A new era

The next day.

  Tony took a newspaper and looked at the report on the incident last night. The title of the newspaper was "Who is Iron Man?"

  I have to say that the efficiency of the newspapers is really impeccable. When I heard that the Stark Group had a robotic war, they immediately appeared like sharks who smelled blood, swarming and rushing through the night.

  Even if they don't know much insider, these newspapers have caught the attention of ordinary people by there imagination and exaggerated words about robots, and even gave Tony an "Iron Man" title without investigating.

  Tony said with great interest: "Iron Man, the name is quite catchy, although not very accurate, it is made of gold-titanium alloy, but it is quite appropriate."

  miss potts on the side carefully put some foundation on Tony's face to cover his bruises, and gently peeling off the tape on his nose.

  At this time, a man dressed in black clothes with a sunny smile, came over and handed Tony a prepared manuscript paper. "all you need to say are here."

  The man who looks natural and affectionate is SHIELD elite agent, Phil Coulson.

  Although his appearance made him look like an honest man, his sharp eyes that flash from time to time spoke otherwise, and it is enough to match the identity of SHIELD elite agent.

  Coulson meticulously told Tony the false memory he made for him to deal with the media. "...you just have to follow the instructions written above."

  "Wait a minute," Tony interrupted Coulson's words and wondered: "How did you mention Stan?"

  Different from the movie, after Jack participated in the action, Opadayah, who should have been died, succeeded in escaping from his fate but... he was caught by a bunch of police officers.

  As for the situation after Opadayah was caught, Tony did not now what happened, so he asked Coulson.

  "We handled it. He went to a very lively place to meet more friendly friends," Coulson said with a smile.

  as he heard it, Tony probably guessed the end of Opadayah, and that he was detained in a prison that was unknown and heavily guarded, every day.

  thinking that Opadayah will spend the rest of his life in a sh*t hole with some friends like him, Tony's mood is bright.

  After returning to his senses, Tony said to the SHIELD: "Don't you think this is too much like a movie story?..."

  Coulson still smiled and said: "Mr. Stark, this is not within my consideration. You just follow the manuscript and things will soon be settled."

  After finishing, Coulson was ready to leave, and miss pepper thanked Coulson for his help with sincere gratitude. Coulson humbly smiled and left.

  In order not to continue the misunderstanding of last night from evolving into a difficult situation. Tony opened a press conference to explain the incident after he went through a surgery to remove the bullets in his thigh.

  Although Tony just had a surgery, but he was still arrogant as he went to the platform of the conference. The reporters who were already sitting around were waiting for Tony's explanation.

  By the way, Tony is now very lacking in people who are worthy of trust. After experiencing the betrayal of Opadayah, Tony is more cautious. Now only the ones that can be trusted are Pepper, Roddy, Happi and Ethan.

  Roddy is a soldier, and naturally it is impossible to stay with Tony all the time. Ethan, after changing the ending of the movie, was warmly hosted by Tony for a while and left on his own. After all, he also have his own life.

  Therefore, Tony is now surrounded by Pepper and Happy.

  Seeing Tony coming,

Roddy, who has been battling in the stage with reporters, gave up the position and let Tony stand in front of the podium and start speaking.

  Tony took out the manuscript and read it word by word. There was an arrogant female reporter in the middle interrupting Tony's speech: "I'm sorry to interrupt you, Mr. Stark, but do you really think we will believe there is a magical Bodyguard, and you still..."

  When the words were not finished, Tony showed his cynical side. with evil charm he smiled and said: "I know this sounds quite sinister. You can of course question the official statement, but don't guess it, and say that I am a superhero."

  The female reporter retorted with a sly smile: "I didn't say you are a superhero."

  Indeed, these reporters have never expressed their views in black and white. They will only use some small means of side-clicking to seduce the ignorant people in that direction. Even if the parties are unhappy, they will be helpless to these leaky journalists.

  Tony, who was in the army, looked stiff and looked at the woman journalist who was extremely confident. he said, "Is that so? It sounds too sci-fi. I am not a hero. I have so many shortcomings. So much mess..."

  Tony's eyes are a little erratic, and the obvious attention is not on the manuscript, because he is thinking about whether this female reporter has had a passionate night with him, otherwise he is so embarrassing, but Tony's own history is too much, he can't remember if he had eating this female reporter...

