I just want to find someone to make clothes

Wilson was full of anger, like a lion who was suddenly provoked. There was a hint of jealous color in his eyes. As a gang leader, what big winds and waves he has not seen? But this scene is beyond his understanding, making him very insecure.

  Even if it is not the dark emperor of the future, Wilson still maintains the temperament of a superior and controls his true emotions very well. He calmly asked: "This guest, visiting in this way is a bit rude ?"

  Wilson walked out of the bed indifferently and sat down without hesitation, as if he was completely unconcerned with this sturdy "guest", naturally placing his hands on the edge of the bed, but his fingers pressed the dark keys without a trace.

  As a gangster's ruler, Wilson did have some security measures, and the device along the bed was equipped with a distress signal.

  Seeing Jack Ming did not find his little action, Wilson was a little calm, now, he only needs to delay the time, waiting for the man who received the alarm to arrive.

  I don't know that Wilson's help-seeking action, which was "not discovered", was completely seen by Jack Ming.

  The cow charm can make people infinitely powerful. It is not just the strength to become bigger. To be precise, it strengthens the physical quality of the whole person. Every organ has been strengthened, and Jack Ming's visual nerve has also improved. So he can be aware of some subtle movements, which is just a breeze for the current Jack Ming.

  Although Jack Ming discovered Wilson's little action, he thought that the other party was sending out a distress signal. Under normal circumstances, Jack Ming should stop it, or immediately solve Wilson, but he did not, just held his arms. Continue to float in the air and watch Wilson's behavior playfully.

  Without waiting for Wilson to talk about the topic, Jack Ming said in a strange tone: "Are you afraid?"

  "Afraid? No, I am more curious about why you can fly. Is it the latest invention?" Wilson rushed to the topic and calculated how long it was.

  "Device? No, no, it's just a small means, not surprising, isn't it?" Jack Ming is "modest" authentic.

  Wilson: "...you are really humble. I don't know what you want from me to visit me tonight?"

  As he said, Wilson was nervous. Once the other party had signs of shooting, he would immediately resist. Although the other showed his extraordinary, it did not mean that Wilson would sit still.

  Jack Ming supported the chin and made a thought-like situation. At the same time, the whole person slowly descended and landed on the ground. "That, I actually came to ask you for a favor."

  Wilson's vigilance did not diminish, and the surface was still very polite to ask: "If you have a place to help, you may wish to talk about it."

  "No hurry, first find a quiet place."

  hearing that, Wilson frowned slightly, and then showed an unclear look, "What do you mean by..."

  As soon as the voice fell, Wilson suddenly burst into the air, clenching his fist and attacking Jack Ming, and his eyes flashed through the stern color.

  In the face of Wilson's raid, Jack Ming waved his hand at random, bringing in tremendous power, not only blocking the fist that Wilson had hit but also sending him flying knocking over the things in the bedroom.

  "Why?" Jack Ming shook his head with regret and walked toward Wilson without hesitation.

  Looking at Jack Ming step by step, Wilson finally couldn't conceal his inner panic. The exaggerated power allowed him to be knocked down without attacking the other party. Plus, the ability of the other party to float in the air, Wilson can't help but be afraid. , subconsciously back.

  At this time, the door of the bedroom suddenly opened, a group of fierce black bodyguards broke into the door, and they directly shot at Jack Ming!

  "Oh, shoot, this can't be done, I'm afraid of pain."

  As soon as Jack Ming's voice rang, the black bodyguards found that all the bullets that were shot were lost.

I couldn't see Jack Ming's figure in front of me. I couldn't help but feel creepy. I was just about to yell "Alert". Suddenly, a burning flame exploded!

  It was completely out of time to escape. The flames ran into the black bodyguards, and they suddenly exploded. Even the mourning did not come out. All of them were burned in an instant, leaving a black residue.

  The explosion at the door of the bedroom was ruined by the explosion of fire.

  "Call... I didn't expect this to be quite big." The second time killing, Jack Ming has felt much better, although my heart is still a little uncomfortable, but I don't feel sick and vomiting, but my face is slightly white but in the mask. I can't see it under the cover.

  The speed of the rabbit spell made Jack Ming easily escape all the bullets. The stealth of the snake spell made the enemy lose the target. Finally, the stealth unexpectedly launched the dragon spell attack. The first time using the dragon spell, the dragon spell's blast did not disappoint him. It's really violent.

  "Although it is a minute to solve a group of miscellaneous fish, but it is not a waste of time." Jack Ming before Wilson's other men arrived, put in the strength, facing Wilson's back neck, learning from movies the hand knife and then Stun him.

  Wilson was stunned by the palm of his hand. Jack Ming looked at Wilson in a coma with satisfaction and nodded. "I should have done it very early..."

  Grabbing Wilson's leg, Jack Ming flew out from the broken window, leaving a bunch of rushing men shooting.


  The cold water poured on his face, Wilson was awake from the coma, his mind was still a little chaotic, the scene in the field of vision gradually became clear, and a man in black stood in front...


  Wilson immediately recalled the things before the coma, quickly got up and made a defensive stance, but as soon as he thought of the strength of the other side, Wilson also succumbed to the arm that clenched his fists, and could not produce a rebellious heart.

