Everyone is racing against time

After running around in a circle, almost every corner of the entire Hell's kitchen has been visited, and Jack Ming's passionate emotions gradually calmed down.

  "Call... cool!" Jack Ming stopped in front of a coffee shop and was satisfied.

  But when Jack Ming was across the glass and saw people in the coffee shop open their mouths and eyes wide, he realized that he did not open the stealth mode!



  Jack Ming subconsciously prepared for stealth, but immediately stopped the idea because he did not know how many people in the cafe saw it.

  I looked around and found that there were a lot of people coming and going in the street. He had gathered a crowd of onlookers around him. Most of them took out their mobile phones and pointed at him. They flashed photos and whispered to each other. He pointed at him.

  With the help of the Bull Spell to strengthen the body and greatly improve the hearing, Jack Ming clearly heard the dialogue of the crowd.


  "Is it abnormal?"

  "What might be the show?"

  "No, he may have escaped from a mental hospital..."

  "Someone saw when he appeared?"


  Most of the content of the dialogue is directed at the shirts of Jack Ming, but the evaluation is not very friendly. Jack Ming feels a toothache. Do you have normal aesthetics?

  Suddenly, a boy screamed loudly: "He just appeared there! Is it an instant move?"

  The voice just fell, many people cast a sneer at the boy, the boy's face was thin, facing everyone as if looking at an idiot's gaze, instantly lost, bowed his head and ran away.

  There are also some people who saw Jack Ming appearing while wondering if they are illusory, and staring at Jack Ming.

  More and more passers-by have gathered, and there is an increasing trend. Jack Ming feels that he can no longer continue to stay, and must leave quickly.

  Anyway, sooner or later, this image will appear in front of the public, and it will be debuted in advance.

  The upper body leaned forward slightly, made a posture to prepare for the start, scanned it, found a gap, and then...

  Along with a strong wind, several passers-by were shocked and fell on the ground. The crowd watched as well shocked to find that the "transvestites"[1] that had just appeared were gone, just disappeared like that!

  "I dreaming right!!!"

  In the next few hours, the street is not destined to calm down...


  After running out of the active zone of the crowd, Jack Ming started flying without stopping. Of course, this time I will definitely not forget the stealth.

  At full speed 12 times the speed of sound, without spending much time, Jack Ming returned to his apartment in Queens.

  When I first came to my door, the neighbor next door happened to open the door. I saw a guy wearing a white tight-fitting suit and looking suspiciously standing at the door of the Chinese house. I couldn't help but feel nervous and watched Jack Ming...

  Found that the neighbors looked at him, Jack Ming suddenly felt bad in his heart, slowly lifted a palm, launched the speeding spell, the entire palm vibrations at a super high speed.

  This is a small move in "Flash", the high-frequency vibration of the palm can achieve a degree of sharp cutting.

  In the days when I waited for Melvin to complete the uniform, Jack Ming did not do anything. In addition to the destructive power of the Dragon Charm, it was inconvenient to use it casually. He had practiced other spells, like a rabbit charm. The speed is fast because I can learn some things from "Flash", so Jack Ming also developed some skills, just like the high-frequency hand knife.

  Then, Jack Ming emulated another trick of the Flash, controlling the light vibration of the vocal cords, causing the voice to be pulled down, thus disguising its true voice.

  Jack Ming's voice became low and magnetic and asked: "Is there anything?"

  There is golden sparkling light in the eyes.

Like the high-spirited god overlooking a humble and on the ground, the neighbors are suddenly creepy, and the panic in the eyes is getting deeper and deeper. Finally, the two eyes turn over and fall straight and faint.

  Seeing that the neighbor was directly stunned by him, Jack Ming took up the intimidation posture and went to the neighbors to inquire about it. The neighbors only fainted and did not have much problem.

  Jack does not want to scare people casually. The bad guys' life and death don't matter, but they still have to be normal in their ordinary lives. Jack Ming doesn't want to be a man with no moral bottom line.

  To be on the safe side, Jack put his palm on the neighbor's forehead and started treatment before returning to his room.

  Because of the power of healing, the neighbors soon woke up from their coma and found that there was no one in front of them. It seemed that everything was just an illusion, but the neighbors thought of some unclean things, and they became more and more panicked and forgot the purpose of going out. , hurriedly fled home, and locked the door with a "tik".


  Jack Ming walked to the mirror hanging on his wall and took off his helmet and looked at his handsome face.

  To ask the difference between the original and Jack Ming, that is, there is a lack of glasses. Jack Ming's past life is highly myopic[2] because of his addiction to network, but the new body does not have the economic conditions to contact the network, so there is no chance to be as in his old world. he has a night like eyes+the physical appearance of Captain America and the good mental outlook. Unlike Jack Ming's past life, he was always a dark-eyed, languid decadent image.

  Coupled with the power of the spells that instantly improved his body, now although Jack Ming is still a handsome(a little handsome), there is a tendency to change towards perfect development.

  It's a handsome batch...

  Jack Ming is quite narcissistic as he praises himself in the mirror. Well, very shameless...

ohh know what I lack is IQ, fuck, if I knew who made my brain like this making me stupid I will give him a piece of my mind (oth: yeah right that is if can find me, but don't worry I will compensate you if you discover your other ability )

  Boasting a few words, Jack Ming stopped praising himself, lay down on the bed, and think about the next plan.

  "The uniform is also done, and I can officially be dispatched after a while to maintain the security of the Queens."

