Yinsen Surviving

"Hey, let go," Jack Ming waved his hand at random, indicating that he was not malicious. "I just want to save Dr. Yinsen."

  Hearing, Tony suddenly woke up and looked down. Yinsen's eyes were dim, his breathing began to rush, and he was obviously dying. He couldn't think about how the other party was planning to save Ethan, who was dying. Tony hurriedly slammed: "Come on! Save Yinsen!"

  Jack Ming didn't care too much about Tony's tone of command. He came down to Yinsen and leaned down. His left hand was placed on the chest of Yinsen. He started the treatment and saved Yinsen who was half-foot into death. The right hand trembled with high frequency. Enter the wound of Yinsen!

  "Ah!" Just felt a refreshing warm current flowing in the body, and the next moment was severely painful, and Yinsen screamed involuntarily.

  "What are you doing!" To see Yinsen being "tortured" by Jack Ming, Tony was furious and immediately prepared to throw a punch.

  Jack Ming frowned and shouted: "Don't bother me, I have to take out the bullets in his body!"

  When he heard Jack Ming, Tony stopped, and put down the raised arm stiffly, and his face appeared a few embarrassments.

  Although the arrogant Tony is somewhat dissatisfied with Jack's attitude, the other party is saving Yinsen, he is good.

  It is not easy to get bullets from the body. Jack Ming had no such experience before. The blurry picture in front of him was completely impacting his three views. Jack Ming was not a professional medical staff after all, and he could only open it arbitrarily. In the place of the bullet, quickly remove the bullet and then quickly treat the wound.

  Even if Jack Ming moves quickly, but because there is no experience, and the number of bullets is quite large, it is doomed that Yinsen can only be sadly reminded to " sour feeling and screaming, and Tony looks at the scene with numb scalp and also looked at Jack Ming." There is also fears in his eyes.

  The experience of "successful desire to die" did not last long. After taking out the last bullet, the healing power quickly healed the wound and brought a burst of pleasure. Yinsen finally stopped screaming and fell asleep...

  Yinsen's wound healed quickly, and he recovered completely after a while. He couldn't see any signs of injury. Tony couldn't help but admire: "Interesting ability, is there any interest in being a private doctor? Give you five million a year. Ten thousand wages/month."

  The current situation is clearly developing in a good direction, so that Tony has let go of his heart a little, and he can't help but restore his cynicism.

  Hearing Tony's arrogant tone, Jack Ming couldn't help but speechless. To be sure, Tony Stark was always so self-conscious, and he couldn't change his arrogance whenever and wherever.

  Jack Ming faintly replied: "Sorry, no interest."

  To be honest, having a good relationship with Tony Stark, it is dispensable for Jack Ming, but Tony's talent for science has made him have to pay attention. Although the film has been cut a lot, in the 2nd, There has also been an "anti-Hulk armor" invented for the Hulk.

  In Iron Man 3, a variety of steel battle suits were dispatched. Jack Ming came to this world and was destined not to be low-key. In order to restrain him, there would be a set of "anti-father armor" in the future.

  Undoubtedly, Tony Stark has this mind and capital. Even the lord of the next-door DC has almost completed the great work of the gods by relying on the gold, killing the big superheroes, and the Tony Stark who is not weaker than the master can also take Gold against Jack.

  In the face of Jack's attitude of refusal, Tony's face was a little disappointing, and his eyes flashed a bit of twilight. As the successor of Stark industry, the people he met on weekdays did not respect him, even the army. The party and the government will also show basic goodwill. How can Jack Ming ignore his identity and reject his invitation?

  It's just that Jack's strength, the impulse was pressed as his remembered the scene, the speed that the naked eye can't capture, the treatment that almost looked like resurrection, all of which impacted Tony's cognition, although he knows that there is a presence as Captain America.

However, Captain America is only able to reach the human limit by injecting serum, and can still be explained by science and technology, and Jack Ming shows that it is obviously a supernatural ability.

  At present, there is very little understanding of this uninvited guest. In the case of a large power gap, Tony Stark can only suppress the dissatisfaction of his heart to avoid conflict with the other party.

  But since the other party's attitude is not good, Tony does not need to slap his cold ass, calm face, said: "Yes? Really regret, you missed a rare opportunity."

  Jack Ming was too lazy to respond to Tony. He came to save Tony. Most of them were to see Iron Man with his own eyes. Now it seems that the film and the reality are really different.

  As for the friendship of Tony Stark, it is not forced to let it go. Even if the relationship deteriorates in the future, it is really the time for you to die. Jack Ming top needs to guard against Tony's future invention of a set of armor.

  Although Tony's glamorous characters on the screen made him disappointed, he could save Yinsen this very good person. Jack Ming is not a white man, and he can retreat.

  "Well, Dr. Yinsen is okay, you should continue to flee from this place." Jack Ming got up and walked out of the cave. The next moment, there were various sounds, screams, percussion, guns, and sounds in the cave...

