iron man [end]

Under the helmet, Jack Ming said with a smile: "Do you like this suit?"

  In vain, I pulled the steel plate on the chest of the Iron king. " it's broken, I don't like it."

  Without stopping, Jack Ming began to destroy the iron king armor. Breastplate, left leg armor, right leg armor... Each tear will forcefully dismantle the components of the armor, so that it is violently disarmed, and Tony feels a shocked with cold sweat.

  "Jarvis, hehe..." Tony whispered to Jarvis, but only then reacted, his shirt was running out of energy, and the connection with Jarvis was naturally broken.

  He also wanted to let Jarvis scan and calculate the current strength of Jack Ming, at least get the approximate data, and then enhance the performance in the next armor design, but now he can not contact Jarvis, Tony had to estimate it.

  The current record of the limit of human power is 457.5 kilograms, but this does not count among the well-known boxers. The average strength of the world-class boxing level is about 500-800 kilograms, but Tony looks at Jack Ming's relaxed face he did not his best, the human logic does not apply to him at all!

  Tony frowned as he was estimating the strength of Jack, but Jack's current strength cannot be measured by specific figures. If you find a reference object, now Jack's full force is close to the Hulk's by 60-70 percent, of course, referring to the movie hulk. The basic state of the comics are too exaggerated.

  The more angry the Hulk is, the stronger he is. There is no limit in theory. Jack is certainly better than the Hulk now, but note that this is only the current level of Jack Ming. The maximum power is now 60 or 70 percent of the usual Hulk, but in the future it is not necessarily.

  The power of the spell is originally different from person to person. The amount of power the spell can give is determined according to the user's potential. Even the original master of the spell, the demon of the fire, did not fully use the power of the spell.

  The power limit of the spell is still unknown.

  Therefore, Jack Ming's current strength is only his bottom line, and his upper limit is unknown. Perhaps in the high-risk position of Marvel, the answer can be drawn...

  The future is too far away, the calculation in Tony's heart has not yet been finished but Jack demolishement is nearing the end, and the iron king's armor is unloaded by Jack Ming, and the last iron helmet is still set. On the head of Opadiya.

  Jack Ming bounced his thumb casually, and the helmet was bounced high as it fell on the ground, revealing the face of Opadiya. At this moment he is no longer the arrogant major shareholder, but a frightened old man with eyes full of ear, his face twitched because of pain, his mouth issued some strange sound from pain.

  In the face of this villain who lost his rebellious heart, Jack was not interested in playing with. He yawned and said, "Stark, i will hand it over to you, I will leave first."

  Not waiting for Tony to speak, Jack disappeared from Tony's field of vision, which surprised Tony.

  Is this too fast, or is it stealth? If it is the former, Tony has already seen the speed of Jack Ming, but if it is the latter, it means that Jack Ming has shown a new ability, and the strength that has been shown before is only the tip of the iceberg.

  Looking at the armor of the iron king on the ground, Tony frowned and could not help but smile. It's also the first suit I invented, and it's broken to the ground...

  Seeing that Jack disappeared, In Opadaya's eyes hope reappeared, and he hurriedly rose up from the ground. His left hand held the right arm of the fractured bone, and the head did not return to escape in one direction.

  When Tony saw that Opadaya want to run away, he stood up straight, making the action of starting the jet propeller, and wanted to catch up.


  Ok, Tony forgets that energy is running out of it.

  no way,

Tony is unlikely to let Opadiya run away. Let's not say that Opadaya has almost killed him three times. If Today he let Opadaya run away, he have to worry about his revenge later. Tony is not afraid about his own safety. He has steel shirts and his own safety is adequate, but he is worried that people who care about him will be hurt.

  With such an idea, Tony hurriedly chased him up, but he found something more sad, because he now wears a suit, not just casually, and needs to go back to his lab. Let the machine help him dismantle the armor.

  Therefore, in the case that Tony could not dismantle the armor by himself, he could only continue to wear this set of armor made of gold-titanium alloy. The running speed is naturally not much faster. Every step is really "difficult" in the literal sense.

  "S...stop, Opadiya, can't run away..., fast... give up..."

  Before he even ran a few steps, Tony was already panting, and he said that his steps were getting smaller and slower and slower.

  "shut up! Tony, wait Intel i escape and Sooner or later, I will definitely repay you for today, and the people around you!"

  Opadaya said in an arrogant way, which suddenly angered Tony, and then came up with some strength to catch up, although still in vain.

  The two of you who chased me didn't realize one thing, that is, this area was blocked. On the edge of the blockade, except for the medical staff and a small number of people who are not afraid of watching the crowd, there are a bunch of police officers with guns. Keep guarding and waiting.

  Not to mention the fact that a few agents who followed the small peppers to catch Opadiya were arrested and killed by the Iron King. The Secretary of SHIELD is likely to send more people to support, and the crowd is mixed with a bunch of agents. SHIELD agents, waiting for an opportunity to move.

  Therefore, Tony does not need to catch up with Opadiya. Opadaya, who lost the armor of the Iron Tyrant, has no threat. Like a lamb with no sense of crisis, step by step into the trap...


  After the Iron king was dismantled, Jack Ming was really hiding, and then flew away, flying to the roof of the building where Sofia was previously laid down.

