in beautiful day... there is always an accident

The picture is fixed in the panda and the cat master lying on the ground lazily, ending in the witty dialogue of "Want to eat something?" "Think so." Then there is a series of names appearing from the bottom up, but only the audience present. They all started to get up and left.

  Just kidding, this movie has no American end. Except for a few more paranoid people who have to wait for the end of the film, most people leave at the end of the film.

  Jack Ming and Sofia were no exception. When they appeared at the end of the film, they got up with other people and walked out of the cinema.

  Going to Starbucks for coffee, I went to the cinema to watch the movie. When the two went out to the cinema, they found that the sky was getting darker. Looking at the time, 7:23, it was not too late.

  Just let Sophia spend nearly an afternoon with her, Jack Ming is also embarrassed to let her continue to walk around with him, so he said: "Time is not early, I will send you home?"

  Sophia nodded: "ok."

  Jack Ming turned and bent over, Sophia naturally knows what to do next, although there is still a bit of shame, but it will not twist. Close to Jack Ming, Sophia suddenly came up with some courage, the hand is not on Jack Ming's shoulder, but on his neck, it seems very close.

  Sophia's "raid" scared Jack Ming's jump, and almost nervously picked her up too fast, and then reacted, and could not help but ecstasy.

  It seems that the good feelings have been brushed up smoothly, maybe there is a chance to go further in the future?

  Jack Ming, who has accumulated a single life for forty-two years in his two lives, has fallen into a certain fantasy of escaping, and he can not help but feel happy.

  When Jack Ming backed Sophia and prepared to leave, Sophia suddenly remembered something and quickly told Jack Ming: " Ahh Yes, I live in Queens now."

  Wen Yan, Jack Minggang's pace is to stop and stunned. "Ha? weren't you living in a hell kitchen? How did you suddenly move? Still..."

  Still living in Queens like me? Jack Ming did not say this sentence.

  Sophia's eyes are squinting as she said: "No, I just got in the university in Queens, renting an apartment for convenience."

  After listening to Sophia's explanation, Jack Ming knows that this girl is still a female college student! There is a kind of admiration in my heart.

  Just, is it too coincidental? Although there are many good universities in Queens, there are many good universities in Manhattan. How come to the university in Queens?

  Jack Ming, who was puzzled by it, had to regard this as a coincidence. He did not remember the last time he sent Sofia to go home and missed his mouth.

  Jack Ming asked: "Where do you live now?"

  "Oh, it is..." Sophia said her new address. Jack Ming ran the Queens area for the sake of maintaining law and order. When I heard the address that Sophia said, I immediately thought about where I was.

  It seems that it is not far from my home. I can walk a few streets...

  Jack Ming subconsciously calculated how far Sofia's home was from his home, and when he returned, he secretly slammed himself.

  Rely, what am I thinking, is it still going to visit every day? Really shameless...but, occasionally go, don't worry right? ...

  "Cough," Jack Ming coughed and coughed, thinking about forgetting in his mind. "Well, get ready to take off."

  Recalling the speed of Jack Ming's flight, Sophia couldn't help but tighten up, and the consequence of this move was to make Sophia full, with a few layers of clothes attached to Jack Ming's back.

  shit, this touch... really cool!

  Jack Ming has already had a sullen look. If it wasn't for a few minutes of restraint, it's already a shameful pig.

  Under Sophia's "buff bonus", Jack Ming did not control the strength of his feet when he vacated, and accidentally stepped too hard on the ground greating big crater spread a couple meters.

Overall, it probably destroyed more than a dozen square meters.

  "Hey? did you hear any voice?" Sophia wanted to hear something, just looking down, Jack Ming flew out silently.

  Jack Ming said in a serious way: "No, could it be you heard wrong?"

  Slipped off...

  Jack Ming and Sophia are now in the area of ​​Manhattan, so on the way back to Queens, you will definitely pass the Manhattan symbolic building, the Stark Building.

  Because the building is located in Manhattan in reality, when Jack Ming came to this world, the Stark Building did not change, still standing in Manhattan, accepting the views of the local residents.

  Jack Ming and Sofia have no interest in the building that is slightly unconventional in design and has a big"Stark" sign than the usual buildings. So Jack Ming was planning to stay when he passed, but the disturbances that occurred below caused them. Attention.

  Sophia exclaimed: "Look, it seems that something has happened!"

  Jack Ming stared at it and soon saw the cause of the unrest.

  The big iron and red iron man are fighting so hard, and as they kept fighting like this, innocent people around have fled the battle area between the two.

  fuck! Iron Man vs. Iron King is actually today!

  Jack Ming feels that his luck is too bad. Originally intended to be far from these troubles, but he prefers to accidentally hit it. This makes Jack Ming wonder whether there is an invisible hand that controls everything.

  (duh, a serten writer behind the seane.)

