Drinking coffee and watching movies

Jack Ming vividly described his recent life, and Sofia, who was deeply infected by Jack Ming's words, continued to sigh.

  Just as Jack Ming said that he had moved into a new home and almost said that he was unable to look back after the relocation, the waiter brought a snack to their table and carefully put it down. "Two guests, you order plz enjoy."

  Jack Ming suddenly stopped talking about the topic, and his heart flashed a bit of luck, almost revealing his own history and pulling down his image.

  The waiter put a cup of ordinary coffee and a dish of a small piece of cake in front of Sofia.

  Then, put the high-named caramel macchiato and French chicken sandwich in front of him, nodded slightly, turned and left to entertain other guests.

  "Hey..." He looked at the cup full of fragrant milk and painted the streaked macchiato with a brown caramel on the surface. Jack Ming fell into meditation.

  The original caramel macchiato is a look, why is it milk, isn't it coffee?

   picking up the cup and taking a sip, Jack Ming suddenly realized. Oh... It turned out to be coffee in the milk, and it tastes good.

  Turning the line of sight, to the French chicken sandwich on the table in the center of the plate, two slices of triangle bread sandwiched with lettuce, tomatoes, eggs, chicken breast, cream, the material is very rich, compared to the one sold in the bakery A thin piece of luncheon meat + a layer of floss + a little creamy sandwich is so much better, Jack Ming's heart is inexplicably touched.

  This is a sandwich!

  Jack endured the urge to grab and gorge it in his mouth. In front of the girl, he still kept the style. Sophia looked at Jack Ming and did not start eating directly. Jack Ming said: "You also taste coffee, the taste should not be bad."

  Sophia nodded, took a sip of coffee, then picked up the knife placed next to the plate, cut a small piece from the cake and sent it to the mouth, showing a shallow happiness.

  'It seems that the cake tastes good, then I also taste this sandwich is not good. '

  Jack Ming wrapped the sandwich with a napkin. After all, he took it directly with his hands and took it unhygienic. Then he lifted it to his mouth and opened his mouth.

  The sweetness of the cream first touched the taste buds. Then, the scent of tomatoes, lettuce, eggs, and chicken breasts broke out in the mouth. This is so delicious, Jack Ming couldn't even find any words to describe.

  (A white flute that does not want to disclose the pen name: in fact, my vocabulary is lacking!)

  Forgive Jack Ming, this poor silk, no matter whether he or the original soul has never tasted such a delicious sandwich, the old owner is because the family is poor, and Jack Ming is more pursuit of convenience...

  In his hand, this sandwich has greatly impacted Jack Ming's world view. For the first time, I found that sandwiches can be so delicious. I have to say that a sandwich can shock him, and others will definitely feel inexplicable.

  Jack Ming would like to say "too delicious" loudly, but in the face of Sophia, don't look like a bandit. Squinting, praising: "It's really good..."

  The food that I don't know about each other is very tacitly indulging in the tasting of coffee and snacks. I don't say anything again, quietly enjoying this leisurely atmosphere...


  Pushing the Starbucks store door, as he came in, Jack Ming opened the door, Sophia came out of the store, and then Jack Ming also left Starbucks.

  Going a few steps, Jack Ming looked at the time and looked like it was still early, so he said, "Would you like to go to the movies together?"

  Just say it, the two have a meal at the same time.

  Jack Ming found that his proposal was a bit abrupt. It was obvious that the two had not known each other for a long time. They just invited some girls to drink coffee, and then they went to the movies. Wouldn't it be too anxious to let her misunderstand her ulterior motives?

  Sophia was also disturbed by Jack Ming's sudden invitation to disturb the atrium. The heart "fluttered" and jumped, and couldn't help thinking: Why did he invite me to watch a movie? Is it... no,

It should be just a purely friendly invitation to watch a movie together, but if...(oth: yeah right what you are thinking of is true )

  Sophia thought about what might not be impossible. For a moment, she didn't know how to reply. The white face was quietly red, and it was cute.

  Feeling that it was difficult to ease the atmosphere, and suddenly fell into a very embarrassing situation, Jack Ming immediately opened his mouth: "Cough, before the 'Kung Fu Panda' is not released? I am very interested, just can't squeeze time before Look, now I have time to see it. I don't know if you have time and interest to accompany me to see it?"

  Jack Ming's remarks are of course an excuse for temporary thinking. Kung Fu Panda has seen it many times in his previous life. Kung Fu Pandas 1, 2, and 3 are all in line, just to make an excuse to resolve the problem, and to speak in 2008 in Central America. it is still in fire, and only the fat panda can play it hard.

  After hearing Jack Ming's explanation, Sophia was relieved and lost a bit. As for why she felt lost, she was ashamed to think more.

  The blush on Sophia's face has not disappeared, and whispered, "Well, okay."

  In response, Jack Ming took out his mobile phone again and checked out which movie theaters there were nearby displaying Kung Fu Pandas. After all, it has been two months, and a movie should have been released in a month or so.

  Fortunately, this animated film combining the two major Chinese factors of "Kung Fu" and "Panda" is quite hot. In the past two months, the remaining temperature has not dropped, and many cinemas have been released.

  Jack Ming selected a movie theater with an early broadcast time. There will be another one in ten minutes. The only problem is that the distance is very long, the time is too tight, and other cinemas are too far away.

