big stomach king

After solving a small robbery case, Jack Ming continued to do the following good things: rescue a child who was almost hit by the car with red light, rushed to the scene of the fire to rescue the trapped person, and stumbled on the fourth The pickpocket on the street...

  "Call... No wonder the future little spidy will be busy with the lack of skills, and no day is peaceful."

  After a few hours of heroic career, Jack Ming took a break and returned to the house and changed into a casual outfit and then strolled around the street to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Great NY.

  I used to have no money to travel abroad. Now I live in the United States, so I can enjoy it.

  Jack Ming put his hands in his jacket pocket and looked around casually. He occasionally saw some hot and high-profile chics, and Jack Ming whistled with interest.

  Of course, he just embraces the attitude of appreciation, and he only dares to do this level. Therefore, when a dress and personality are very open, they may be engaged in some kind of equally open career. With a wink-eyed voice, he said, "Hey, boy, do you want to play with your sister?" Jack Ming suddenly screamed, couldn't say a complete sentence, and finally escaped with embarrassment.

  Hearing the laughter of the big ocean horse behind him, Jack Ming's heart was humiliated: "Is it very interesting to be a singer? I am afraid that you can't stand my high-end combat power..."

  I thought so, but Jack Ming didn't have the courage to stop and turn around and let the big girl see his own skills. As an inexperienced virgin, if there is some talk about it, it's really a bit guilty. ...

  After suffering the teasing of the big girl, Jack Ming fully felt how open the foreign girls were, and realized that he hadn't had the strength to play with girl for the time being, and went shopping and see the scenery honestly.

  The big city of New York is actually no different. It is also full of traffic, surrounded by heavy steel and concrete, and countless residents are filled with every corner.

  If you want to ask the biggest difference with China, that is, the people who come and go are not black-skinned Asians, but the white-haired whites and the white-haired old people. It will feel very fresh at first, for a long time, Jack Ming also Doesn't feel anything new.

  Although the yellow race is not common in the United States, it is also quite a lot. After all, there are always people in the country who want to immigrate to the United States. Jack Ming and Chinese people will not attract attention when they walk on the street.

  After shopping for nothing for a while, it was also boring, so Jack Ming put his focus on finding food.

  What is the famous food in the United States? Hey, Jack Ming said that he only knows the humberger and KFC...

  I remember that these days, the takeaway is a hamburger fries, and Jack Ming is tired of eating it. "Let's go to Chinatown to see it."

  Chinatown, there are many countries, there will be many Chinese and Chinese, there can be a lot of Chinese snacks, the second because he used to sell snacks with his Grandpa in Chinatown, of course, the taste is certainly not so authentic.

  Chinatown is also in Manhattan, and Jack Ming took less than ten minutes to reach Chinatown.

  When Jack Ming came to Chinatown, he saw the black hair and yellow skin that came and went, and he couldn't help but feel excited. Ah, fellow...

  In fact, in Jack Ming's illusion, Chinatown should be a food street full of Chinese food, but the actual situation is not like that. It's no different from those in the domestic commercial districts. There are various shops, and there are different places. It's more than the domestic one.

  Chinatown Road is spacious, you can see a lot of food stalls and food stalls pushing a trolley, are familiar yellow skin compatriots, just a fluent English, enough to make the domestic high school students worship hard.

  "Oh... after all, it's not a native of China." The boss who heard the food stalls spoke fluently in English, but there was a bit of oysters in speaking Chinese. Jack Ming couldn't help but feel a thousand emotion, then...

  Jack Ming went to a food stall with a pleasant surprise.

Looking at the familiar signs on the trolley -

  Shaxian County snacks!

  Ah, this is an English translation. When it comes to Chinese names, it is famous.

  Shaxian snacks.

  "Wow, Shaxian snacks actually rushed out to the international? It is great in summer!"

  Seeing a list of well-known snacks on the menu, Jack Ming couldn't help but swallow his mouth. He didn't want to blurt out: "Boss, come three steamed dumplings, and one fried noodles!"

  "Well, the young man waits a little." Seeing a Chinese youth, the Chinese language is very friendly, and the Shaxian snack boss is also very happy. With a little song, I will prepare Jack Ming's snacks one by one.

  "Take boss." Jack Ming took out a few beautiful green dollars from his trouser pocket, handed it over, and took over the packaged snacks of the boss.

  The boss will return the remaining change to Jack Ming. "young man come back next time."

  "No problem, no problem, I will come back next time." Jack Ming continued to connect with his people, and his mind had already floated to the Shaxian snacks held in his hand.

  It's been half a month since I've been through. I've been spending it in hamburger fries. I'm missing the familiar Shaxian snacks.

  It's a cheap and a very delicious snack, at the moment it made him drool...

  When I found a public bench to sit down, Jack Ming couldn't wait to open the lid.

  Steamed dumplings have less filling, which is small and exquisite, fresh and delicious...

  The surface of the light soup, the floating chopped green onion, a few looming, gesticulating...

