a date with Sophia [1/2]

 Tony arbitrarily declared himself as Iron Man in front of the people all over the world. On that night, the director of SHIELD broke into his private house and proposed a plan to form the Avengers.

  However, these have nothing to do with Jack.

  The only thing that changed about Jack is his mysterious superhero career. After the media reports with the influence of Iron Man, he was finally able to appear brightly.

  Thanks to the unyielding will of journalist, every time Tony's high-profile travel, he will be questioned about the identity of the mysterious savior. Even some reporters directly ask Tony, "Is that your elder?" Tony had black lines in his face. The media announced the name "Godfather" and the process of knowing the mysterious superhero"godfather".

  of course, the information's are all provided by Tony Stark personally, the major newspapers have made a big report on this mysterious "Godfather", of course, the evaluation is mixed. Some praise him for defeating the evil robots and calm down the chaos while some scum wanted to improve the reputation of their own newspapers, and they said that the godfather did not dare to uncover his true face and only hide inside his helmet.

  Well, Jack was very angry at first, and he thought about a little revenge. he took a look at the newspaper that was spurting nonsense about, but after seeing that it is horn daily newspaper, he became indifferent and let it be natural.

  The horn daily is the place where Peter Parker went to work in the classic Spider-Man movie, the boss of this newspaper dislike Spider-Man as not pleasing to the eye, and the photos of Spider-Man bought from Peter are also for the news so that he could keep it.

  Although I don't know how the new version of Spider-Man who joined the Marvel movie universe will become with the backing of Tony Stark, he still went to the horn daily to go work and sell photos.

  So, for the director of this news company whose boss look like a mentally ill patient who had run from the hospital, Jack is too lazy to care about him, so he let him go.


  After more than a week passed of the Iron Monger incident, the Stark Group has turned this matter into a favorable factor. The company's shares are rising, and the Stark Group has not only failed but has become increasingly prosperous.

  Thanks to Jack's rescue when he first saved the people, and the crowd fled in time, the Iron Monger was quickly stopped, and the spread was not great. Therefore, the Iron Monger incident was magically dead, and the citizens of New York quickly recovered. And regard this as a popular topic in their morning breakfast, and I will not bother to discuss it.

  The Godfather, a superhero with an unknown identity and unclear ability, was accepted by ordinary citizens. Even many children and young people regarded him as an idol. The limelight once surpassed Iron Man, which made Tony, who is famous for his love of fame, feel A bit uncomfortable.

  Another ordinary afternoon.

  The pedestrians who were on the street suddenly felt a strong wind passing by, and then saw a white afterimage, and could not help but cheer: "Godfather!"

  Most of the pedestrians who saw the white afterimage cheered and expressed excitement for the appearance of this superhero.

  After Jack didn't need to hide his identity, he rushed around every corner of the city, cracked down on criminals, and rescued the public. His actions were efficient. In just over a week, he was recognized by the citizens of New York.

  Jack, who is immersed in running at full speed, is happy with the cheers of pedestrians along the way, but he is gradually adapting and will not be affected too much.

  not much time passed, Jack rushed to a fire scene. A dozen-story high-rise building, several layers are covered with flames, and smoke is floating outside.

  The building where the fire broke out was a branch of a new mobile phone in the United States. I don't know if it was a problem when testing the performance of the mobile phone. The explosion made this fire scene.

    As a person with heroic professional ethics, Jack certainly will not ignore the innocent employees who are desperately crying for help because of his previous life experience on an explosive mobile phone. People still have to save a lot of money... There is no way to extinguish the fire. However, Jack can not have the ability to control water, and can only be very sorry (happy) to see this branch of fake mobile phones burn to ruins.

  Two fire engines have been parked under the building. Some firefighters sprayed water guns outside to reduce the fire. Some firefighters were dressed neatly and ready to rush inside to save people.

  Seeing the arrival of Jack, the firefighters expressed surprises. The fire brigade stepped forward and solemnly said: "Godfather, please help us and rescue the people trapped inside."

  At the time of human life, there is no intrigue. I don't think that superheroes have robbed of their own jobs. On the contrary, with the help of superheroes, the safety of firefighters is also guaranteed.

  Jack nodded and said with a low voice: "I will save people as soon as possible..."

  The words have not been exhausted, and the man has flew up and rushed to the most violent layer of the fire.

  The fire started on the top floor, and the remaining employees of the floor were all evacuated and ran out of the company. Only on the top, 13 employees had no time to evacuate and were trapped.

  Flying to the floor where the cry for help is the loudest, he punches in a polite manner opening a big hole in the wall, and then flew in, and picked up three people on both sides of his shoulder, and flew downstairs to the ground, putting people on the ground, giving everyone hope on this almost impossible situation, then continue to fly back to the fire scene to save the rest.

  After a few round trips, Jack rescued all the trapped people. By the way, he quickly searched the entire building, After confirming that there was no omission, he directly broke through the wall and rushed out of the fire.

