The Simple Hell's Kitchen

Editor: Francis

Although he made up his mind to get rid of Fisk, so that Melvin would be deeply grateful to help him and make him a suit, but the problem is that - where can he find Melvin?

  It's not easy to find someone in this big city of New York. Even if you narrow down your search to the Hell's kitchen, you can't still find that person, especially Melvin's an unbelievably inconspicuous person.

  "Ah, Why did not I ah ... Jarvis ah!" Thinking of Iron Man's smart butler Jarvis, Jack cannot help but burst jealousy worldwide.

  Well, he decided, as long as he has the opportunity, he will use every effort to personally dig an A.I from Tony Stark.

  Jack Ming racked his brains recalling the original story, trying to find a hint of useful clues, but only remembering Matt in the series, that is, the daredevil is a man who wants to find Kingpin and asked Melvin where he is, but it was not mentioned in the series the exact address.

  Motherf*cker, would the scriptwriter die if he wrote a few more lines? Tell me at least where is Melvin living?

  Although Jack Ming is now powerful, he is not omnipotent. None of the twelve talismans can help him find someone.

  "It's troublesome... what should I do..." Jack Ming's brain tangled up. Suddenly, there was an idea: "Perhaps... I can help the daredevil?"

  But now the daredevil seems to have just started his own hero career? The image should still be black, a black headscarf wrapped in the upper half of the face, and the night dress is not much different, except for the position of the face.

  too low ...

  Sure enough, even for a hero, the image is very important...

  Matt is still not worthy of the title of "Daredevil". At most, it is a policeman who violently beats small thief at night. He should have not have been exposed to Kingpin.

Daredevil can't help, this person does not know that Kingpin is the master of the underground world, let him continue to play with those little thieves.

  He thought about it, but there was no clue. Suddenly, Jack Ming's head slammed his head in annoyance. "I'm so stupid, Melvin can't be found by him, but Kingpin can do a good job, directly ask Kingpin and then get rid of him in front of Melvin"

  No wonder, Jack just found that he has gained extraordinary powers but his thinking is still stuck in the level of ordinary people.

  Since there is such a powerful ability, why tire yourself so much?

  Jack Ming was groping for a while. Fortunately, he wasn't so broke to the point that he doesn't have a mobile phone.

  Opening the map search button in the phone that can be called an old antique. Jack Ming was somewhat helpless in operating the phone, searching the location of the Hell's kitchen and the location of the company.

  After a series of operations and waiting for due to slow signal, Jack Ming finally found the information he wanted and then threw the phone into the bed.

He decided to blackmail some money to spend, once in hand buy a new phone but this time NEVER buy a used phone.

  Implementing his 1st heroic act of dealing with Kingpin, this top-ranking villain. It makes him excited to think about it, but Jack Ming has never seen blood or killed.

  Although it is important to clean up the cancer and benefit the society, he should at least change clothes to disguise himself.

  Looking in the wardrobe, he found that there were only a dozen sets of whitewashed casual clothes and two or three thick coats worn in winter, Jack Ming was completely speechless with the previous him.

  Reluctantly closing the closet, Jack Ming went to the bookshelf full of books, removed a book according to memory, and found the money and passbook hidden by the double body.

  This is the money that his old self-saved at home. It was only over 2,000 US dollars. The other money was in the bank.

  He remembered that the price of the United States dollar is different from that of the country.

Jack took $200 from his savings, then put the rest back in place and stuffed the book back to block it.


  Although Jack Ming knew that buying things in the United States was not much different from that in China, after all, there was a currency exchange rate, but he spent less than $150, he bought a black hooded jacket, black trousers, and a black mask. A pair of black gloves and a pair of black running shoes, Jack sighed: "If I can spend so much money in the country to buy."

  Of course, Jack Ming also knows that this is just an illusion. The exchange of 150 for the RMB has been nearly 1,000 yuan. There is actually no difference between the two.

  If you really want to buy this body with 150 yuan in the country, you can only dream.

  As for why he bought all black, the reason is very simple. Jack Ming is deeply poisoned by all the TV series. If you don't see anything at night, you must wear a night dress!

  Jack Ming went out at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, bought some clothes, and strolled around in a circle. When he came back, it was already dark, and he also received a call from the owner of the shop.

  In the face of the roaring voice in the phone, Jack Ming directly returned "MD, Fuck you!", and then hung up the phone before he hears the other side say "You are fired!"

  After buying this set of "combat uniforms" and putting them on, Jack Ming went to the rooftop of the apartment where he lived. He stood on the edge of the rooftop and watched the bustling night scene. Jack Ming pulled up the coat and put it on, and then floating to the sky, and flying in the direction of the Hell's Kitchen at lightning speed.

