The Desperate Iron King

Obadiah wants to really come over, Tony's small body can't stop it. From the body shape, it can be seen that the iron man, who is mainly flexible, and the heavy-duty iron king, hardly hit the stone.

  Therefore, when the bully of the Iron king rushed over, Tony immediately activated the thruster on the foot and the palm of his hand and flew into the air, leaving Jack Ming standing in the same place, facing the brutal collision of the Iron King.

  "Hey, you are too enthusiastic, I can't afford it." Tony flew in the air but did not forget to mock Opadiya.

  Seeing Tony's flying to avoid, and then stopped in the air to watch, Jack Ming secretly turned a blind eye. you only now how to hide and watch the fun.

  The Iron King slammed fiercely. Just as he was close, Jack Ming kicked him out. With a huge metal crash, the Iron King was kicked backwards to the back leaving Traces, after repeatedly hitting a few cars then fell on the wall outside a building.

  Fortunately, although they were fighting on the traffic road, the passers-by were evacuated in time. Most of the drivers left the section, and some of the owners abandoned the road directly, away from the right and wrong.

  The only more than a dozen wounded people on the scene were implicated in the beginning of the battle. The cause of the injury was that Iron Man and the Iron King hit it, or they were too late to abandon the car. They were led by the Iron King and brought to the Iron Man. .

  I have to say that it's really bad luck...

  The area of ​​the fierce battle has been isolated by the relevant personnel, and it is unclear whether there is any any of SHELD intervention.

  The ambulance had already arrived at the scene, but because the injured were all near the center of the war , unable to leave on their own, the medical staff who arrived did not dare to approach the danger zone. They could only watch the wounded and groan.

  Jack Ming noticed this situation and decided to save people first. As for the Iron King, let Iron Man himself deal with it.

  "Hey, Stark," Jack Ming did not make a joke this time. He said, "You should hold down this big man first. I will take the wounded away from this place."

  The voice just fell, Jack Ming ran to the injured side, holding a hand in one hand, and then quickly sent the wounded outside the cordon as lightning, placed in front of the medical staff.

  Seeing that the medical staff was stunned and did not respond, Jack Ming shouted: "Save people!"

  The medical staff who seemed to wake up immediately hurriedly pulled down the wheeled stretcher from the ambulance, put the wounded on the stretcher, pushed the ambulance, and rushed to the hospital.

  There are also three ambulances on the scene. It is not enough to send all the wounded to the hospital at one time. Therefore, after the ambulance sends the injured to the hospital, it must return immediately to pick up the remaining wounded.

  However, in fact, he is not so anxious. Jack Ming is taking the wounded to the front of the medical staff, and using the power of healing to stabilize the injury. I believe that the wounded will be sent to the hospital for examination, which will make all doctors doubt life.

  Jack Ming quickly sent the wounded one by one outside the war zone. The medical staff tacticly provided emergency assistance to the wounded, although it was absolutely unnecessary.

  On the other hand, Tony heard Jack Ming's instructions and knew that it was important to save people. So he landed and began a series of shootings against the Iron King. The sound of "Dangdang" continued.

  Tony didn't expect the attack to work. He just fired all the weapons he could use, just to delay the time. When Jack Ming came back, let him solve the Iron King.

  When Opadiya had just slowed down from Jack Ming's counterattack, he was hit by Tony's gunfire. In this case, even the honest man will be angry, not to mention the fact that Opadiya hated Tony and immediately attracted attention by Tony's attack.


  Opadiya made a loud noise, and the missile launcher on his left arm fired all the missiles into the air.


  Seeing that Opadiya made a crazy shot of a missile at him, Tony was scared on the spot and very embarrassed to avoid the missiles of the dense group. Fortunately, the missiles of Opadiya did not have a Tracking function, Tony with the advantage of the flexibility and lightness of the Iron Man's suit and the calculation and control of the intelligent butler Jarvis, was not hit by the missiles.

  All the missiles were lost, which made Opadiya angry. After the rockets and missiles were used up, Opadiya had only the right arm of the machine, and the right upper arm was loaded with a 20 Millimeter caliber machine guns, also known as Gatalin.

  Although the right arm of the machine was pulled down, Gatlin on the right arm could be used manually, while the right arm of the machine was thrown not far away.

  Opadaya ran to the position where the left arm of the machine fell, and the Gatalin was removed from it. The right arm of the machine was holding Gatalin, and the machine gun in the left hand that lost the arm protection was pulled. dadadada, shooting against Tony frantically, the bullets burst out one after the other, and the shells slammed the sound of "clam dangling" for a moment.

  "Shet!" Tony couldn't help but burst again, and quickly handed over the armor to Jarvis to control. However, although Jarvis was a super artificial intelligence, he could not escape from such an intensive attack. After all, there were still a few bullets that hit the armor.

  "Beep, beep, ... The armor was damaged, and three bullets were detected penetrating the armor."

  The dangerous alarm sounded and Jarvis's tone did not have the slightest wave when he reported.

  Tony said with a look of pain: "I know, the bullet hit me, Fuck, Shet, really hurt me!"

  There were three more holes in the steel shirt. The bullets penetrated the armor and shot into Tony's body. Three shots were hit on Tony's right thigh. The thigh shot made Tony deeply understand the pain of the heart.

