A "faint" sorrow...

One million, want to buy a luxury house is completely delusional, high-end apartments have to be hundreds of thousands, so in the case of the decision to buy a house instead of renting, Jack Ming can only target the ordinary apartment.

  Ordinary apartments average 500,000 to 600,000, and there are also 200,000 starting dwellings, but Jack Ming's goal is to choose a better apartment within a million.

  Of course, it is not a matter of spending one million flowers. Considering the daily expenses, Jack's actual housing price limit is up to 800,000. As a goal, after looking for the conditions in the housing agency, the housing agent brought Jack. I saw a few apartments, but a few sets were either unreasonable or the design was not good enough. Jack could only shake his head and say "no".

  Finally, when the housing agency is about to lose patience and the tone is not so enthusiastic, there is finally an apartment that makes Jack Ming's eyes shine. 47 square meters, but because of the designer's unique idea, this small space includes the bedroom, living room, bathroom, kitchen, the location is well coordinated, and will not feel strange.

  Small but complete.

  After showing his interest in buying, the housing agent immediately introduced the apartment with enthusiasm. After a long story, Jack finally finalized the apartment, plus various taxes, which cost a total of 850,000. Exceeded the budget, but Jack Ming felt value for money.

  However, it took a lot of money to purchase furniture. Although Jack Ming can move the furniture back to the new residence alone, but in order not to cause trouble, and be noticed by some people in advance, Jack Ming can only reluctantly ask those who are not necessary in his opinion. The porter helped him move the furniture to his home.

  Before and after, Jack Ming only had more than 110,000 left, which made Jack Ming feel for the first time that money was so unconstrained.

  It didn't take long for him to official move into the new apartment. After Jack Ming retired the apartment he rented, he managed to settle in his new apartment.

  When he sat on his newly bought sofa and looked at the brand new things in the house, all the troubles were swept away and a sense of belonging was raised. Here, it will be his home in the Marvel world!


  "ahh f*ck, i still have to find a job..." Jack Ming held his chin in one hand and sat by the window, posing and staring at the sky with a dead fish eye.

  It has been more than three weeks since I stayed in the new home. From the beginning of the ecstasy, I have gradually calmed down, and then Jack Ming has found that he is worried about money.

  Well, because of the celebration of moving, Jack Ming was slightly fascinated, and went to eat, drink, and play. When he calmed down, he found that his deposit had shrunk. Looking at the pen expenditure clearly recorded on the deposit, Jack Ming had a liver pain, and he could not wait to smoke his own ear.

  Still forget, I am not Madman, the strength is big, I can't control it i may break my neck , although i will not die, but i will still feel the death experience for a few seconds.

  Jack Ming is no longer able to open his mouth to Wilson for money. He can't afford to lose that face. After thinking about it, Jack Ming sadly discovered that in order to maintain a normal material life, he still has to go out to work!

  So, the question has returned to the beginning. Jack Ming can find a suitable job with the help of the power of the spell.

  his old shop is definitely a NO, the grumpy boss will not let him go back to work, and there is no money to send the takeaway, pass!

  Learning from little bugs, giving the newspapers their own "photo"? Considering that I haven't shown my talents in front of the public, I don't have any fame, and I'm a bit shameful to sell my "photo". I can only pass.

  As for the idea of ​​moving bricks and demolition, these thoughts were completely smashed into the cold palace by Jack Ming. However, we can not lose the face of the passers-by.

  However, the life of the two worlds cannot give him any useful advice. In his previous life, he was a college student. He lived in a dormitory every day. He did not do any part-time work. In this life, he is independent and young.

But it is just selling snacks and pizzas with my grandfather, and social experience is limited.

  Jack Ming wants to go to the newspaper as a reporter. He does not see despise the little spider bug as reporter, not only because the identity of the reporter can cover the hero's cause, but also the income of the reporter is relatively stable.

  Unfortunately, even if Jack Ming had this idea, he did not realize the conditions. In the past life, he was a college student, but in this world the original owner graduated from high school and ran out to society. He went to the newspaper to apply for a job with his current education and was rejected. It is absolute.

  Jack Ming was madly stalking the hair, and the hair that had been neglected to be taken care of became more messy and became a hen.

  After rolling a few laps on the bed, Jack Ming squid slammed up from the bed and walked to the closet to open it. He slid the clothes to the side and picked up the wooden board at the bottom of the closet to reveal a dark space.

  Many wardrobes have this design, and the bottom planks can be opened to make it easier for buyers to act as a hidden compartment and store their valuables.

  Jack Ming's closet was not filled with much, only his speedy suit, and the album left by the original, there were many photos of him and his grandfather.

  Jack Ming also looked at it. Looking at the kind old man on the photo, Jack Ming felt familiar and unfamiliar. At the same time, his heart could not help but linger in the boundless thoughts. The memory of the old soul and grandfather was like a movie replay. One frame at a time comes to mind.

  Every time I saw this photo album, I couldn't help but immersed myself in the thoughts. Jack Ming sighed softly, rubbed his head, threw his inner thoughts behind his head, picked up the speedy suit and put the board back.