  Wilson bitterly and excitedly asked: "What do you want from me! My life!"

  Jack Ming seems to be embarrassed: "Actually, I am looking for you tonight to ask you to call Melvin Potter and let him make a dress for me."

  Hearing Jack Ming's answer, Wilson's eyes were suddenly sluggish, and then there was a grief in his heart.

  this deep sh*t! Want me to ask someone to make a dress for you, why don't you sit down and talk about it? Have to catch me to... a rooftop?

  Wilson found himself on the roof of an apartment and looked at the scenery around him. He should still be in the kitchen of hell.

  Just grab someone to a rooftop? Don't you even have a basement for special detention?

  Wilson inexplicably felt a humiliation, think about his identity, was caught by an idiot, or because of a dress!

  At this time, Wilson was really tens of thousands of grass mud horses running...

  However, he also raised a glimmer of hope. This idiot came for Melvin. Is his life saved?

  However, Jack Ming's next sentence will bring him into the abyss again. "...by the way, kill you."

  "Why! Why! Tell me why!" Wilson is going crazy, why should he take his life in the end!

  Jack Ming is strangely saying: "Why? How many bad things have you done? you have too many innocent life I your hand and you still ask me why? Is it not a matter of course to kill you gangster?"

  Jack Ming's counter-inquiry made the hysterical Wilson suddenly hold his words and how many bad things he did. He certainly knew it, but he was not reconciled. In order to get to where he is today, he paid too much.

  Wilson looked and said with a roar: "I want this city to be better than before and build a better one! Why are you coming to destroy the one who wants to do it!"

  For Wilson, he shamelessly praised himself as one of the good guys and kept saying that it was for the city. Jack Ming couldn't help but turn his eyes, silently saying: "I really admire your thick skin and a gangster who says that he is innocent, and..."

  Jack Ming suddenly walked a few steps, scared Wilson back a few steps, staring at Jack with vigilance.

  Ignoring Wilson's surprise, Jack Ming went on to say: "...I am not living in Hell's Kitchen. You built this city to be 'beautiful' and what those it has to do with me?"

  Wilson: "..."

  Wilson almost didn't breathe a sigh of relief, you are not a hell kitchen, running to hell kitchen to make fun of me!

  So he has to be planted by this idiot? I am not willing to...

  Wilson remembered that the other person was looking for Melvin to make clothes, and immediately grabbed a life-saving straw. "You are not looking for Melvin, let him make a dress for you? It is better to be a deal, I tell you that he is Where, you let me go, how?"

  Wilson is already in a state of urgency, but Jack Ming does not accept the advice at all. He said: "Melvin is serving you because of his daughter's safety. I will not kill you. How can I make him feel comfortable making clothes for me? Don't say you Will release Melvin's daughter, and if you survive, will you not care about today?"

  Not waiting for Wilson's response, Jack Ming said straight away: "Sorry, I don't believe it."

  Jack Ming's words were undoubtedly the death sentence for Wilson, and both were dead. Wilson didn't want to wait for death. He once again yelled at Jack and continued punching and tried to hit him. However, Jack Ming was only playing. Yawning, with only one hand, while blocking the continuous attack with the other hand.

  Seeing that Jack underestimated his every effort to stop, Wilson became more and more desperate. Finally, without knowing how many punches he attacked, Wilson also exhausted his strength and fell to the ground with powerlessness. Taking some deep breath.

  Jack smashed his hand and asked, "Is it enough?"

  Wilson's spirit collapsed and yelled wildly: "Ha ha ha, it's useless to kill me, the city will still be shrouded in darkness, everything will be corrupted by sin, you can't stop it, ha Hahahaha..."

  "stop it my ass, the Hell's kitchen is still handed over to Daredevil to guard." Jack Ming did not care to say a word.

  "Daredevil?" Wilson glanced. Who is this? Before I even had time to think about it, I saw Jack Ming pressing the knuckles and slowly coming over. "Next, I still have a good meal for you."



  As always, Melvin took the toolbox and limped back to his warehouse, taking a bottle of honey from the refrigerator and taking a sip from it.

  Melvin's intelligence is somewhat lower than ordinary people, even ordinary honey water can make him full of joy, but it is such a mentally retarded person that has a superb craftsmanship.

  Some cloth was placed on the desk, a mannequin was placed at the table, and a semi-finished vest was worn on the mannequin. The vest was also made of cloth on the table, and those fabrics were not ordinary. It was Melvin's own research. Made out, with super toughness, can withstand most attacks.

  Wilson was wearing a vest made by Melvin. In the American drama, Matt would only scream with Wilson.

  Melvin's mentality is like an immature child. He has always listened to his daughter's words as a good person, but Wilson threatened him with his daughter's safety and he had to work for Wilson.

  The gate of the warehouse was suddenly pulled open, and what Melvin saw made him horrified, watching the uninvited guest come in.

  Jack, carrying Wilson, who had been smashed into a pig's head, came in and saw Melvin, saying hello happily: "Good evening, Melvin, how is your day."