Howling Dogs

Tony, who escaped from death, smacked his chest, but with a set of armor, the slap was a "beep" from the metal collision.

  Hearing Jack Ming, Tony instinctively refuted: "Ha? you? who would miss you, I only miss girls, not men I'm not gay and man haven't you ever been to college?"

  Tony's sentence is ironic because of the low level of Jack Ming's culture, but Jack Ming does not care. Instead, he exaggerated and said with amazement: "How do you know that I have never been to college?"

  Hey... Tony has a black line.

  Jack Ming and Tony were on the side of each other, and the front of Opadiyah felt that he was ignored. He was angry and shouted: "Enough!"

  In the face of Opadiyah roaring, they both shukled for his sense of existence, Jack Ming and Tony did not pay attention, Tony was deliberately pretending to ignore the irritated Opadiya, looking for opportunities to counterattack, and Jack Ming, he really didn't put him in his heart.

  No way, Opadiyah, wearing the iron king armor, looks tall and mighty, full of threats, but the appearance of such horrifying murderous, also the armor is slightly improved than the original, contrasting the various models that were invented by Tony, In another sense it is not worth mentioning at all, can only be considered a toy for Jack.

  Moreover, the Iron king and the abomination that followed, the Chitauri army, the Austrian creation, etc., is a slag, Jack Ming is completely uninterested.

  Seeing that both of them ignored themselves, Opadiya rushed over in a desperate way, smashing the steel giants against Jack Ming's face!

  Tony just jumped out of the bus and saw Opadiyah attacking Jack Ming. In this, Tony's eyes flashed a bit of mercy, and Opadiya was looking for death...

  Jack Ming pointed to the head of the terrorist leader, and in the blink of an eye, the terrorists lost their fighting power... In those scenes, Tony is still vividly remembered.

  Tony's heart also flashed a hint of thought, perhaps through the Iron King, to test the strength of Jack Ming. Although the Iron King is a primitive steel armor, the function is not advanced, but you can also observe the estimated data and create a more advanced armor.

  Tony, who relied on the self-protection of the armor, had a sense of crisis after seeing the inscrutable actor of Jack Ming. The idea of ​​restraining the armor has already planted a seed in his heart.

  Tony was attentively observing Jack Ming's reaction, and Jack Ming, when he saw the iron fighter smashed his fist, or slammed his face, suddenly became angry.

  Although I will heal myself, don't you know that it is wrong to face?!

  When the iron fist of the iron king was about to reach the face of Jack Ming, Jack Ming seized the mechanical arm of the iron tyrant and forced it!


  The mechanical arm that the Iron Tyran attacked Jack Ming was directly pulled down to reveal the hand of Opadiya in the armor. Opadiya was furious and thought about shrinking the exposed arm into the armor.

  Jack Ming throws the mechanical arm that is pulled down like a garbage, and the electric awn in the eye is more intense. Opadiya seems to see it. Under the glare of the electric light, the indifferent eyes regard him like an ant...

  Obadiyah is timid, afraid, wants to escape, but at the same time not reconciled, so Tony will have someone to save!

  Obadiyah resisted anger and softened his tone. He said, "Why should you protect Tony Stark? What conditions did he promise? If you say it, how much he gives you, I promise to turn it ten times. How about giving you a hundred times?"

  Tony listened to Opadiyah and told Jack Ming that his eyes were colder. He trusts Opadiyah so much, but Opadiyah carries him, trades with various terrorists, wants to annex his company, and puts him to death again and again.

  Not long after, Opadiyah was at his house, using his invented electric shock tool to paralyze him, so that he could not move, and then smugly grabbed the reactor on his chest with a winner's face and let him Feel the death approaching step by step.

  If it wasn't for Potts decorating the reactor he wanted to throw away as a souvenir and return it to him. Tony replaced it in his chest in time!

  Thinking of the inferiority of Opadiyah, Tony can't let Obadiyah go anywhere today!

  So, when he heard that Opadiyah promised Jack Ming, Tony immediately stepped forward and said, "Opadayah, don't forget that the Stark Group is mine, What capital you have to talk about conditions."

  "Stop!" Tony's words suddenly angered Opadiyah and snarled with anger: "If it weren't for you, the Stark Group is mine now! Why are you not willing to die!"

  The armor mask opens upwards, revealing Tony's calm look. Tony raised his hand and touched his chin. He said, "How can a young and promising person like me be so bad and short-lived? It is you. old and short-sighted, always looking only at money, and now, you say that Stark is yours. Isn't it funny?"

