disguise failure

Editor: Francis

The bald man looked gloomily at the guy in front of him who was bothering him.

  In front of the man wearing a black jacket and black pants, wearing a pair of black running shoes on his feet, the hood of the jacket covered his head, the same black mask covered most of the face, hiding his appearance.

  The person coming is, of course, Jack Ming who heard the sound.

  For this disguised rat, the bald man naturally thinks it was a fool who wants to play hero, and he dismissed it in his heart and he saw the other person's angry eyes. The bald man is even more contemptuous, opening his mouth, with a smile and said in a provocative way: "Hey kid, Want to be a hero saving the beauty? Who do you think you are?"

  Looking at the girl who was almost killed, and the arrogant bald man, Jack's heart was like a gunpowder barrel being ignited, and the anger filled his whole heart instantly, and all his thought were temporarily thrown behind.


  It seems that he only heard a subtle sound. The bald man did not even see a slight movement sign. Jack's fists appeared in front of him before he could even flinch.

  What happened?! How did it appear in front of me instantly?

  The bald man was shocked to find out that he did not notice the movement of Jack.

  Even at this moment, the girl who was so weak that her body sat on the ground, even forgot the fear for a while and stopped crying, as she was stunned while opening her mouth with amazement. She did not see how Jack appeared in front of the bald man.

  Jack Ming looked at the bald man coldly, and the tone was equally chilling: "So, do you think I don't have the ability to save people..."

  Jack Ming suddenly moved to the front like a ghost. The bald man couldn't help but start to retreat a few steps. "Fuck, what the hell is going on!" Faced with such a strange thing, the bald man couldn't help but feel his scalp numb.

  Seeing Jack Ming slowly approaching him, the bald man flashed a bit of panic in his eyes and immediately prepared to grab the girl behind him as a hostage.

  Not yet successful, the bald man felt a rush of wind, and a slap was printed on his face, and a few teeth spurted out with a stream of blood.

  Then, the bald man felt tightness on his neck, being caught by Jack Ming with one hand, lifted onto the air, he could not breathe, his face gradually became rose red, then purple, the bald man kept struggling, desperately hitting and scratching Jack's arm. However, Jack was not affected, and he firmly grasped the neck of the bald man.

  Jack's eyes flashed a little hesitation, but when he thought of the other's bad deeds, he immediately suppresses it as anger fuelled his emotion, and immediately made a decision.

  "You don't deserve to live in this world!" Jack sternly issued a death announcement, with a little effort on his hand, squeezing and twisting the bald man's neck.

  The bald man stopped struggling in an instant, his eyes solidified, and there was still some fear in his eyes. His whole body went limp.

  The bald man who lost his life was thrown aside, Jack did not say anything, stood in the same place, and did not move.

  The girl looked at this scene in horror. The fear filled in her heart made her want to scream loudly, but she was afraid that she would accidentally anger Jack, and she would be killed. She could only hold her own mouth. Trying hard not to let herself shout.

  The mood subsided a little. The girl remembered that the other party saved her. Although her savior killed a person, the one died was a bad guy who tried to hurt her. Therefore, the girl hesitated for a moment, gathering her courage, trembled and thanked Jack: "Thank... thank you... for... saving... me..."

  Jack Ming, who heard the sound stood still, then reacted. Under the horror of the girl, Jack fiercely turned around, one hand held the wall, the other hand quickly pulled the mask, bent over and vomited.

  When she saw that the black-clad man who saved her suddenly turned and vomited, the girl couldn't help but feel awkward. She could not understand why the other person vomited, but when she saw the bald man's bulging eyes, she looked at the dead corpse, the girl also felt nausea. She couldn't help but turn her head to the side and vomit in succession.

  The incident created a picturesque scene as two persons vomiting simultaneously, truly a head turner work of art...

  The two vomited for a while,

After almost vomiting all the bile, they slowly slowed down. Jack leaned against the wall, slid down indifferently, embracing his knees, his entire face was drenched between his knees.

  Killing is not an easy task. It is not as easy as mentioned in the novels and TV series. Although he killed a bad person, it still made Jack Ming feel a deep sense of guilt, which makes him feel very disgusted.

  Seeing that Jack Ming was deeply immersed in the blame of murder, the fear of Jack in the girl's heart was eliminated. A person who will be guilty because of murdering someone is always more reassuring than those who always kill.

  Gradually, with a little strength, the girl slowly got up and forced herself not to look at the body that made her sick and walked slowly toward Jack Ming.

  The girl came to Jack Ming and without waiting for him to react. The girl crouched down and looked straight at Jack Ming. The tone was soft: "You... are you okay?"


  "Thank you, thank you very much."

  "Besides thank you, I really don't know what to say to express my feelings at this time."

  "When I was desperate, it was you who appeared, saved me and took me out of danger."

  "If it weren't for you, I really can't imagine how much terrible things I will encounter."

  Gradually, the girl forgot the fear and thanked with her heart.