  Just between one or two breaths, the outside returned to calm, Tony helped Yinsen in the coma, carefully walked out of the cave, and the sight outside the cave made his pupil shrink.

  At this time, Jack Ming's figure was not seen, and there were dozens of hundreds of terrorists lying on the ground. Some were in a coma, and some were already dead. They all lost their fighting power and could not pose any threat to Tony.

  Tony was shocked that the terrorists were obviously solved by Jack Ming alone. Tony could solve the terrorists with his armor, but it could not be so simple and swift.

  What the hell is this!

  Tony Stark's heart was so shocked that he only swept away the dissatisfaction that Jack Ming's gave birth to, and at the same time decided to go back and must find ways to find the other's whereabouts.

  If you want to find a way to do a good job with this super-powerful person, you must also master his true identity and ability information and do a good job of prevention.

  Going back, Tony realized that they should hurry and escape, it is difficult to guarantee that other terrorists will come.

  One hand tightened Yinsen, Tony launched the flamethrower at the sole of the foot, flew into the air, stopped, and there were various arms weapons on the ground. The mark "Stark Industrial Manufacturing" above was a mockery of his nakedness, Tony munitions piled up on the ground, all the missiles on the arm were launched, detonating the place where he was imprisoned for three months.

  With a spectacular explosion scene, Tony was satisfied with Yinsen flying away from here. This grand "fireworks" is to celebrate the great Tony Stark and his return!

  Unfortunately, God seems to see that the playboy is so smug, Tony is carrying a very excited mood, flying to the sky, but not far away from the distance, the armor suddenly issued a "squeaky" dangerous sound.

  Tony's heart suddenly stunned and there was an ominous sign.

  Then, the sprayer under Tony's feet suddenly became dumb, and the result was not necessary to say that the armor of the body did not tighten the screws. When it fell suddenly, the parts of the armor were scattered and fell into the soft desert. Yinsen was also left behind.

  "Oh ah ah ah ah"

  Fortunately, it was in the big desert, and the soft sand weakened the pressure of falling. Tony shouted and shouted, but luckily he did not suffer too much damage.

  Tony was lying in the sand with pain, and the armor on his body had been scattered all over the place, leaving only a few pieces of debris hanging on his body. After rubbing the armor on both arms, Tony unveiled the mask and threw the entire cracked helmet to the side. There was a trace of blood hanging from the corner of his mouth. He comforted himself: "It's not bad."

  Yinsen, who was unconscious, was also awakened by this sudden fall. He opened his eyes in a blank voice and got up a little hard and looked around.

  Yinsen is now gray-faced, the glasses on the bridge of the nose are twisted and distorted, and the glass lenses are not broken. Although he doesn't vomit blood like Tony, he feels a lot of pain in his bones.

  "What? I... didn't die...?" Yinsen didn't respond. He remembered that he had a lot of bullets in his body. It was impossible to survive. Before the coma, it seemed to have experienced some... unpleasant things?

  Yinsen didn't have a memory before the coma, but as soon as he recalled, the body trembled involuntarily, as if he had an instinctive reaction to fear something.

  Yinsen, who was blind in the face, took off the broken glasses, and the distorted glasses were very uncomfortable. Yinsen squinted, and it was very difficult to see Tony not far away, and he could not help but rushed over.

  "Hey, Stark!"

  When I heard Yinsen's shouting, Tony looked over and saw Yinsen running towards him. Tony was also very excited. At the same time, his impression of Jack Ming was deepened.

  After all, everyone is reluctant to kill, who can guarantee that there will be no accidents in the future, and a person who has mastered the magical ability to return his life to the peak is enough to make countless people vie for him.

  Thinking of this, Tony only remembered that there was a big hole in his chest. Although he had filled up a reactor, the bullet fragments that were not taken out of the body were still a time bomb, he forgot to ask Jack Ming to help him with the treatment.

  But when I remembered the scene when Jack Ming treated Yinsen, Tony swayed between "healing" and "torture", and finally decided... or let's keep the reactor.

  Of course, it is not to say that Tony gave up this option. He definitely wants to be healthy and good condition. However, between the psychological preparations, the matter needs to be slow...

  After going back, you must launch all his strength and find this inscrutable "Godfather"...

  Thinking of the title of "Godfather", Tony has a black line. Is that guy really not taking advantage of others?... Thinking about it, Tony enthusiastically gave Yinsen a big hug to the birth after the death of his partner.

  "You are still alive, that's great."

  "Oh, what happened?"

  To make the famous Tony Stark hug, Yinsen is somewhat flattered...

  In the distance, Jack Ming stood on a hill with a good view, watching Tony and Yinsen help each other to find directions, turn their eyes, stare at a land that is also yellow sand, but the scattered armor parts. Exposed to the surface of the sand, it seems to be waiting for someone to pick it up.

  It seems that some things will still happen... I looked at the messy steel armor and silently hid my figure...

  Forget it, the next thing is not his business, or go back to the United States to sleep, let him toss these days, go back and have a good meal.

  should I go to KFC to eat, or call for a pizza... hard choice