I am the fastest man alive

Looking at a grief-stricken Wilson, he constantly repented of his sins. Another fiercely wicked Wilson had not put a few words and was stunned. Melvin was somewhat blind.

  The performance of the two is completely different. It is completely opposite sides. One can't wait for death. One becomes more bad and cruel. As long as it is a normal person, you can see which is good and which is bad.

  "It's amazing, Mr. Wilson is really good." Melvin is very satisfied with the kind Wilson, although it seems to be too compassionate, at least a good person.

  As for the evil Wilson, Melvin naturally chose to hand it over to Jack Ming. the world only needs one good Wilson is enough, and bad ones don't have to exist.

  As for Jack's ending for Wilson, he has already thought about it.

  Jack Ming asked: "Melvin, how long does it take for you to get the job done?"

  Melvin didn't think about it, as he was confident and full of authenticity: "Give me ten days, I can definitely make the most satisfying work."

  "Well, I will find you after ten days," Jack Ming said, looked at both good Wilson and evil Wilson, turned and prepared to leave. "You don't have to worry about the safety of Batsy, Wilson will not threaten her anymore."

  "Hey, why do I have the heart to hurt an innocent girl? I really sin for the death..." Good Wilson still repented and blamed himself. When he heard Jack's words, he burst into tears and glared at his chest.

  Jack Ming: "..."

  Melvin: "..."

  fu*k, so annoying...

  However, when he heard the kindness of Wilson, Melvin couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Batsy would never be in danger. After he let go of his heart, Melvin's professional ethics went online again. "Lord, please let me measure your size. ."

  Melvin picked up the tape measure and did not wait for Jack Ming to answer. He focused on Jack's height and measurements.

  Jack shrugged and didn't care.

  After measuring all the data, Jack grabbed two Wilsons and walked outside the door. Melvin quickly asked: "I don't know what to call you?"

  "Hey... call me 'Mr.Jack'." Jack Ming replied casually, then flew away, and soon disappeared without a trace.

  Melvin solemnly looked at the direction in which Jack left: "Mr. Jack, I will definitely live up to your trust."


  After pouring a bunch of chicken soup like "the mistakes of the past and make up for it now", the good Wilson finally stabilized his emotions, although from time to time he suddenly became sad and whispered, "I am guilty".

  After repeated persuasion, the good Wilson also hid everything in his heart and restored his usual posture, but he lost a few points of anger and a little more peace.

  "Hello, I will spend the rest of my life helping others, hoping to reduce my sin, hey, what have I done..."

  After the good Wilson made the guarantee, Jack Ming took the business card handed by Good Wilson, with his phone number on it. He could contact him afterward, and then he left with the evil Wilson.

  Good Wilson stood on a street, waiting quietly, his eyes filled with sorrow that could not be erased. Moments later, he calmed down, he converged his emotions, while showing his usual majesty.

  Starting today, there is only one me, one Wilson Fisker who can really make this city better!


  Jack Ming grabbed the evil Wilson and went to a river outside the Hell's kitchen. He threw it away, and the unsmiling evil Wilson felt a heavy bump on his face. The soreness from the nose awakened him from a coma.

  Evil Wilson sighed a few words in pain and looked up at Jack Ming. He just wanted to swear, and Jack calmly extended a finger and said: "Fish."

  White light shot from the fingertips, hit the evil Wilson after the light shines, the evil Wilson becomes a... fat head fish?

  Jack is also not sure if this fat fish is a fat fish.

He just said "fish", there is no specific type, so the image of evil Wilson is randomly changed.

  "It's ugly." Jack Ming gently kicked the fat fish into the river, watching the fat fish sway a few times and swam away quickly.

  The memory of the fish is only 7 seconds, and the evil Wilson has more thoughts, and now he has forgotten everything.

  Jack was too lazy to start, let the evil Wilson live as a fish, and fend for himself.


  After returning home, Jack Ming did not do anything else. During the day, he went around to browse the scenery of New York. At night, he was low-key and went to the "playing" some punks.

  The previous broken door lock, fixed by someone, more disappointing is that Frank, who was stunned by him, did not find someone to retaliate. It seems that it is just a bully.

  Soon, ten days passed, and it was time to find Melvin to receive the results.

  Dressing up his "newbie" clothes, Jack skillfully launched stealth + floating + speeding, enjoying a "speed and passion" and rushed to Melvin's warehouse-like lightning.

  As soon as I landed, I saw... a new gate.

  Oh, yes, it was a violent opening when I came last time, this time polite.

  Raised his hand and knocked on the door, making a heavy knock on the door. At the same time, the gate was recessed into several dents. Well, forgetting to force it.

  "Melvin, I am coming."

  The sound of the door, the gate slowly rises, and the oncoming is Melvin's face with an excited expression.

  Melvin cheerfully said: "Mr. Jack, I have done your clothes."

  After all, Melvin bent down, pulled a box from a storage cabinet, put the box on the workbench, and smiled silly.

  Jack Ming stepped forward and came to Melvin's face, quite looking forward to the authenticity: "Let me see your work."

  Melvin nodded excitedly, opened the box, and then turned the box to Jack Ming to show his masterpiece and pride.

   inside the box is a set of neatly folded clothes, gold and white leather, similar to the one in Jack Ming's memory, and some details are different. It is the improvement of Melvin, let this dress The overall image has become more perfect.

