the correct use of tiger spell

Melvin looked at Jack Ming, who is walking towards him with fear. After all, Jack was carrying a guy who has a pig's head from beating.

  Then Melvin realized that the place was exposed, and suddenly he screamed nervously: "No! You shouldn't be here! You can't be here! No!!"

  The tone was full of despair and anger, Melvin suddenly forgot the fear, roaring and rushing to Jack Ming.

  Jack, who has seen the American TV drama, knows why Melvin is suddenly emotionally excited. He leans on the side of the body and avoids Melvin's fist. When Melvin turns and swings a punch again, Jack decisively moves Wilson. Using him as a shield in front of you.


  Wilson, who has been unscrupulous beating by Jack, feels that he has been hit by a heavy punch, stupidly blinking, voicing a "Fu..." in his mouth, and then sinking deeper into Coma.

  "Congratulations, you smashed Wilson Fiske."

  Jack said with a bad taste, by the way, he reminded Melvin that the pig's head in front of him is the black-eyed leader who made all the criminals in Hell's kitchen stunned, Wilson Fiske.

  When he heard the name "Wilson Fiske", Melvin was shocked and immediately focused on Wilson, trying to identify with his eyes wide open, but the pig-like Wilson in front of him could not be identified, Melvin shook his head. "No, you lied to me. This is definitely not Mr. Wilson..."

  "Hey..." Jack licked Wilson's current appearance. Well, he has been beaten that even his mother wouldn't know him. It's no wonder that Melvin will not believe it. He sighed and stretched out a finger. Wilson's face with the power of healing spell returned to "normal".

  Jack did not completely restore Wilson's injury, but only a little recovered to the face's injury and disappeared a lot. It can be seen that the appearance stopped, he was not so handcuffed, and he was helped and cured.

  "Hey, look, is this cargo is not Wilson?"

  Melvin, a gluten man, didn't care about the magic that Jack's displayed. Looking at Wilson, his face was inconspicuous and panicked. He squatted on the ground and pleaded: "I'm sorry! Sorry! Mr. Wilson, it's my fault. Everything is my fault, please let go of Betty, she is innocent, hey, my poor Bea..."

  Seeing Melvin's pleading, Jack Ming was helpless and moved. Melvin was deeply afraid of Wilson not because of his powers, but he was afraid that his daughter would be hurt. This single stupid person is a great father.

  Jack said calmly: "Calm down, Melvin, Wilson has been subdued by me, and Betsy will not be in danger."

  Melvin stopped pleading, looked at Wilson with fear, and looked at Jack with a hopeful look. "Really? Is Betsy really not hurt?"

  "Yes, I am here today to solve Wilson, so he will never harm others," Jack replied.

  Melvin was grateful for him and continued to thank: "Thank you, thank you, thank you..."

  "Don't rush to thank me," Jack raised his hand to signal the other party to stop. "I am not qualified."

  hearing that, Melvin glimpsed, the heart gradually sinking, is the other side like Wilson is a bad guy, want him to do bad things?

  If the other side wants him to do bad things, Melvin will not resist, because he is afraid that the other side will use Bates to marry him.

  "My condition is... help me make a dress," Jack slowly said the purpose of the trip, "just one."

  When he heard Jack, Melvin couldn't help but stunned and asked incredulously: "Just make a dress? Is it really that simple?"

  Jack only asked him to make a dress. It wasn't like Wilson's threat to Melvin to work for him. Make a dress, for Melvin, It is too simple.

  Jack shook his fingers and said: "Of course it is not that simple. I want the clothes you make with some requirement."

  Looking around, after seeing a few white papers and pens on the Melvin workbench, Jack Ming went to the table, picked up the pen, and start drawing at a dazzling hand speed for a few times, I drew the "flash" custom shape in my memory.

   Jack was grateful for indulging in the field in his previous life. In order to draw a sketch of the goddess in the anime, although it is not professional, it also reaches the level of ordinary people and does not look ugly.

  Jack handed the sketch of the superb image to Melvin and said: "The styling is designed according to this. Here and here is gold, and all other places are white."

  Melvin took the draft map and saw that the talent of the design made him see the characteristics of the dress at a glance. It was slender, making the action more flexible and agile. It can let the wearer run faster without too much hindrance, it is a uniform for those who can fast.

  Subconsciously, Melvin grabbed the pen and forgot to trim the rough design in his hand. Every detail was modified to make the design more reasonable and further optimized.

  In a short time, a professional design drawing that made Jack's original author shameful. After Melvin's drastic modification, Jack's speedster suit became more sophisticated and more dazzling than the original sculpt. It is a piece of art.

  After the design was revised, Melvin was sobered from the state of self-forgetting. Looking at the design that he had changed, Melvin nodded with satisfaction, but when he thought of Jack Ming's design, he was arbitrarily modified. "Sorry, I subconscious..."

  Jack shook his hand and said that he didn't care. Just kidding, I still want to have other ideas.