  Yellow orange and orange noodles, mixed with orange red carrots, green wild vegetables, golden scrambled eggs, and the aroma...hmmmm

  Well, it may have been too long to eat, the simple Shaxian snacks, at this time in the eyes of Jack Ming became the finest delicious food, do not have to say, open chopsticks, one word: eat!

  Jack Ming was slow to catch up with the ear, quickly took the chopsticks, and put a fried dumpling into his mouth, biting a bit!

  what! It's this smell, the familiar stuff...

  Jack Ming was amazed, and the hands kept on, the fried dumplings disappeared one by one, and they entered the stomach of Jack Ming.

  After solving three steamed dumplings, Jack Ming put the chopsticks and drunk the soup directly on his mouth.

  Oh, this light and tasteless soup, it's been a long time...

  The swallows along the broth, Jack Ming felt a warm feeling rose in the body.

  Put a chopsticks on the fried noodles and suck into the mouth.

  This chew, this Q bomb, I am so touched...

  Jack Ming gorged on the Shaxian snack, as if had not eaten for many days. It didn't take long for the Shaxian snack to be eaten by him.

  "ahhhh Slightly full." Jack Ming is not hungry himself, three steamed dumplings, and one fried noodles go down, a little full.

  But as soon as I saw that there were still a lot of dazzling snacks, Jack Ming suddenly became enthusiastic and raised his hands on his stomach and launched the power of healing.

  In the past few days, he has not been lazy, or will take time to study the power of spells and develop new skills.

  Under his tireless research (in fact, it is only accidental), Jack Ming found that the power of healing can accelerate the physiological response of the human body, thereby achieving self-healing and detoxification effects.

  Similarly, accelerating the digestive system is also a small case, but the shortcomings are also obvious...

  The stomach began to turn up, Jack Ming must go to WC to solve some major events in life.

  Under the eyes of the public, Jack Ming found it not good for lunching stealth. He can only make a slight slogan. The pace is difficult to walk to a corner where there is no one, then stealth... fly to a nearby public toilet.

  what? Do you think he wants to solve it on the spot? Don't think that people think so bad, let's talk about public health.

  You asked Jack Ming why he didn't have to run, huh, huh, do you want him to shit himself


  Coming to the public toilet, rushing to a no-man's position, closing the door, locking, undressing, kneeling, in one go.

  When you squat, if there is no cell phone or newspaper in hand, and it is not difficult, the brain will be empty and the mind will be divergent.

  Oh... this process can be called thinking about life.

  Jack Ming couldn't help but think of a problem he has been escaping. That is... Is he still a personal class?

  immortal, with many abilities, even if the earth is destroyed, he will not die. Is he, human or monster?

  Although he is still like a normal person, eating, sleeping, but knowing in his heart, part of the reason is to insist on his own human identity.

  Hey... is it finished? Thinking about life was too fast ends.

  Jack Ming calmly and untidily completed the follow-up work. After wiping out the cleansing, he quickly washed way his Comrade .

  Out of the public toilet, Jack Ming resumed the spirit of fighting spirits, "Oh! Continue fighting!"

  It's useless to think so much, or to satisfy your stomach first.

  Jack Ming rushed toward the direction of Chinatown, leaving a few smoky nuts near the toilet.

  Need to be so excited after finishing the WC?


  Sucking -

  The soy milk held in the hand as he opened his big mouth, and swallowed the bun, and Jack patted the chest.

  "Call... I am too anxious in eating." Although it will not be drowned, the feeling of food squatting is still very uncomfortable. Jack Ming drank a few mouthfuls of soy milk, and then he ate half of the buns to solve it.

  Going back to the speed state, Jack Ming returned to Chinatown, the target was placed on the roadside trolley. Every snack should be ordered one or two, and all the food stalls were swept all the way, unconsciously causing A lot of passers-by's attention.

  Some people think that it is a tv show or a challenge activity should be like the kind of big stomach king, so Jack Ming gradually gathered a group of people who watched the lively melons, and they all watched when this Asian-American guy was eating.

  When Jack Ming ate the last snack on Chinatown, some passers-by clapped there hands as if to celebrate a certain championship.

  Jack Ming, who has withdrawn from the food-storing mode, accepts this inexplicable applause. This is a good applause, eh? It seems like a little support...

  Although the stomach is so uncomfortable, but in full view, Jack Ming still maintains a calm and self-satisfied way, throwing the remaining fast food boxes into the trash can without changing the color, and slowly walking out of Chinatown.

  After a long distance from the crowd, it was determined that after leaving the crowd, Jack Ming changed his face and the pace was a bit difficult.

  I have to digest it quickly, too much...

  After finding a public toilet, Jack Ming repeated the previous move. When there is not too much, I will come out with enthusiasm.

  Jack Ming is satisfied with the authenticity: "If you are worthwhile, you should go home."

  But still not in a hurry to fly home immediately, Jack Ming wandered on the street, intending to walk a long way.

  "Jack Ming?"

  Behind him came a familiar voice and called JackMing's name. Jack Ming turned his head curiously.

  Behind him, a person who made Jack Ming unexpectedly stood there, looking at him with surprise.