  Thinking of this, Jack Ming thought of the famous civilian hero in Queens, Spider-Man, but look at the situation, here is the Marvel movie universe, Spider-Man should be the Dutch version, not the classic trilogy and extraordinary series, Is Peter Parker still a kid?

  It is now in 2008, and Captain America 3 is released in 2017, the new version of Spider-Man officially debut, and Peter Parker is 15 years old, that is, now the little Peter is ... 6 years old?

  "Sh*t, I have to wait nine years to see the little bug..." As a loyal fan of Spider-Man, Jack Ming is very upset, but there is no way, it is impossible for him to create Spider-Man in advance. Can you imagine a 6-year-old Spider-Man? This also... looks interesting?

  Imagine the image of the little version of Spider-Man, I feel very cute, do you want to find a mutant spider bite, Peter, let the little version of Spider-Man appear?

  Jack Ming was a little bit tempted by this whimsy, but after calmly thinking about it, he gave up this idea that was full of fun and tempting, because it would not work.

  Now that Peter is only 6 years old, what happens when a 6-year-old child gains superpower? Even the 15-year-old Peter Parker is not very mature, not to mention the 6-year-old Peter, who is most likely to use this ability to play.

  Moreover, the mutant spider in memory that changed the life of Peter Parker should not appear yet? Even if the research on gene mutation has already begun, the mutant spider does not know the "senior" of the first generation. The mutant gene in the body is still unstable. If this defective product is injected into Peter, he may turn into a fu*king Humanoid spider...

  The brain made up a little Spider-Man who had his buttocks and eight long-legged furry legs. Jack Ming felt goosebumps creeping out, and the "Spider-Man's Early Birth Plan" had not been hovering in his mind for a long time, and immediately shattered into slag.

  Huh... Marvel's son-in-law was almost destroyed in my hands, so dangerous.

  Although I regret that I can't see Spider-Man, Jack Ming is more determined to fight crime. Now it is starting to clean up the chop, so he is going to be Spider-Man's senior.

  Fantasizing about the future scene of Spider-Man yelling at senior, Jack Ming was quite looking forward to it, in order to leave a tall and mighty image for the younger generation, we must work hard to sedu..reduce and punish the evil.

  But, there is still one more thing to do now.

  Counting the days, now Tony Stark's original steel shirt "Mark One" is nearing completion.

  Although the movie said it was missing for three months, it was not mentioned for a few days, Jack Ming could not grasp the time so accurately, and Jack still does not know the position of Tony Stark being imprisoned. Go to the Middle East and search for it carefully.

  Even if Jack Ming has fly and speed spells, it will take some time. If you continue to drag it down, then nothing will be played.

  As for where Tony Stark was attacked in the Middle East, it is no secret on the Internet. Jack Ming just started to find the place where Tony Stark was attacked. I believe it will be found soon...

  Jack Ming realized that his thinking was too simple. If it was really easy to find, why did the military spend three months and the search was fruitless? In the end, Tony Stark came to a big bang to attract the attention of the search team.


  There was a sense of urgency in his heart. Jack Ming quickly went out to buy a mountaineering bag and a lot of water and food. Although the power of the dog spell can make him always energetic, Jack Ming still used to have a normal diet every day.

  After the preparations were completed, Jack Ming said nothing, dressed in a battle suit, carrying a hill-sized mountaineering bag, hiding his body shape, and constantly flying to Afghanistan...


  On the third day of Jack's trip to Afghanistan.

  Afghanistan, the base of a terrorist organization.

  "Can't drag on anymore, you must start Mark One immediately."

  It was the famous Tony Stark who spoke. At this time, the billionaire was very embarrassed and being kidnapped by terrorists, The treatment would not be so good. He was dressed in dirty and ragged clothes, and he was yellow and thin. The eyes were as bright as the reactor on his chest.

  Next, to him, a person dressed as a scholar, glasses on the bridge of the nose and a suit with a lot of dust on his body, all reflect the book's enthusiasm, and this person is Dr. Ethan who changed Tony Stark's life...

  Ethan learned a lot of knowledge, proficient in multiple languages, and was also kidnapped by terrorists. It was also his surgery that helped Tony to take the shrapnel out of the body and made a simple electromagnet machine to absorb the residual fragments in the body in Tony, to maintain Tony's life.

  It was also Ho Yinsen's encouragement of Tony, that allowed him to not completely became desperate after being beaten by terrorists. He regained his confidence and faked his submission to the terrorists, pretending to compromise and making missiles for terrorists, and using materials provided by terrorists, resulting in the creation of the Arak reactor on Tony's chest, and the cumbersome steel armor "Mark One" in front!

  Ethan frowned and worried: "But..."

  When the words were not finished, Tony interrupted Ethan's words. "There is no time, we must act now!"

  Tony and Ethan's three-month jailbreaking plan, Tony put on his steel armor and forcibly broke through. When he saw that he was about to succeed, he was caught by the leader of the terrorists and made an ultimatum – either made missile for him or death.

  Seeing that his invention was used by terrorists to kill innocent civilians, Tony naturally would not cooperate, and would not sit still. Although the preparation was not enough, the escape plan could only be advanced.

  It was said that Ethan had opened his mouth and had nothing to say. Indeed, the situation is already very serious and there is no way to continue to fool those terrorists.

  The arrow had to be sent on the string, and Tony and Ethan began to prepare to escape the work...


[1] transvestite: A person who sometimes wears clothes traditionally worn by and associated with the opposite sex; typically a male who cross-dresses occasionally by habit or personal choice.

[2] myopic: nearsighted