  The young girl repeatedly thanked, as Jack heard her his heart felt warm, which stabilized his emotion.

  I am trying to save people from criminals. Although my hands are stained in blood, I don't regret it.

  In order to fight crime, I must have the determination to face the darkness.

  Jack slowly figured it out, throwing away the mentality of the original gamer and harden his own beliefs.

  In the future, we will have to face more vicious and bad guys. We can't allow ourselves to have a half-hearted belief. We must adapt quickly.

  Since it is necessary to stop sin, ruthlessness is needed, even if it is solved by means of killing.

  His heart is no longer confused, his eyes becoming bright, and he felt refreshed with a new determination welling up inside him.

  Jack Ming raised his head, his face was full of self-confidence, and his mouth inadvertently raised an arc, revealing a smile on his handsome face.

  However, Jack Ming forgot one thing. Because he had to vomit he had to tear off the mask, he did not wear it again. That is to say, his appearance was completely exposed to the girl.

  Looking at the young and handsome appearance in front of her, the girl can't help but look at it. She didn't think about the face under the mask is an Asian-American youth, who is about the same age as her, it is obviously different from what she imagined.

  It is actually an Asian boy? Was it Kung Fu he displayed? Or superpower? Magic? ... Jack's similar age with her, made the girl unconsciously let go of her fear, and at the same time become incomparably curious.

  He found that the girl he had saved was staring at him slyly. Jack was a little confused. Is there anything on my face? Subconsciously touching his own face, feeling that there were not any obstructions, Jack found out that he exposed his true face.

  Jack Ming launched the speeding power of the rabbit spell, and re-applied the mask with lightning-fast accuracy, looking at the girl calmly while hiding his embarrassment under the mask, his heart still held hope for luck.

  However, the girl's question broke Jack's luck and hope as she said: "Are you a Chinese? Just how did you do it all at once? Is it Chinese Kung Fu?"

  The girl is like a cicada as she asked like a curious baby. Jack Ming can't help but feel a headache, helplessly rubbing his forehead.

  "What's wrong with you? Is it the side effect of using superpowers? Sorry, if it is not to save me..." Jack's action was misunderstood by the girl as she apologized.

  "Stop! I am fine, you don't have to apologize." Jack did not let the girl continue the misunderstanding, slightly raising his voice and interrupting the girl's words.

  Are there any memory altering abilities? No... It's also impossible to kill people to hide his identity. Jack has not been so mad in a long time, especially in the face of a beautiful girl.

  The result was in less than an hour, his true face was already exposed. The superhero career has not started yet and I already got exposed. Jack Ming has failed so much. He wants to let the next-door DC group of superheroes who are suffering all the time hiding their identity to know, maybe The group broke through the source wall and came to Marvel World to Educate him.

  Since it has already been exposed, no matter how he disguises himself, there is no point. Jack honestly took off the hood and his hat. He thoroughly crossed the ground and said: "As you can see, I am a Chinese-American, my name is... "

  Jack Ming hesitated for a moment. He didn't know if he should tell his real name, but then he thought that there would have been no chance for them to see each other anyway. There should be no problem in telling his real name, so he said: "Jack Ming, Jack is the surname." (E/N: not sure about that)

  When she heard Jack Ming's self-introduction, the girl did not know why. She suddenly panicked and nodded. She was a little excited and nervous. "Hello, I am Sophia, Sophia Temple. And Temple is my last name!"

  Seeing Sophia's flustered performance, Jack Ming couldn't help but smile, this girl, is really cute...

  Jack Ming's laughter seems to have a kind of appeal, which made Sophia's nervous mood gradually ease up, recalling her own performance, Sophia's face is red, too shameful, why do you want to behave like that? She felt like a child who wanted to be praised by others.

  Jack Ming just smiled and quickly recovered his emotions. He adjusted his expression and made a very serious look. "Sophia..."

  Sophia was scared by Jack's expression. Her nerves tightened, and the heart was almost at her throat. The screaming inwardly she replied: "YES, Jack, what?"

  Do you want to kill me?

  Hearing Sophia's pure foreigner's accent speaking Chinese, the awkward tone made Jack Ming almost unable to hold back his smile. Normally, Jack Ming will make a joke and correct the other's pronunciation, but now the most important thing is to guard his identity.

  Taking a deep breath, Jack Ming slowly raised his hands under Sophia's terrified gaze, pointing his hands at Sofia...


  A loud voice sounded, and Sophia closed her eyes subconsciously.

  "Sorry, leaving you with a terrible memory, but please keep this a secret for me, pretty please!"

  Oh? The expected death did not come, but instead she heard an inexplicable speech, Sophia opened her eyes with a blank face and looked at Jack Ming's hands put together, showing a very sincere look.

  No way, Jack Ming did not have the means to erase the memories, so he had to ask the other party to keep his secret.

  "..." In the face of Jack Ming's humble posture, Sophia did not know what to do for a while, she could only open her mouth, but no words came out from it.

  "Please, please keep this secret." Jack Ming asked her sincerely.