  Tony suddenly squinted and said in a bad tone: "I hope you have prepared a grave for yourself, to lie down on it at any time and anywhere."

  Tony Stark is such a poison tongue, always easy to irritate others, Opadiyah was completely provoked by Tony, what compromise, what escape, all forgotten, anti-tank at the shoulder of the armor The launcher was raised and the only remaining rocket was shot at Jack Ming and Tony!

  This time, Tony immediately raised his hands to launch an electric arc pulse gun. The pulse gun hit the rocket and detonated between the two sides. The flame of the explosion shook the Iron King and Iron Man, and only Jack Ming was completely immune to the explosion. The impact, steady as a mountain standing in place, let the bursting flames come face to face!

  "Well, Melvin's clothes are really good." Jack Ming looked at the unreasonable uniform on his body. The only damage caused by the explosion of the missile collision was the golden lightning pattern on the clothes. The sturdy metal is made of lightning and then sprayed with gold paint, and the lightning lines are a lot of colors.

  Well, there is no way to see Tony's set of gold and red armor. Every time after the war, it is spotted. The paint on the armor is scribbled by various attacks. When you change the handsomeness of the move, you are not embarrassed.

  In contrast, Jack Ming is only a golden color on the uniform, and the overall appearance is still the same, full of mysterious temperament.

  However, the district fades, Jack Ming is not difficult, only need a healing power to solve. After all, in addition to healing and purification, the horse spell has a healing ability, which can restore the object to its original state, somewhat similar to the time back...

  Therefore, Jack Ming can easily restore the uniform worn on his body, but it is not urgent now, just go back and restore it.

  After the explosion, the ground was scattered with some sparks. The Iron King and Iron Man got up from the ground and saw Jack Ming standing in the same place intact, and his eyes flashed lightning.

  Opadiyah is more and more afraid of Jack Ming, feeling that he is not able to escape today. Tony, on the other hand, got a deeper understanding of Jack Ming's strength. Before there were not enough cards, Tony was considering how to make good relations with Jack Ming. Such a strong person, should not be an enemy.

  Not to mention the psychological activities of Opadiya and Tony, Jack Ming checked all the lightning lines and found that all of them had different degrees of fading. They sighed and were not angry. They looked at the Iron King and said with ease: Are you finished? If you don't say enough, you will continue to say a few times. After that, after today, you will have no chance."

  Listening to the tough attitude in the other's words, there is no room for negotiation. Opadiya is completely dead, all the emotions are vented, hysterically roaring: "Why! Why do I have to wait until I die! I am the ruler of the Stark Group, Tony stark is nothing more than a clown who eats and shit!"

  "Hey, hello," Tony was very upset with Opadiyah's madness, "Don't smash me, I do not just eat and shit, If it weren't for me, this genius, the Stark Group will not reach today's Brilliant achievements, And this armor on your body, don't think that it will be yours after a few changes, this is my invention!"

  Opadiya didn't listen to Tony's rebuttal, but yelled in anger: "Shut up! Shut up! If it's not for me to help you take care of everything, will you keep the Stark Group growing, if not for me The Stark group has long been ruined in the hands of your defeated family! The Stark Group can have it today, it is me! Opadiyah Stan, who has spent half of his life to achieve it, the Stark Group, of course, belongs to me! No one can take it away!"

  Opadiya has lost his mind, and he laughs wildly: "Soon, Stark Group, no, it should be said that the Stan Group will be stronger in my hands! The whole world will be Shaking under my Opad. hand !"

  Seeing the appearance of a madman Opadiya, Tony also feels boring, and it is meaningless to argue with a madman.

  Tony raised his arm and palms against the Iron King, firing an electric arc pulse gun.


  The arc pulse gun is a common attacking method for Tony's armor. Although it cannot be compared with other armored weapons in the later stage, the power is also a lever.

  However, it is not effective at all for the Iron King who has a large body and a strong defense. So Tony wanted to launch his most lethal attack, the cluster gun, to concentrate the energy on the chest reactor, and it was launched at once. It just caused some damage to the Iron King.

  However, with the urgent sound of "dudu", Jarvis's voice sounded: "Sir, 15% of energy remaining, it is not recommended to use energy-intensive attacks."

  Uh... this is a special thing, and Tony Stark, when he meets, can't be squandered.

  Just as Tony struggled to start the emergency backup power supply, add 5% of the energy, let him be willful, Opadiyah took Tony's attack as a provocation, so he rushed over!

  "Go to hell! Tony!"