  "Help me make this dress, coloring it just as I said, here and here is gold, other places are white." Jack pointed to the lightning signs on both sides of the hood, and the stripes on the shirt, and spoke Again.

  Melvin nodded quickly. "OK, I know, I will do what you want."

  After that, Melvin hesitated and couldn't help but ask: "Do you really just want me to make a dress? No other requirements?"

  "No doubt, I just want you to help me make a piece of clothing before I took Wilson." Jack Ming once again emphasized his purpose and made Melvin feel at ease.

  "But why is it?" Melvin really didn't understand why he was chosen.

  Jack touched his chin and made a thought. He said: "There is no way. In my impression, only your craft is trustworthy."

  Jack means that he only knows that Melvin is famous in the world of Marvel. Melvin has misunderstood. He has a sense of trust and a sense of accomplishment. He is excited: "You can rest assured that I will exhaust everything to do the best work of my life."

  "Oh... good." Although I don't know why Melvin suddenly became excited, the effect is also beneficial. Jack has no reason to interrupt the enthusiasm of the other party.

  Jack pointed to Wilson on the ground and asked: "You want me to deal with Wilson, this guy is also the deposit I gave you."

  Melvin stared at Wilson, still in a coma, hesitating, and his eyes flashed from fear and anger from time to time, and finally, he was discouraged: "Betsy Beatty told me to be a good person, I want to listen to her. If you are a good person, you don't have to continue doing bad things."

  Hearing Melvin's answer, Jack did not look down on him. Melvin's decision was a bit too kind, but because the daughter wanted him to be a good person, Jack would respect his choice.

  However, this is a bit tricky. Originally, Jack was planning to wipe out Wilson directly. Now it is obviously impossible. It is impossible to let Wilson go. It is understandable to let the tiger return to the mountain.

  Jack Ming's brain began to work at speed and thought about other solutions.

  First of all, the killing can pass, so how can it be solved?

  Recalling the role of each of the twelve spells, Jack quickly thought of one of the spells.

  The tiger spell, which represents balance, can divide the two sides of human beings into two individuals.

  Divide Wilson into two people, good and evil, and kill the evil one, leaving the good one?

  Wilson, who only know good, may wash his hands in the golden basin, disband his gangsters, and really do charity, thinking of that picture, it is very interesting.

  I don't know Wilson, who is bent on being good, will he be mistaken for thinking that his brain is in trouble?

  When he said that he could do it, Jack couldn't wait to display the tiger charm. This is a very rare ability. In the eyes of Melvin's horror, Wilson suddenly split into two and became two!

  Unlike Melvin, who was shocked by Wilson's split into two, Jack was once again speechless about the irrational phenomenon attached to the spell: people can split into good and evil, why are the clothes split? Do you have good and bad clothes?

  Although the heart is constantly vomiting at the spell being unreasonable, also know that the magical thing of the spell does not need him to care too much, not to mention he is currently in the world of Marvel, which is an unreasonable world itself.

  Jack explained to Melvin: "This is one of the superpowers I have. You can think of it as magic. The effect is what you see. Wilson is split into two, one full of good thoughts and one full of evil thoughts."

  "Ah?" Melvin was shocked. What Jack said was too subversive. Even if he was less intelligent than ordinary people, he knew how powerful Jack is now.

  Then Melvin was curious: "That is, Mr. Wilson was divided into Mr.good Wilson and Mr.evil Wilson?"

  Jack nodded and said: "Yes, I am going to leave the good one and destroy the bad one. The city only needs good Wilson, no need for bad Wilson."

  "And, Wilson, who keeps good thoughts, is a good man who is downright. You don't have to worry that he will threaten you again."

  After hearing Jack's solution, Melvin nodded and agreed. Although the result was to kill a Wilson, but kept a kind-hearted Wilson, this ending is very good.

  Melvin looked left and right and said with some distress: "Who is the good Mr. Wilson?"

  This is what Jack trying to know. He didn't know which one was good, but he turned his eyes and quickly came up with a solution. "It's very simple."

  Jack came to the front of two Wilsons and each took a slap in the face and woke them up.

  After Wilson on the left woke up, he was stunned by the wound on his face and cried, "I have done too many bad things. For my sins I deserve more than this slap, I should be judged. Please kill me. I am a bad person who is not worth living!"

  Said, Wilson fell into deep remorse, tears in his eyes, his hands covering his face and weeping.

  When Wilson on the right woke up and saw Jack, he immediately wanted to attack but could not make it because of the injury. He roared in disgust: "Damn hybrid! I want to kill you! Kill you!..."

  With a punch, Wilson, who could only speak sh*t, was stunned again and Jack turned his head. He said to the stunned Melvin: "Look, isn't this easy to distinguish?"

  (The real role of the Tiger Charm is to balance the strength of the body. I know that this is just a use of the side effect of the Tiger Charm, "Separating Good and Evil". This is rarely used in the future, but the Tiger Charm is a big helper in the future. Guess, Tip: Marvels' power)