  When Roddy heard Tony's words getting out of the manuscript, he silently approached Tony's ear to remind him: "follow the script!"

  Tony was awake and responded: "Yeah, Yeah ok.."

  Re-take the manuscript, "The actual situation is..." Tony paused, then gently lowered the manuscript in his hand, and waved a shocking declaration: "...I am Iron Man."

  This time, the scene completely blasted boom, all the reporters swarmed up, grabbed their camera to take pictures, and asked questions as they were in auction house.


  Lying comfortably on his sofa, watching the news broadcast live on TV, Jack smirked and picked up the remote control to turn off the TV.

  There is also a newspaper on the table, except for the title "Who is Iron Man?" In addition to the news, there is also a news: "Mysterious savior, suspected being Iron Man's godfather?".

  I didn't expect my title to be misinterpreted by these reporters. It's justified, He's called the "godfather", but he never intended to recognize Tony Stark as a son...

  Going to the window, watching the neighborhood where people come and go, today is still so noisy. Jack muttered to himself: "The new era..."

  Tony Stark, in the face of the world, declared himself to be Iron Man, perhaps just for his rise, but he did not know, his words opened a new era.

  Unlike Tony, who is now enjoying the applause and praise, Jack is a traverser who mastered the advantages of knowing the plot and deeply understands how earth-shaking the changes that will follow.

  It didn't take long for Dr. Banner to become a Hulk, abomination in the Broadway neighborhood, and then half a year later, the whip-man ill go to find trouble for Iron Man, at the same time, a hammer from Asgard with a prince who lost his power fell from the sky.

  Then, looking at the upcoming peaceful year or two, New York will usher in an invasion from an alien army and the bustling New York City will be ruthlessly destroyed, turned into ruins, and finally received a political "nuclear" gift lunched by the government.

  In the future, it will continue to face all kinds of disasters, from the evil god Dormammu, dark elves, Evil A.I ...

  and a couple years later, earth will usher in its biggest challenge ever.

  Jack looked up at the vast and innocent sky. The dignified sight seemed to cross a distance of countless light years, and came to the other side of the universe, facing the existence sitting on the throne and despising all living beings.

  Thanos The destroyer who made the whole universe in fear just from his name.

  The attempted to become the omnipotent universe hegemony made him not give up the collection of infinity stones, and earth which is ordinary planet, magically has four infinite gems the mind stone, time stone, space stone and reality stone.

  Although the space stone was took by the Asgardians for safekeeping, and the reality stone was given to the collector, but earth still had the mind stone and the time stone, on the forehead of the illusion, and the later became the tool of Dr. strange also known as the Supreme Master.

  The earth with two infinity stones is destined to usher in the invasion and plunder of Thanos.

  Jack did not watch the movie Avengers infinity war as it was not released at that time. So the plot advantage will stopped at the end of Thor 3, where Thor and Loki led the surviving residents of Asgard searching for another home, but they encountered the huge fleet of Thanos.

  But Jack saw some trailers of the Avengers 3, the scenes of those superheroes who worked together to protect the earth and fight against the destroyer, as they gathered the power of everyone to deal with him. Why not? The side reflects the power of the tyrant, and the scene where the destroyer arbitrarily equipped the space gem on the infinity gloves, I can feel the power contained in it.

  Unable to fight only despairitly trying to stop Thanos...

  Jack slowly closed his eyes.

  He didn't know how powerful Thanos is, He didn't know how much his little butterfly effect would change this world, and he didn't know how to solve him when the time come.

  But he is very clear that he has already integrated in this world. He does not if he will be lucky enough to be one of the survivors when half of the universe's people are destroyed. Instead, he will try his best to change the future and protect everything and Solve the bad guys!

  "I, Jack Ming, a person who has the privilege of living in this world, a person who suddenly got extraordinary power..."

  Jack said softly.

  "Swear to eradicate all evils, protect the innocent people, come forward when disaster strikes, and rise to the challenge at the end of the world..."

  Plain language without modification, the more his firmer his tone is.

  "Even in the face of that desperate existence, I will clench my teeth and try my best to punch his face into a slag!"

  Jack Meng opened his eyes and swung a punch in the sky. His fist cut through the air and caused a burst of air.

  Thanos the destroyer, I am waiting for your arrival!


  Well, from the perspective of the onlookers, Jack stood there motionless, his look changed, and then suddenly punched the sky.

  they all had one though' a madman'...