotic. Jack Ming immediately stops recalling and turns back to Marvel's opponent, the superhero in DC. Anyway, there is no DC company in Marvel, and he is not afraid of them being sued for Piracy.

  Superman (red underwear is worn outside), Batman (black lacquer ), Sea King (light shirt?), Green Lantern, Arrow, Flash... When thinking of the Flash, Suddenly there was an idea.

  "The speeding power of the rabbit spell should not be worse than the speed of the flash. Maybe I can cos the lightning? The bad guys have been knocked down before they react. It seems like a cool sensation?"

  Recalling the performance of the Flash in the American drama, Jack Ming couldn't help but feel the "Big Red Cloth" of the Flash, so he recalled the costumes of several other speedsters.

  In addition to the set of red and yellow speedsters of the Flash, the original also has a yellow-red warrior with a flashback, a deep dark blue-black warrior, and a fast white gold-printed suit.

  Comparing the four sets of speedsters suits, Jack Ming feels that the speedsters suits is more in line with his preferences, the combination of white and gold, the noble symbol, seems more mysterious and domineering.

  After carefully comparing the shapes of the four sets of costumes, Jack Ming finally finalized the choice, using the speed suit as his own combat costume.

  "However, how to make a speed suit!" Jack Ming was upset when he thought about the production of the suit.

  Heroic combat uniforms, often need to consider some special circumstances of their own, and then carefully designed.

  In the "Flash" drama, Barry's suit is made of high-molecular polymer, which can be fireproof and wear-resistant, resisting the friction with the air when moving at high speed.

  The same is true for the uniforms of other speedsters. If Jack Ming intends to make a superb uniform, then the material problem should also be considered.

  But the problem is that Jack Ming has no genius mind to be able to make clothes that meet the conditions of the fastest speed! Let me not mention that he does not have the talent to craft. If you use ordinary materials to do it, then running and running, the clothes will definitely catch fire.

  "sh*t, where should I find a professional to help make a battle suit?" Jack Ming was anxious to catch his hair.

  It's ridiculous to say that a person who masters twelve kinds of magical abilities will have difficulties to make clothes.

  "Hey? making the clothes? I remember that there is a person who is making clothes. The guy who appeared in the daredevil, I think his name is Melvin Potter." The flash of light flashed, Jack Ming remembered a person.

  Melvin Potter, a talented fashion designer who specializes in design and tailoring, has created superb performances for Wilson Fisk.

  Thanks to the period of free time he watched the series "Daredevil" and thought it, I knew that there is such a character.

  Thinking of the choice of making the battle suit, Jack Ming also breathed a sigh of relief. As for whether Melvin will cooperate, Jack Ming is not worried.

  Melvin has a daughter, and his daughter was his biggest weakness. In the play, Kim used his daughter to threaten him and let Melvin make protective clothing for him.

  In this case, Jack Ming helped him solve this threat, Melvin should help him make the battle suit.