Reunion, Inviting Coffee

The person who stood behind Jack Ming and stopped him was the girl who was saved by him, Sophia.

  How is she here? Oh, yes, it's not far from the Hell's kitchen.

  Seeing Sofia again, Jack Ming was shocked. Then he thought he was in Manhattan, and Sophia's Hell's Kitchen was also in Manhattan, and it was not impossible.

  However, it is too coincidental that such a large area can still be encountered. Is it the arrangement of destiny?

  Jack Ming was thinking about it. Sophia had already come over and his face was full of joy. She said, "we have met again, Jack Ming."

  "Oh, yeah, it's good," Jack Ming responded subconsciously, but soon found something wrong. "Wait, Sofia, are you talking Chinese now?"

  Yes, Jack Ming was surprised that Sofia was speaking Chinese at this time. Although it has not yet reached the level of the master, it is obvious proficient Chinese...

  Sophia's Chinese, to be accurately described, is similar to Cantonese speaking Mandarin, slightly oysters, but the meaning is clear.

  Seeing Jack Ming's astonished look, Sophia couldn't help but show a sense of pride. After the last time Jack Ming teased her Chinese level, Sophia worked hard in Chinese, and half a month was quite effective.

  Of course, Sofia did not dare to boast that she had mastered Chinese. no matter How mush she worked hard, she only learned some basic greetings in half a month.

  Sophia said: "Yes, but I haven't learned too mush yet. I can only speak some simple Chinese now."

  This sentence is spoken in English.

  When he heard her, Jack Ming breathed a sigh of relief, almost thought that he had encountered a language genius and replied in English: "It turns out that, but your Chinese has made great progress, which really makes me look good."

  Jack Ming's fluent English made Sophia feel a frustration. The same is a foreign language, Jack Ming is a Chinese, speaking English is so standard, and her American, Chinese only knows a few words, such a contrast, it inevitable made her some frustration.

  "Compared to your English, my Chinese is nothing." Sophia was a bit frustrated.

  "Oh..." Seeing Sophia's face lost, Jack Ming grabbed the back of his head and explained: "I grew up in the United States, so English will be familiar."

  Sofia was relieved to hear Jack Ming's explanation. It turns out that Jack Ming is a Chinese who grew up in the United States. It is no wonder that fluent English is spoken in English for more than 20 years. It is also that she can catch up with half a month of learning Chinese.

  We must continue to work hard to get up early and master Chinese! Sophia made up her mind.

  When Sophia thought about things, Jack Ming was quietly observing her.

  The last time was at night, the night was dark, and after all, I couldn't see it carefully. Now, during the day, Sophia's appearance is also unobstructed.

  Sophia is not as embarrassing as it was before the robbery, and the dark brown long hair comb is neatly and sleek on the shoulders. The white face is no longer a panic color, because of the excitement of joy and slightly reddish, with the soft temperament brought by her big-frame glasses, people have a desire to kiss.

  A light yellow coat on the upper body, the zipper pulled to the chest position, you can see a white shirt with English letters inside, and a dark blue jeans in the lower body, the overall match is full of casual style.

  However, Jack Ming's gaze was always involuntarily placed on Sofia's chest. The sneak peek of the night was deeply imprinted on his mind, although now there is nothing striking because of the cover of the clothes. But Jack Ming is clear under the clothes, how spectacular it is...

  Keke... or the other person didn't find his sight of "righteousness".

  Jack Ming's process of looking at Sofia was only a few seconds. When Sophia looked up, Jack Ming had already taken his eyes back.

I was so eager to look at Sophia's face.

  Watched by Jack Ming, Sophia was a bit shy, and the nervous little hand grabbed the corner. Seeing this, Jack Ming smiled and said, "It's rare to meet so often, go have a cup of coffee together?"

  Nothing to panic about.

  Just kidding, the book is not white. Jack Ming has nothing to do but still have to look at the pile of books left by the original soul. There are several books about understanding women's psychology. It seems that the old owner has also had the idea of ​​chasing a girl.

  After reading a little book to learn from their experience, Jack Ming is more or less made a little progress, and getting along with the girl will not be as helpless as before.

  Of course, some female hooligans he is still unable to challenge...

  Upon hearing Jack Ming's invitation, Sophia was a little surprised and saw Jack Ming's very sunny smile. The heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and the weak mosquito voice said: "Good, ok..."

  The power of the Bull Spells subtly improved Jack Ming's body and allowed him to develop towards the most perfect growth posture.

  As everyone knows, in addition to congenital genetic defects, everyone can grow and develop to the most ideal face, but because of the lack of nutrition during the growth process, inadequate exercise and other reasons, can not be reached, so many people will be laughed at Broken.

  Nowadays, because of the power of the horse charm, it has made up for the shortcomings of Jack Ming's, and the cow charm has gradually strengthened Jack Ming's body while giving great power. Now he is also becoming slim and more firmer .

  Although the spell's strengthening of Jack Ming's body is not over yet, but now it has an initial effect, Jack Ming's face value is significantly higher than the first time Sophia saw him, so she will be shocked.

  However, Jack Ming himself did not notice it at all. Every morning, he got up and said in the mirror that he was "good and handsome" and it was just a habitual act...