  Upon seeing this exquisite "artwork", Jack couldn't help but feel like he should wear it, grabbing his clothes and launching speeding power at the same time, so that he couldn't make a quick noise.

  In the blink of an eye, Melvin saw Jack Ming put on the set of speedster suit. The slender white leather makes Jack Ming look very healthy. It makes people feel sensitive at first glance, and the golden lightning stripes are extremely fierce and high end. Ming is very noble and domineering right know.

  After a little activity, I didn't feel any discomfort. The fit of the clothes and the body was just right. It was not tight. The leather made of special materials didn't feel rough with the skin. I have to say that Melvin's craftsmanship. Exceeded Jack Ming's prediction, he did not have any bad reviews on this suit.

  The covered helmet completely covers the entire head of Jack Ming, and a special lens is used in the eye to protect the fragile eyes.

  "In order to complete this suit, I used all my special materials, spent a lot of time and energy, and finally made it," Melvin said proudly. "This suit has completely eliminated the air Friction, and it can be fireproof, it has a great defense against the attack of sharp weapon and gun, and it can achieve the degree of bulletproof."

  After all, Melvin looked at Jack Ming dryly, like a child waiting for his parents to praise.

  and Jack Ming also praised without holding back: "too beautiful! Melvin, no one can do better than you! This dress is too close to the image in my heart, can not find any shortcomings!"

  With Jack Ming's affirmation, Melvin couldn't help but smirk proudly.

  Going to the front of a large rectangular mirror, Jack carefully looked at his current appearance. His figure was not very outstanding before he got the spells. It was the average person's physique, but after getting the spells especially the cow spells it helped strengthen his body all-around he had the same figure as Captain America and now wearing the speedster suit, it naturally adds a domineering effect making him looks very heroic.

  At this time, Jack Ming is like a speedster person, except for the "lightning effect" that comes with the speed force...

  Well? Lightning, don't know if this can be...

  Jack Ming suddenly had an idea, concentrated and focused on his own eyes, and gradually, Jack Ming's eyes appeared dazzling golden electric light!

  "Haha, really can." Looking at the gleaming eyes of his own eyes in the mirror, Jack Ming also praised his own whimsy.

  Just now he thought that although he could not do the whole body lightning entanglement, the "electric eye" of the pig spell can also bring the "lightning effect" to the eyes, but it must be controlled to let the electric light not shoot out.

  Well, in order to force it, Jack Ming is also painstaking...

  Melvin on the side was stunned. When Jack turned around and looked at him with his eyes with electric light, Melvin's nerves were tight at once, and he had a feeling of being exposed to death. The golden electric light covered Jack's eyes, making it impossible to see the emotions in his eyes, as if facing the indifference of the gods, looking daunting and not looking straight.

  For Jack Ming's gaze, Melvin looked scared and timid. When he couldn't support it, Jack quietly stopped the power of the pig spell. When he saw the electric light scattered, Melvin slapped and fell into a shock.

  Seeing that Melvin was so frightened, wiped the cold sweat on his face, looked at him with fear, Jack Ming wondered: "What?"

  "too... terrible," Melvin's tongue was a knot, snarling. "Mr. Jack's eyes are so scary..."

  Melvin's mental retardation and there is no good word to describe, directly indicating the inner panic, coupled with the fear of not doing anything, let Jack Ming instantly know how shocking he was.

  Hehe, the electro-optical eye of the pig spell is not only loaded but also comes with the effect of "shocking". Can you scare the enemy in the blink of an eye?

  Jack Ming thought for a while, only to return to God, seeing Melvin's timid look, he apologized in his heart, scaring the honest man is his fault, "Sorry, Melvin, I did not mean it." ."

  After hearing Jack Ming apologize, Melvin was flattered and waved his hand, sincerely and fearfully said: "No, no, how can I blame you."

  After slowing down, Melvin's heart is full of sorrow, but more is the worship of Jack Ming, Jack Ming's powerful strength and equal treatment. makes Melvin unwilling to be convinced and willing to wholeheartedly work for Jack Ming.

  After watching the slashing squats and looking carefully, Jack Ming was already very impatient and wanted to run in his new suit.

  Looking at the "No. 1 uniform" that was replaced, Jack Ming was trying to deal with it. Lost it? But this black dress was bought for $150. if It was thrown away after a few rounds. Isn't it too wasteful?

  But as soon as I saw myself in the mirror, the long-sleeved speedy suits exceeded the monotonous black by N grades, and the black clothes were not even compared with the speedy suits.

  Between the thoughts, Jack Ming decisively threw his black clothes into the trash can next to the workbench, and then said to Melvin: "I will wear the uniform, Wilson will not threaten you again, you will peace of mind and Betsy will live."

  Melvin bowed reverently and thanked him with sincerity: "Thank you for your help, Mr. Jack, wish you peace of mind forever."

  Under the hood, Jack Ming's mouth blew an arc. "Remember, be a good person."

  In the next moment, the gust of wind suddenly began, and there was some tingling on the face. Melvin had only had time to see a piece of afterimage, and Jack Ming ran out of his sight and disappeared.

  Melvin sighed reverently.


  Perhaps because of the war clothes, Jack Ming, who has already enjoyed the speed of flying, feels that the blood in the body seems to be burning. Every cell is like a cheering, encouraging him to run at a faster speed.

  Passing through countless buildings and flashing passers-by, by passers-by, Jack Ming was so excited, that he could not help but scream: "I am the fastest man alive!"

  Oh, this sentence still feels a little wrong...