  Quickly put on a speedy suit, push open the window, skillfully cast invisibility, and then fly out.

  Forget it, there will be no good ideas for a while, or just fight crime and maintain law and order. Maybe you have inspiration when i am fighting some little punk.


  Street people in New York come and go, no matter the day or night. There are rushing staff who are rushing to work, children who are laughing and playing, old people who are walking around with dogs, couples who are dating, and unidentified groups with torches and cloaks behind them...

  A variety of people have formed this scene of enthusiasm.

  A graceful female white-collar worker, holding a cup of high-end coffee in one hand, carrying her own brand-name bag, just came out of the coffee shop, suddenly a black man rushed out next to him, the female white-collar worker did not respond, the black man flashed from himself At the same time, he grabbed her bag at the same time.

  At the moment when the bag left its own arm, the nature of the woman's love of the famous brand bag made her instantly exclaim: "Robbery! That person grabbed my bag!"

  Then, the body only followed up, the female white-collar flower rushed to catch up, but the high heels on the feet became cumbersome at this time, running a small step and a small step, completely useless.

  Most of the passers-by around are watching the lively mentality. One or two men are chasing the black people for the purpose of knowing the female white-collar workers. But the black man seem to be born as a sportsman, although there are several people chasing them behind, but robbery. The black man is pulling the distance bigger and bigger.

  The men who were "sincere and brave" saw that they couldn't catch up, and they were impatient. The speed on their feet began to slow down, but their faces were filled with a breathless look.

  Seeing that black people are going to bypass the corner of the street, the white-collar workers' shackles begin to show despair, and the black man also shows a triumphant smile...

  Suddenly, the black man's foot is awkward, it seems to be picked up, but there is nothing on the ground, but there is nothing, but it's so dramatic. The black "wow" shouted and fell on a dog shit. This funny gesture attracted pedestrians to laugh. .

  The black man flashed a trace of shame and disgust as he smiled his clothes, then he thought of getting up and running, he felt that his back was like being trampled with some feet, and he couldn't get up. Struggling to turn his head, but found that no one or something is pressing on the body, so the strange situation makes the black man think of some unclean things in an instant, screaming in horror.

  The pedestrians around watched the black people screaming on the ground, and they couldn't understand what it was like, and stopped watching.

  The black man and the passers-by next to him naturally did not see it. Jack Ming, who was in the invisibility, walked on the back of the black man with a boring foot, and pressed him to the ground and could not get up. He just stumbled over the black man.

  It's so boring, if it's not to wait for Tony Stark to declare "I am Iron Man" to the world and open a new era, how can Jack hide?

  Undoubtedly, after Tony Stark's self-exposed status, various super-people have sprung up, and the probability of a major dangerous event on the earth has risen sharply. Tony Stark has become the fuse of all events. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the initiator of the new era.

  Jack will definitely not take this pot, or wait for Tony Stark to show his own statue, then go to light under the statue of a hero. When the villain runs all rampage, Jack will look like superman.

  "But, it's really boring..." Jack Ming said suspiciously to himself, how the Iron king has not appeared yet, hurry up to give Iron Man a head start, and then let me be able to save people officialy.

  The female white-collar worker and the few "righteous men" saw the black man rushing to the street. For a long time, they did not get up. They suddenly turned their eyes and hurriedly chased them up. After the men who were "sincere and brave" came to the black people, they punched and kicked the black man. When the white-collar workers were about to run, they gradually put away their fists and feet, and the man who is righteously reprimanded by by others had some stunned eyes .

  At this time, Jack Ming stood on one side and kept stealth watching the excitement.

  "Thank you, thank you!" Recaptured his bag from the black hand. The female white-collar worker thanked the men who helped me. The men were arbitrarily arrogant, and then told the women's white-collar women's mobile phones number.

  The female white-collar worker did not make an excuse to defer, and gratefully wrote down the number of each person, but Jack Ming noticed that the female white-collar worker had such a flash of disgust in the blink of an eye, and estimated that the female white-collar turned around would delete the number.

  Seeing the female white-collars write down their numbers, the men secretly hid the joy, and after starting to fantasize, they developed some blushing heartbeat plots. Suddenly, the female white-collar worker lifted her legs slightly, and the black-wrapped calf attracted the hearts of the surrounding men, but just as they started to dream, they saw the female white-collar kicking the black man's lower body!

  Still use the high heels!


  The men present at the same time clamped their thighs in unison, sucking a cold air, and felt the sorrow of their eggs, and sent a fearful look to the female white-collar from the heart.

  Jack Ming is also looking at the female white-collar with awe, sister, I respect you as a man.

  After the female white-collar stepped on the foot, it did not continue, but the power of this foot could be seen from the screams of the black man. The female white-collar turned her head and showed a very polite smile to those who helped her, but after the men saw the white-collar workers, there were still some ideas, and they all smiled.

  When the female white-collar worker saw the mobile phone alarm, the police would soon rush to deal with the incident. The blacks also lost their resistance. After confirming that they would not go wrong, Jack Ming quietly left the scene. Only some people felt a strong wind from the side. Scrape.