  Take out his new mobile phone - yes, he bought a new mobile phone. The original "antique machine" didn't even have a collection of commemorative hearts. He didn't know where to go. Now this one is "iph** 3G." ".

  As for Sanxin? Now that there is no smart machine, and after the lessons of blood, the fool will be bought from the Sanxin by a mobile phone again... unless you can blow it again and let him wear it back, it is not impossible to consider it...

  Jack Ming took out the mobile phone and naturally did not show off. Just check out where there is a coffee shop nearby, operate a few clicks, and quickly lock a destination.

  Putting the phone back in his pocket, Jack Ming smiled at Sophia: "Let's go?"

  Sophia nodded.

  Like the usual walk, Jack Ming walked with Sophia, and sometimes said something interesting, so that Sophia "giggle" and laughed, the tension gradually relaxed, and the soft sun shone on the two, pulling out two long The shadow.

  Not long after, the two came to the destination of Jack Ming, a very famous coffee chain -


  Yes, it is Starbucks that often appears in American movies. Jack Ming has seen many movies with Starbucks. I don't know if Starbucks has paid for these movies... Although Starbucks has more or less chain stores around the world. It seems that there are many in China, but Jack Ming has never had a chance to have a drink.

  Starbucks coffee is not good to drink. He is not clear, but after watching the movie elites and company executives, many of them will go to Starbucks to buy a cup of coffee. Therefore, Starbucks looks like a high-end atmosphere. Jack Ming is mainly directed at this point. .

  Please have a coffee for the sister, of course, you must choose a higher level!

  Jack Ming secretly observed how Sofia would react. It is rather strange that Sophia was only slightly surprised and immediately returned to normal, and was not shocked.

  In fact, Jack Ming was misled by the film. Although Starbucks is a world-renowned brand, Starbucks coffee is still a civilian brand in the United States. The price is not as high as that in China. The environmental atmosphere designed for the "white-collar workers" makes Starbucks very high-end atmosphere. .

  Jack Ming stepped forward to open the door of Starbucks, and gestured to Sophia advanced. Sophia walked in, Jack Ming followed, and entered the store.

  The decoration in the Starbucks store is no different from the movie. The exquisite decoration, the customer sits at the small round table, picks up the coffee on the table, and has a leisurely look on his face.

  A laid-back afternoon, comfortable sunshine, and fragrant coffee, Starbucks is such a comfortable and idle atmosphere.

  I found a seat to sit down, a waiter in the store came over, politely handed over the coffee menu, waited until Jack Ming flipped through the menu, and saw the price of 3, 4 US dollars behind the rows of coffee above, suddenly realized.

  On average, a cup for three or four US dollars. As a well-known brand, it is not expensive.

  Although it is very expensive for Jack Ming, who drinks milk tea for only four or five yuan...

  Jack Ming, who only drank a handful of coffee in the nest, looked at the menu, what card, latte, cappuccino... a fog, what is this? Seeing the end from the beginning, and finally pretending to say indifferently: "Come on the cup of caramel macchiato, Sophia, what do you want?"

  Caramel Macchiato, should it be sweet coffee? Jack Ming was thinking.

  Sophia glanced at the menu and whispered, "I want a cup of American coffee, just a cup."

  Emmm... It looks like American coffee is the cheapest in the menu. Is this girl thinking about saving me money?

  Really a good girl...

  Jack Ming kindly asked: "Would you like a strawberry cheesecake?"

  Sophia quickly replied, "No, no, I... recently lost weight..."

  In the end, in the face of Jack Ming's wrong eyes, Sophia's voice is getting lower and lower.

  Jack Ming is really puzzled. Do girls like to use the excuse of "slimming"? Sophia, your body is very good, the waist is just right, do you want to slim down to the arm? I saw you swallowing a sip!

  Sophia really loves to eat, just like other girls. needs to pay attention to her shape. Today, after walking in the Street, there is still a bit of entanglement. If Jack Ming knows that he will definitely cherish, encourage her not to suppress the nature of eating.

  "Well, don't quit, it's a rare chance, let me ask you once, plz add a strawberry cheesecake to her, I want a French chicken sandwich." Jack Ming returned the menu to the waiter.

  The waiter nodded slightly and politely smiled. "Okay, please wait." Then he turned and ordered to prepare.

  Seeing that the waiter has left, Sofia is also not good to refuse, just feel a little embarrassed and said: "Thank you."

  "Nothing, don't be polite." Jack Ming shook his hand in disappointment, and then said with great interest: "Right, I will tell you about what happened recently!"

  Sophia also showed some curiosity and was not so cautious. She said, "Okay, I want to know more about you..."

  Hey, this sentence seems to be a bit unclear. Jack Ming decisively did not care, lest himself squat.

  "I looked for someone to help make a battle uniform, it made look very handsome!"

  "Is it? Unfortunately, I didn't see it with my own eyes."

  "There will be a chance..."

  "A few days ago I went to the Middle East and saved Tony Stark..."

  "The playboy?"

  "Oh... yes, the point is not this. The process is very tortuous. I smashed the nests of several terrorists to find him."

  "Wow, are you not in danger?"

  "You don't have to worry about me. I am sitting here safely now, indicating that there is no problem, and I am not dead..."

  "Well? What are you talking about?"

  "Ah haha...nothing, yes, Tony Stark is working on a set of steel armor..."