  After confirming that everyone was rescued, thunderous applause and cheers broke out and people who were watching praised the godfather for another successful rescue operation.

  "you did it well, godfather!"

  "It was solved very quickly!"

  "The godfather is I want to have you baby!"

  "Don't grab him with me!"


  Cough, the masses are really passionate.

  Jack silently sneaked a look at the one who shouted to have his baby. Well, there are a few who look very good... Oh, my god! what is wrong with these women...

  At first glance, Jack saw a few pairs of chilling snow peaks, even the figure clothes are failing to hold them. The boobs are vibrating as there owners were shouting and jumping. Jack's eyes suddenly looked straight.

  After collecting these beautiful pictures in his brain, Jack did not take another look again.

  Jack said to the fire brigade: "The people are saved, the rest is handed over to you."

  The fire brigade nodded and thanked sincerely: "Thank you for your assistance. If you are here, the city will get better and better."

  Jack smiled, he did not speak again and quickly ran away from the scene. Some fanatical sisters chasing after the white afterimage as they kept yelling "Don't go!".

  what some passionate American women...


  Busy rushing all day, although he has the power of the dog talisman, making him always full of energy, never feel tired but Jack will not be like a machine, 24 hours catching bad people and saving people.

  Moreover, the city does not have a 24-hour incident. It must be like that. Jack alone also lack some skills. If everything is done by him, then what was the point of the police and firefighters existent.

  Born in sorrow, died of happiness.

  Jack hopes that everyone will have a sense of urgency and will not develop the dependence mentality of "having a superhero solution".

  Well, I said so much, the main reason is that Jack needs his own personal time.


  Jack's mood is very pleasant tonight because he has a date.

  During this time, Jack still made a phone call occasionally in the evening, chatted with Sophia, or waited until she came out of school, went shopping, or a walk in the park.

  Both Jack and Sofia are very satisfied with the relationship between them. Even further development is not impossible no it is a must. Jack only need to take the last step to advance the relationship. After all, if you want to go further, it is often better for the man to take the initiative. .

  So yesterday, Sophia went home on weekends. When Jack was on the phone with Sophia, he proposed to go to Broadway to watch the opera tomorrow night. Sophia also agreed.

  Jack's plan is simple that is to confess to Sophia at the end of the opera.

  So, it is necessary to go to Broadway to watch opera to create his so called mood, and dressing should not be too casual. Although there is no strict requirement for formal wear, Jack still bought a suit.

  it was black like in the movie 'man in black' without the tie. Inside is a delicate purple-red shirt. The top button is also untied. Two pairs of shiny black shoes on the feet with a very stylish watch worn on his left wrist.

  Jack also turned to the high-end salon, let the professional hairdresser make a suitable haircaut for him. now he looked like new brand jack from a high class with a handsome face with a body like captain America.

  in short a new look. The new hairstyle made him full of youthful energy, the suits and made his temperament lazy but in a good way. The performance of the two conflicts images made Jack full of mature charm.

  In particular, the intensification of the spell to Jack made his appearance and body more and more perfect. The strong yet firm muscles hidden under the clothes, the handsome face has enough capital and confidence to go around the street picking up a bunch of female phone numbers.

  Standing in front of the mirror in his bathroom, according to his current appearance, Jack couldn't help but sigh: "Sure enough, clothes make men."

  Until now, Jack was still a fan of the authorities. He did not realize that he was really handsome. The change in his body was found. After all, the eight abdominal muscles were firm in his abdomen.

  In this regard, Jack just said with a sigh of relief: "Brother is also a man with eight abdominal muscles."

  After finishing praising himself, it was determined that there was no problem, Jack left the house with his head.

  In fact, at the moment of going out of the house, there is still a lack of confidence. Because he spent too much on his body, now there are a few thousand dollars in his bank card.

  It takes a lot of time to find a job, but it is not something that can be solved in a moment, so I will concentrate on my date tonight.

  Broadway is also located in Manhattan, which makes Jack want to spit out, he always has to go to Manhattan, and can only stay a few times in Queens.

  Sophia went home on weekends and was not far from Broadway. It took a long time to get to the agreed opera house with a taxi.

  So when Jack flew to Broadway, he found a corner to arrange his clothes. When he came to the opera house he found Sophia already standing at the entrance of the theater waiting quietly for him.

  When I saw Sophia's dress tonight, Jack couldn't help his eyes from brightening up.

  Sophia's dark brown long hair is still so soft, tied to one side with a delicate hairpin, the face is covered with a light foundation, and the lips are coated with a bright red lipstick. The usual large frame glasses accidentally No wear, showing the beautiful and charming side of Sophia.

  Similarly, Sophia wore a silky and beautiful rose red dress, the skirt just past the knees, revealing a pair of white and innocent calves, small and exquisite feet, wearing a pair of high heels.

  Tonight Sofia is wearing a bold style, dressed in a very mature and glamorous dress without losing her sexiness, Jack only took a look, and was quickly captured by her beauty, unable to remove his line of sight.