  "Levitation + rapid movement, the chicken talisman, and rabbit talisman are the best matches for the road." Feeling the thrill of flying fast, Jack Ming could not help but cheer loudly.

  Fortunately, Jack Ming was flying in the air with a black suit that was not noticeable at night, and fortunately, it was not discovered, but Jack Ming obviously forgot that he still has the ability of "stealth"...

  It is worth mentioning that the Hell's Kitchen is in Manhattan, and Jack Ming lives in Queens. The two places are quite far apart, but with Jack Ming's two abilities, it only took less than 10 minutes.

  The speeding power of the rabbit spell can easily reach the supersonic speed under normal conditions, and the supersonic speed is more than 340 m / s. If Jack intentionally upped the speed, the time spent could even be shorter.

  But on his way, Jack discovered that although he was flying at supersonic speed, he was not affected by air friction, that is, if the speed was too fast he still won't be on fire.

  It seems that the unreasonable phenomenon of "stealth with clothes invisible" and "becoming an animal, clothes will disappear" also appeared with the talismans.

  Also, how can magical things like the talismans be explained by science...

  Since the clothes will not catch fire due to air friction, in fact, there is really no reason to go to Melvin to make a battle suit, but Jack Ming is not willing to quit halfway, anyway, he has already come.

  After officially entering the scope of the Hell's Kitchen, Jack Ming looked around at the Hell's Kitchen. It seemed to be no different from other places. There were few pedestrians on the street. Sometimes several taxis passed by, and most of them hang around Places such as bars, dance halls, and nightclubs.

  But as soon as you walk to the dark backstreet, you will see the ugliest scene of the city, robbery, drug trafficking, gangs fighting... all kinds of chaotic things are happening.

  This city, like the city of Gotham in DC, full of darkness and sin. The only thing to be thankful for is that there is also a superhero who works hard to fight crime and maintain law and order like Batman.

  Along the way, Jack Ming kept his invisible state and saw the ugly scenes. The original belief that he wanted to do the right thing and to punish also began to shake.

  Desire is always endless, and the expansion of desire will bring endless sin, even if there is a hero, what is the use? There is no end to desire, and sin cannot end.

  Jack Ming can't help but feel confused. Does being a superhero makes sense? It is impossible to eradicate these problems.

  Walking on the street, in the state of stealth, no one saw him. He was isolated from the whole world and walked aimlessly.

  "Help! Somebody help! Please, anyone, help me!..." Suddenly, a woman's cry for help awakened Jack Ming, Jack subconsciously walked in the direction of the sound.

  "Shut up, b*tch, and hand over the money!" Not yet close, a fierce male voice sounded, and when he heard this, Jack Ming also knew that he had encountered a robbery, and quickly ran away.

  At this time, in an alley, a white girl, aged 18 or 19, looked pale in front of the tiger-backed, bear-waist bald-headed man with a cross-legged face (E/N: I can't imagine), she couldn't help but lean against the wall.

  After exhausting all the courage and shouting, the girl's cry for help did not receive any response. No one appeared, and the bald man held a sharp knife and smirked and approached step by step. The girl's heart became more and more desperate.

  Although the girl tried her best to grab her backpack, it was only in vain. The bald man's strong arm was obviously more powerful, and the girl's backpack was robbed without any effort.

  "Cut... it's just a little bit of money." he rudely opened the backpack and rummaged. The bald man stuffed the banknotes he found into his trouser pocket and threw a backpack with some scattered things on his side.

  Looking at the frightened girl in front of him, the bald man smiled cheerfully: "Little sister, play with me a fun game..."

  "No, don't..." Realizing the next act of the bald man, the girl can no longer control her tears, crying and pleading.

  How can the bald man let go of the prey that is sent to his mouth? The hot gaze seems to strip the girl's clothes, and the knife was put from his hand. The hands can't wait to catch the girl and start tearing her clothes.


  The girl's shirt and the coat were torn openly by the robber, revealing a large piece of snow white bunnies. The large-scale twin peaks, half-covered under a pure white bra, the bald man's breathing increased, the face becoming more sinister, and the burning gaze of his eyes seemed to be spewing out.

  The bald man was eager to pounce on it. When suddenly, a cold voice came from behind: "Let her go..."

  The heat within the bald man's heart was extinguished instantly, and he turned quickly. At the same time, he took out a knife and pointed at the front, watching the incoming person with vigilance.

  Like the incarnation of the night, a figure slowly came out from the dark corner...