  Sophia grabbed the railing of the roof, and the upper body sneaked out. It looked like she was watching the situation below. When Jack descended on the roof he canceled the stealth and walked behind her, Sophia had not noticed.


  Jack suddenly suddenly heard he screaming. As for Sofia, she was shocked. If it weren't for the railings, maybe she would really fall from the building that is up to twenty floors.

  Sophia clutched the railing and panicked and turned her head, just to see Jack take off his helmet, then relaxed, patted her chest, causing the pair of peaks to tremble slightly, Jack's line of sight suddenly settled, how can it not turn? when there is such a seeing.

  "Scared me, you are too bad..."

  Sophia did not find that her tone was a bit squeaky, which gave a double impact to the sight and hearing of Jack and that made him unable to move.

  Soon, Sophia found that Jack's eyes were awkward and looked down in the direction of his gaze. Only then did she find out where the other person was looking at, her face was red, and she tightly closed her jacket.

  Sophia's little gesture made Jack return to his senses and took back his hot eyes. He smiled and said: "i am sorry Sophia you were too tempting and beautiful i couldn't help but look. As for the fight it is easy for me."

Sophia become red like tomato after she heard him as she thought 'he called me beautiful ahh i am tempting for' after lowering her head to hide her embarrassment she tried to adjust her emotions, after a few seconds.

but Jack was the opposed he wanted to see her cute reaction as she is too cute when she is embarrassed

  The two gradually become familiar with each other. Some details will still cause embarrassment, but they are still better than when they first met.

  Sophia doesn't really care about Jack's eyes. After all, she is an American woman. Her inner character is still relatively open, but it is the first time she met a man who made her feel like this.

  Of course, if Jack Ming stares unscrupulously, it will still make her feel sick.

  Sophia turned around and focused on Jack Ming's uniform. I have to say that the white tight-fitting leather coat highlights the tall and sturdy body of Jack, adding a bit of dignity and heroism. Because the flames has damaged the color of the lightning, not only did it not destroy its beauty, but made it like a mark that he won the battle.

  Looking at Jack Ming at this time, Sophia is inevitably stunned, and her face is unconsciously revealing the color of love.

  "Cough, I first wanted to find some time to show you my new uniform, I didn't expect a situation like this which made the clothes dirty."

  Jack said quite helplessly.

  Sophia shook her head and muttered like a nightmare: "No, I think you are so handsome..."

  Jack Ming: "..."

  Sofia: "..."

  For a moment, the atmosphere fell into mystery.

  "Well, ah, it's not early, I will send you home."

  Jack shifted the topic in a timely manner, and Sophia's face was faintly red as she nodded.

  putting the helmet back on the head, with a helmet covering his face, his heart is also inexplicably reassured, so Jack's said jokingly said: "I've been holding you in my back two times today. Would you like to change to the princess position? "

  After finishing the sentence, Jack immediately want to ​slap himself, but Sophia's face was red that it would drop blood.

  Just when Jack Ming was flustered and didn't know how to respond, he heard Sophia whispering: "It's not impossible..."

  Jack looked down and saw Sophia's shy face, and her green eyes under the glasses looked so beautiful at this moment.

  so cute...

  Jack has only this idea at the moment.

  Since the other party did not refuse, Jack as man can not shrink, he is not stupid, so he keeps cheering on himself: wasn't there an experience last time? Don't worry...

  Taking advantage of the atmosphere for a moment, Jack toasted all the troubles and stepped forward his body bented slowly and both hands reached Sophia to pick her up.

  Without any psychological preparations for both sides, Jack leaped up without saying a word, flew to the sky, in the direction of Queens.

  'so soft i want her, i want her to be part of my harem, how can i make her accept my dream of harem! '

  Jack , who used the power of healing to stabilize his emotions, said.

he really felt he was in love with this girl 'is it fate that want us together'(oth: no man it is me who want you together)

  On the other hand Sophia, who was held in the arms of Jack, felt very relieved and showed a quiet and soft smile. sneaked close to Jack's chest and listened to the frequency of some disordered heartbeat. .

  Not long after, Jack took Sophia to the new residence of Sofia and landed in front of an unpretentious apartment building. Many of the guests also had bright lights on the windows, and there were people on both sides of the street.

  Although wearing a uniform can cover Jack's appearance, in their is light on the street, the white tight leather still attracted attention. In order not to cause unnecessary trouble, Jack Ming immediately puts down the body of Sofia.

  Seeing that Jack Ming suddenly disappeared, Sophia did not know whether he was invisible or left. SHe curiously reached out and fumbled. As she had not touched anything, she felt her wrist was gently grasped. "Hey, Sofia, I am still there."

  Jack's voice came from the front, but there was no one in front, even if the street light shone, there was no shadow of Jack infront of her.

  This is the power of the snake charm, the stealth is very thorough, although the body is still there, but the shadow is invisible.

  releasing Sofia's hand, Jack stoped, and finally only said: "It's a little late, rest early, good night, Sophia."

  "Good night, wait..." Sophia subconsciously replied, but immediately reacted. "Can you leave a contact?"

  "Oh, ok, I almost forgot, my phone number is..." Jack Ming suddenly realized that, so he reported his phone number several times and waited until Sophia took out her mobile phone to register the number and left.

  Sophia felt a gust of wind blowing, there was no sound in front, knowing that Jack Ming was leaving, smiling quietly, "Good night."