  Jack Ming faked a cough and said, "Sophia, I found a movie theater just about to put the Kung Fu Panda, the destination is far away, I think... rushing over in a faster way is by..."

  Hearing the hesitation in Jack Ming's speech, Sophia first saw it, and immediately remembered the flight experience of that night. Is it necessary to fly over? Wouldn't it be...

  I remembered that Jack Ming held her in the princess's position that night, and Sophia's face became redder.

  Seeing Sophia's face instantly red like a ripe apple, no response, Jack Ming can not help but worry. Sure enough, it's still messed up...

  Just to say something, I heard a subtle to the extreme: "Okay..."

  Jack Ming stunned, is it auditory hallucination? Looking at Sophia, Sophia still blushes, but nodded lightly.

  Did she actually agree? !

  Jack Ming couldn't help but be excited. He didn't know why.

  Of course, Jack Ming will not be as bold as the princess of the last time, turned around, turned his back to Sophia, bent slightly, and turned his head to face Sofia. "The time the time is running out, come up, I will carry you back."

  At this time, Jack Ming, who was facing away from Sofia, looked nervous.

  Seeing that Jack Ming did not suddenly pick her up as she did last time, but chose to take her up. This move also led to the Sofia Fawn colliding, hesitating for a moment, no rejection, the body trembled slightly, indicating that she was the same in her heart at this time. How nervous it is.

  When both hands were on Jack Ming's shoulders and his chest was stuck on his back, Sophia's heart was ashamed to the extreme, but also felt a kind of peace of mind. Jack Ming's back was not too thin and wide as it looked, Sophia The small hand touched it was a strong and strong muscle. It was not the big muscles that the bodybuilder exaggerated and raised, but it made her feel at ease.

  Perhaps it is this person, she felt as if he can block all dangers and guard her back, so that she has no worries and trusts him completely.

  Sophia's mouth quietly smashed an arc and revealed a smile of incomparable happiness.

  The moment when Sophia's hand came up and the chest came over, Jack Ming's heart swayed, feeling the softness of the back, full of fluf, and the heart was excited to jump out.

  Oh! ! ! I feel that the whole body is full of strength now! thanos quickly came over to accept my iron fist of justice!

  In my heart, I was so excited that I was crying and wry, but my face was not changed. I tried my best to prevent my true emotions from being exposed. The tone was calm and calm: "So, we set off!"

  Holding her arms in Sofia's leg, she lifted her whole body, then leaped and flew at full speed.

  What stealth, what disguise, at this time all the shit of the world has been forgoten, Jack Ming did not want any scruples to affect the current mood, he now only wants to carry the girl behind him, immediately rushed to the cinema, sit down and watch a movie.

  Since being rescued that night, Sophia often dreams of flying scenes with herself and Jack Ming, and now, once again ushered in a long-lost flight, Sofia is very happy.

  Moreover, Jack Ming used high speed this time. It was different from the previous slow flight, and the ears were filled with the sound of the wind. The scenery that was seen down flashed like a slide. The speed experience made Sophia scream again and again. Surprise.

  The waves that came from behind the scenes gave Jack Ming great encouragement, the mood was bursting, and the flight speed increased by a grade.

  Under Sophia's "encourage", Jack Ming broke out with unprecedented strength. Just a few breaths went to the ticket office of the cinema. The ticket seller was shocked when he looked up, standing in front of an Asian male. Carrying a white woman, the clothes and hair on her body are a bit messy, as if they have just experienced a typhoon.

  "Two tickets for Kung Fu Panda." Jack Ming said excitedly to the conductor, forgot to put down Sophia from behind .

  "Oh, okay, please wait." Although the ticket seller felt weird about the man and woman who were rushing to see an animated film, they still prepared their tickets for them.

  When the ticket seller handed over two movie tickets and spread the hand to indicate the payment, Jack Ming remembered that he was still carrying Sofia, carefully letting Sophia down, and then withdrawing money to the conductor.

  Sophia has not returned back to her senses from the experience of flying at high speed. After coming down from Jack Ming, the whole body is still soft and can only be supported by Jack Ming's shoulders.

  After receiving the ticket from the ticket seller, Jack Ming gradually calmed down and helped Sofia, who had not recovered her strength, walked into the cinema, checked the ticket for the ticket inspector, and then went to the theater where the Kung Fu Panda was shown.

  After all, it was a late ticket, and the seats were relatively full. Jack Ming and Sophia looked at the seat number printed on the ticket and found their seat. The second row on the right side.

  After finding the seat, Jack Ming and Sophia sat down in turn. Jack Ming suddenly remembered that he had forgotten to buy cola and popcorn. Both of them were necessary for viewing, but at this time the auditorium was darkened and the movie was shown on the screen. Jack Ming also had to give up.

  Kung Fu Panda's movie, Jack Ming has seen it several times in the past, but it has not been seen for several years. It is also very interesting to revisit it again.

  And how can I be bored while watching a movie with a girl?

  Jack Ming glanced at Sophia's side face. At this moment, Sophia looked at the movie on the screen intently, and was occasionally giggled by the stupid panda. Jack Ming smiled and turned his eyes back to the movie.

  It's so beautiful...

 is it the movie or something else?