begins today, please call me "Godfather"!

 With the help of Ethan, Tony put the heavy steel armor on his body. Because it was the result of scrambling to get the job done, and the steel plate was thickened for bulletproof, Tony was struggling to wear this armor.

  However, when the situation was urgent, Tony couldn't care about what he felt. Ethan grabbed the wrench and screwed it and asked, "Okay, say it again."

  Tony began to retell their planning process: "Go 41 steps forward, go to the door, take 16 steps..."

  At this time, the leader of the terrorists did not see Tony in the surveillance. He only saw what Ethan was busy with in front of a shelf. The shelf was facing the surveillance camera and he could not see what Ethan was doing.

  The leader who felt that something was wrong immediately sent two men to check the situation.

  The two hands came down to the door of Tony and Ethan's studio, opened the lookout hole on the door and looked inside, but only saw Ethan busy in front of a shelf, so he asked.

  Seeing that Ethan did not respond, Tony looked more anxious than the two men outside the house. "Speak, answer him!"

  "This is Hungarian, I won't..." Ethan was even more anxious, and his movements did not stop.

  "Then just say a Hungarian word!"

  Ethan was also anxious to turn his head, and he thought of one and then blurted out, "#&%..."

  As a result, even Ethan himself forgot the meaning of the Hungarian vocabulary, and immediately angered the two terrorists outside, one of them violently opened the door and then triggered Tony's homemade bomb at the doorknob...


  Two terrorists were blown out by the oncoming explosion and immediately took the box lunch.

  Although the two terrorists were resolved, the iron gate's line of defense was also blown up, and the terrorists saw this scene on the monitor, and they rushed over in a desperate manner. Tony and Ethan's time was running low.

  Ethan probed and glanced at the two blackened bodies outside the door. Some of them were worried. Tony urged: "Start the power system."

  Ethan immediately threw the wrench aside and turned around. Under Tony's command, he violently tapped the keyboard to enter the command, and a slow progress bar appeared on the computer screen.

  In order to start the armor, it also needs to be fully charged. Looking at the slow charging progress bar on the computer, Tony and Ethan's heart rushed in the same breath and kept saying "fast and fast" in the mouth.

  However, the progress bar is halfway, and the terrorists are getting closer and closer to them. Ethan glanced at the slow progress bar on the screen. "The time is not enough..." He bit his teeth and turned to Tony. "Hey, I am going to give you time!"

  After all, Ethan quickly walked outside the door and grabbed the machine gun on the body.

  " do according to the plan!..." Tony was shocked and hurriedly wanted to stop Ethan. The steel armor on his body was not fully charged, and he could not move.

  Ethan did not listen to Tony's dissuasion, opened a few shots to attract the attention of the enemy, and then rushed out without head back.

  "Ethan!" Tony screamed while looking at the progress bar on the screen, and his heart became more anxious...


  Ethan ran wildly, and the machine gun in his hand shot at the top of his head. Several terrorists who heard the sound of the wolf turned and fled. Ethan didn't think much, chasing after him, chasing the hole... The situation is bad!

  Looking at the front row of terrorists neatly pointed at him with guns, Ethan's heart was sinking down, it seems that he can only delay here...

  On the other side, with the progress bar coming to an end, a burst of prompts, Tony silently walked down the shelf and put on the simple steel helmet.

  Several terrorists rushed in and found the two bodies on the ground, and they were very vigilant.

Lightly and gently approaching the dimly lit studio, one of the terrorists was pushed forward by the small head, squinting and squinting around, and when the light glowed behind him, he turned and saw the tall steel armor...

  Suddenly, he was shocked. he had not raised the machine gun and The steel giant in front of him had attacked and punched him flying!

  In addition, the few terrorists who have not yet stepped into the room are like a bird who was surprised, pulling the trigger madly, and the sound of "ta ta ta ta" is endless.

  In a short while, the bullets were exhausted, and there was no movement in the house. Several of the men slacked off and turned their heads, only to find that their brain was shocked and their eyes were getting bigger and bigger. It seemed that they saw something terrible.

  Several of the men realized the anomaly and turned around in a hurry. They haven't reacted yet. One by one they were shot and flew out, unconscious.

  The only small head standing was madly shooting the steel giant in front of him, but the thick steel plate made the bullets flew out, and a heavy punch from the steel giant hit him to the ground.

  The terrorists at the end of the passage still shot madly, but after all, they were useless. The steel giants made slow progress while unscathed, and several terrorists flew together, but they were successively punched.

  Seeing that the attack did not work, the remaining terrorists lost their well in an instant and began to disperse and escape. Tony dragged the heavy feet and stepped harder, and solved them one by one.

  At the entrance of the cave, the leader of the terrorist held a rocket launcher and stood alone, waiting for Tony to come out of the cave.

  Although the surface is nothing, the panic and fear are in full display in his eyes. It is only the dignity of the leader and the bloodiness of the unscrupulous, which forces him to stay here and meet the enemy.