  Jack Ming had inexplicably a coldsweet . He felt that there was something bad, but he did not find anything wrong. He simply did not tangled.

  Jack Ming was hesitant to solve the Iron King, and Sofia's whisper full of anxiety was in his ear: "Why is this happening?"


  Mom, in order not to destroy the plot, deliberately did not destroy the original steel armor, and now this situation, Jack Ming also has some responsibility.

  If he did not rescue Tony Stark, he could still say with innocence that this was an event that was doomed, but Jack Ming scruples the plot and let the Iron king appear, to say that there is no innocence in mind, it is basically nonsense.

  Looking at the civilians who fled around, crying and shouting, Jack Ming bit his teeth and made a decision.

  It is good to make up for mistakes, and in the future, in order to grasp the plot advantage, let go of dangerous incidents that can be avoided.

  Jack Ming landed on the roof of a building and put down Sofia. He said, " wait for a while, I will come back as soon as i get rid of this big guy."

  The voice just fell, Jack Ming flew out again, did not fly to the center of the two iron people, but flew in one direction at full speed.

  Here, there is still a short distance from Jack Ming's home, and it will take a few minutes to fly at full speed. Jack Ming is in an eager state, which speeds up the speed and shortens the time again.

  When Jack Ming rushed to the house to take out the uniform and put it on, he rushed back to the battle site, and Jack Ming, who was in a hurry, did not notice the golden electric awn in his eyes.


  The Iron king lifted his heavy feet and stepped on Iron Man's body, venting his anger. Then he grabbed Iron Man and took him to the next bus.

  Iron king, it should be said that obadiah stane wearing this armor is very angry at the moment. As a shareholder of the Stark Group, he always wanted to replace Tony Stark and control the Stark Group in his own hands. For this reason, he hired terrorists to kidnap Tony and wanted to take the opportunity to kill Tony, but did not expect Tony to actually came back alive!

  Moreover, this proud and self-satisfied dude, when he came back, announced that he would stop making arms. This is simply destroying the Stark Group, and Obadiah, who already regarded the Stark Group in the bag, how can he tolirate it. My own money was smashed in the hands of Tony!

  If it wasn't for Tony's secretary who found evidence of his dealings with terrorists, and how to expose the agents of the relevant organizations, how could he rush to snatch the reactor in Tony's chest, which is his last card, so Forced to be completely exposed.

  Originally thought that Tony's reactor was taken away, Tony could only wait to die. I didn't expect Tony to live! Also wearing a new armor and going against him!

  Obadiah has no back road, completely mad, and now the only obsession is to kill Tony Stark!

  Iron king armor raised a rocket, and the infrared aimed at the Iron Man on the bus, and immediately fired a rocket.

  The reality is different from the movie. In the movie, the rocket bomb exploded and the bus was blown up. The Iron Man was blown up and the sky was still safe. Now it may not be.

  Tony was stunned by a series of attacks from Obadiya. When he got into the bus and just stood up in a confused way, he heard his smart butler Javis quickly said: "Sir the is a rocket..."

  Jarvis's reminder has not been finished yet, and Tony's vision saw the rocket that was sprayed with flames and directed at him!

  This distance! This speed! He has no time to escape!

  The rocket is about to hit him. At this moment, Tony is like every dying person, flashing back and reviewing many people.

  his beloved mother, the old-fashioned father, The clumsy driver Happi,his always supporter Colonel Rodi, and, when I don't know when his heart flahed the picture of little pepper Poz...

  My life, Tony Stark, seems to stop today...

  Tony under the steel mask quietly closed his eyes.

  call out--

  The rocket bombed the sound of the air, and the next step was to hit his body and make a loud explosion of "bang"...

  At this critical juncture, suddenly, a white figure descended from the sky, heavily plunging the ground out of a large pit, blowing up the wind and sand, standing in front of the bus, and quickly reaching out, the white light shining from the fingertips. With the scream of the coming man, the rocket was shot at the past!


  Ah? Tony opened his eyes to the inexplicable "little bird", and then saw the scene that most subverted him in his life.

  The rocket hit by white light actually turned into a bird!

  The "Rocket Bird" fell to the ground and slammed a few times, and it completely disappeared, no longer moving, and no explosion.

  The wind and sand dissipated, and the mysterious man who arrived in time also appeared in front of everyone.

  I saw the mysterious man wearing a white tight-fitting leather jacket. The tights were lined with golden lightning lines. The head was wearing a very cool, shiny metal helmet. The eyes were filled with dazzling golden electric light. The ground under the feet was grounded. A large area of ​​cracks has been presented.

  The mysterious savior is Jack Ming who rushed to.

  Jack Ming vibrates the vocal cords and makes the voice sink. He turns his head and greets Tony: "Hey, 'Mr. stark', miss me?"


  Superhero "Godfather", officially debut!