  The set that Tony is wearing now is "Mark 3", which is the model he officially launched, compared to the original model "Mark 1" made with Jericho missiles material and the experimental type "Mark 2". Mark 3 has been perfected, and it was made of gold-titanium alloy. It is reasonable to say that the defense is sufficient.

  However, in the design, the "Mark 1" was too heavy and the movement was inconvenient. Therefore, when designing the "Mark 3", the weight of the armor was reduced. Therefore, the armor was not very thick. Even if it was made of gold-titanium alloy, it experienced a series of impacts and explosion, the defensiveness of some parts of the armor is greatly reduced, which will lead to the penetration of some bullets.

  Tony's face was white, constantly sweating and gnashing his teeth: "Jarvis, the next stage of armor design, note to focus on the armor's defense, I want to use the hardest materials in the universe to make the armor!"

  "Okay, sir." Jarvis said as he recorded Tony's words.

  "Fuck, is the godfather still not done?"

  Tony continued to avoid the iron shooter's crazy shooting while enduring the pain of the leg injury. From time to time, he replied to several incendiary bombs or other ammunition weapons. As for the energy consumption of the arc pulse gun, he did not dare to use it. In order to save energy and maintain flight, he complained. Jack Ming still does not come to support.

  Jarvis: "Sir, the godfather has sent all the wounded to a safe area a minute ago."

  "Then how he is..." Tony had not questioned, and he saw Jack Ming. This eye made him almost vomiting blood.

  At this time, Jack Ming sat on the roof of a taxi, tilting his legs, and his left elbow was placed on the knee that lifted his left leg, and his left hand held his half face, which was very comfortable and looked like he was watching a live chow.


  Tony couldn't help but swear , and the pain caused by the thigh shot made him as if he was speaking baby language.

  I worked hard to contain the iron king, so that he would not notice you, so that you can save people. After you saved the person, you did not immediately come to help, but also watched me being shot? Godfather, how dark is your heart?

  Tony screamed inexplicably and shouted: "Aren't you coming to help! My armor is running out of energy!"

  Jack Ming did not hesitate to get up from the taxi roof and use the helplessness, and said with a tone like a parents giving up to his child's pout: "OK, OK, i coming..."

  On Tony's temples, there are blue veins that swear they will burst and eyes that were about to spurt fire, Jack Ming jumped slowly from the roof and then ran to the front of the Iron King.

  Seeing that Jack Ming suddenly appeared in front of him, Opadiya was scared to retreat again and again. Gatling was raised and pointed at Jack Ming. He said guiltily: "Don't come over, or I will kill you!"

  "Hey, it's quite awkward..." Jack Ming's eyes were getting more and more intense. Finally, without repression, the golden electric light shot from both eyes, straight through the iron armor's thick armor and broke a big hole!

  Under the control of Jack Ming, this electric eye was passed from the bottom of the iron tyrant to the edge. For the Opadaya in the armor, it was just a sneak peek. The electric light cut through his clothes, leaving a bloody scar. .

  boom! ! !

  The electric light finally hit the wall of the building behind the Iron Typhoon, and the wall was broken with several rooms inside the building.

  Uh... This building is really innocent, compensation for repair problems, or handed over to the SHIELD, SHIELD is good at wiping the butt.

  (fury with a darker face: what Did you say again?)

  Opadiya screamed in pain: "Motherf*cker!"

  Jack Ming was determined to take a few steps forward. Opadiya had no time to retreat. Jack Ming extended his left hand and grabbed the armor. From the armor being pinched into a scrap metal, it can be seen much strength Jack Ming used.

  Being caught by Jack Ming, unable to move, Opadiya was panicked and wanted to shoot at Jack Ming, but Tony from the air finally stabilized, using the last 2% The energy fired a blow pulse gun and Gatling was shot.

  Losing Gatling, Opadiya was even more emboldened, lifted a huge mechanical left arm and slammed it against Jack Ming with a punch, but Jack Ming raised his right arm and blocked the steel giant punches again and again.

  Obada's anger is mixed with desperation: "let go! Let me go!..."

  Another futile attack, the right arm of the machine was raised, the fist had not yet fallen, Jack Ming gave up the defense, the right arm turned, the right hand made a fist, met the fist of the Iron King, and directly meet-ed the other fist!

  boom! ! !

  Pull it!

  The sound of broken bones.


  Opadiya made a pig-like scream, um, like a pig being slaughtered.

  Obviously, Opadiya's left arm fell in the wind in this collision, the left hand was completely scrapped, the strong mechanical arm was completely wasted, and the bone in the right arm broke open into several segments.

  "I'm gonna kill you! I want to kill you!..." Opadiya cursed painfully.

  Jack Ming didn't care. He released the left hand of the iron tyrant. He took a few steps and took a closer look. Then he stepped forward and suddenly pulled the left arm of the machine!

  Looking at the iron tyrant who had lost both arms and Opadiya's two arms, Jack Ming nodded with satisfaction. "Well, it looks balanced."

  Behind him Tony was sweating from his comment and actions, just for balance you tor apart the remaining intact mechanical arm? This obsessive disorder is really...

  Of course, Tony only dared to think in his heart. He didn't want his steel suit to enjoy such ferocious treatment...