  Tony broke through the layers and finally came to the exit, but saw Ethan, who was dying on the side. "Ethan!" Tony just had to go to Ethan, but he heard Ethan screaming: " Be careful!"

  Tony immediately found the head of the bald head standing in front of the exit. The bald head saw Tony and launched the rocket in his hand, and Tony being reminded flashed aside in time to escape the deadly shot.

  After escaping from the head of the bald leader, Tony raised his hand and aimed at the head of the bald man. He just wanted to launch the missile loaded on his arm, but he removed the target and pointed to the left side of the head of the bald head.

  The leader had not figured out the situation, and the footsteps came from behind him. He quickly turned around and saw a man in a white tight-fitting suit strolling into the cave. The covered helmet covered the face of the coming person.

  The uninvited guest didn't care about the bald head pointing his gun at him, and his tone was friendly: "Hello, I am looking for Tony Stark..."

  Hearing, Tony couldn't help but glimpse. He didn't know any strange geeks, and the bald leader mistakenly thought that it was Tony's accomplice and made an attack in an instant.

  Because he had just shot a shell and had not had time to fill it up, the head of the bald head took the opportunity to use the launcher as a stick.

  In the face of the bald head attack, the incoming person seems to have not reacted, and Tony couldn't help but raise his hand and prepare to shoot at the bald leader.

  However, the head of the bald head was shot down, and the figure of the other side had been lost. He looked around in confusion and found that the other person stood behind him with his arms crossed and looked at him carelessly.

  So fast!

  Tony and the leader flashed the same idea at the same time. They didn't see any sign of the uninvited guest's evasion. The other party appeared in another place.

  The leader screamed loudly and asked: "Who are you!"

  The person caressed the chin as if he was seriously thinking about the answer. After only a few seconds, the other party said in an uncertain tone: "umm... can you call me...GodFather?"

  Godfather? godfather?

  The leader felt mad, what is the uncertainty in your tone and why the name so cheap? are you teasing me?

  "Are you kidding me?" The leader was furious.

  Tony, who came to Yinsen in front of him to check the situation, also had a strange color. Is the other party alright

  God testified that Jack Ming did not mean to tease people. In order to find the whereabouts of Tony Stark, in addition to occasionally adding water or hunger, he did not stop flying at high speed. Afghanistan is not a small place, even if he reduced the scope of search he took a lot of time to find the place.

  The place where Tony was imprisoned is too remote and has no outstanding features. Afghanistan has almost all the bases for arms. Jack Ming has found several terrorist bases in the past few days, and two of them paid attention to him in the process of searching. Attention was drawn, and the terrorists fired shots, and then... each base was rewarded a dragon blast.

  Fortunately, Jack Ming did not stupidly count the days to find someone, spent a few days, finally caught up with the plot, Tony Stark was quickly singled out with the terrorist.

  Therefore, in such a tight time, Jack Ming has a free time to think of his own name, can only temporarily think of a taller, originally intended to plagiarize directly to report "GodSpeed", but after high-speed thinking, it was changed to "GodFather".

  He does not only have the speed, but he will also certainly show other spells one by one in front of the world. The title of "speed" is completely limiting his strength, so he chose "the godfather" title as it is more prestige.

  Jack Ming will not admit that he is influenced by the underworld Godfather...

  "Yes, I am the godfather." Jack Ming repeated it again, this time with a positive tone.

  Bald head: "..."

  Tony: "..."

  Ethan lying on the ground: "Ah..."

  When Jack Ming watched the movie, he appreciated the role of Ethan. He found that Ethan was going to die at any time. Naturally, he would not sit back and watch Ethan once again accept death.

  "Although I still want to talk a few lines, the time seems not enough." The voice just fell, Jack Ming flashed in front of the leader, and bounced against the bald head, using a few points of strength.


  The next moment, the head of the leader was like a cracked watermelon. The scene, oh... belongs to the colorful level in the movie the kingsman except instead of rainbow color its blood and brain, and will not be described in too much detail.

  The headless body of the bald head fell softly, and thick blood continued to flow from the broken head.

  Jack Ming also regretted it. In order to make a handsome appearance, this action was carried out. but Instead, it turned into this, and Tony had uncovered the mask. Tut spit.

  This is simply challenging his psychological endurance...

  I only killed a robber... If it weren't for Tony Stark who lost his style, Jack Ming would vomit.

  The whole body trembled and smashed the body's filth, glanced at the headless body on the ground, and the vomiting sensation came to life. He immediately turned his eyes and saw Tony vomiting without any image. The mood finally eased and looked with interest. This rare scene.

  It's a pity that I didn't take the camera to take this scene...

  Jack Ming walked over to Ethan. Seeing this, Tony barely stopped the disgusting feeling, he raised his hand to his face uncomfortably, and the missile on his arm aimed at Jack Ming, and he said with a strong voice: "Stop! What do you want to do?"