a date with Sophia [2/2]. The hulk

Beautiful and moving flowers will surely attract some annoying bees.

  At this time, there were a few people dressed in costumes, like beasts around Sophia (Jack thinks so), and they have been entangling her, which Sophia frown.

  Jack fixed his sleeves, while his face hangs a confident smile as he walked toward Sophia.

  When Sophia was in a state of panic, she saw Jack coming over and suddenly calmed down as she showed a charming smile.

  When Jack walked in front of Sofia, he said with a trace of apology: "Sorry, I am late."

  Sophia's eyes have become a lovely moon shaped crescent, as she said in a delighted tone: "No, I just come ."

  The men around were not happy, so what if you come to the beauty, you have to lower your head, even if it is your female companion. Just as they were about to say something, Jack's eyes moved to this group of people.


  The look of that eyes is so horrible, as if there are endless murderous faces so that the men are shuddering, completely speechless, can only walk into the theater.

  Jack was able to use his eyes to force others to retreat and flee. In addition to the reasons he really experienced killing, there was also the effect of the pig spell.

  The use of electro-optical light by both eyes as an attacking mean has a certain influence on the eyes. The original ability to describe the spell of the pig has a description: "A pressuring Electric eye ", although it sounds very earthy, it also reflects the power the pig charm give to the eye. The sharp momentum may not be able to kill a person with a look, but one eye is enough to scare people.

  After scaring those annoying guys, Jack put away the momentum and smiled softly: "Sophia, you are so beautiful tonight."

  Sophia's pretty face is red, said: "Thank you, you are very...handsome tonight."

  Yes, seeing Jack, who is dressed in a suit and spirit, exudes an unspeakable temperament and charm, Sophia can't help her heartbeat from accelerating.

  Jack's upper body leaned forward, his face was closer, and his tone was somewhat uncertain. "You...are you wearing contact lenses?"

  Sophia blinked and looked forward with an expectation: "Yeah, what do you think... how?"

  Jack said without thinking: "It's all so beautiful, but..."

  Speaking of this, Jack deliberately dragged his voice. Sophia refused to let it go, she looked at her own skirt and touched her hair. Somewhat anxiously asked: "Where am I messed up?"

  Jack smiled mischievously: "But... I feel like I am not looking at Sophia but a beautiful princess tonight."

  Sophia realized that she was being teased, slightly frowning, pouting her mouth, and her eyes were full of dissatisfaction.

  "OK, my fault," Jack smiled and apologized, but then he said: "But tonight, you are really amazing."

  Once again, Jack boasted which Sophia's little anger disappear, leaving only a happy mood and some embarrassment.

  Jack fixed the collar of the blazer, his left arm bent, and gracefully said: "I don't know if I am honored to invite this beautiful lady to watch a wonderful opera?"

  Sophia was amused by Jack's move. She smiled as she reached his arm holding it lightly, and she smiled playfully. "Well, gentleman, I accept your invitation."

  Jack, wearing a black suit, took Sofia in a red dress and walked into the opera house as they leisurely strolled, and sat down in the reserved position.

  The opera tonight is "Les Miserables", a musical opera created by French musical composer Claude Michel and Alan Bobley, adapted from the same name the novelest Victor Hugo.

  As for telling a story, oh... simple summarization is the history of struggles in which social people are released from prison and encounter a series of real problems.

At least Jack had a rough look at the Internet and understood it afterward.

  Jack doesn't have many artistic cells. He can't understand the charm of opera. He wants to say that he only knew real art after he joined the animation community in school and practiced painting for a while.

  Well, opera is not just a performance, you can listen to the songs of those opera actors, and it is good, as you feel the songs rich in emotions.

  Jack looked at Sophia's side face, and the more he looked, the more pleasing he was, but he looked at it and found that Sophia looked at the stage while her eyes were flushed.

  It seems that Sofia is not unaware of Jack's line of sight. He has been staring at her and it is not polite. Jack quietly diverted his eyes and put it on the upcoming opera.

  Still think about how to confess after the end of the opera...


  At the same time, **** College.

  At this time, Samuel Stern was very excited. Today, he went to work in the school as usual, but when he was at the school gate, he was stopped by a woman named "Elizabeth Ross" and introduced a man to him.

  When the other party tentatively asked "Mr. Blue?", Dr. Stern knew that he had been unable to confirm whether the real person was standing in front of him.

  Dr. Stern is preparing an unimaginable human experiment, but the subject is not him, but the worried man around him, Bruce Banner.

  Bruce Banner is also a talented Ph.D., who should have been educated at a university or joined some research institutes, just like other doctors, but he accepted the invitation of the military to participate in a secret study.

  Dr. Banner believes that he is studying anti-radiation methods. After achieving certain results, he will confidently start human experiments or use himself as an experimental subject.

  However, when he injected the so-called "anti-radiation agent", he was hit by gamma rays, the body uncontrollably mutated, another personality appeared in the brain, took control over his body, becoming a mad green monster who wants to destroy everything. When the green monster, Dr. Banner discovered that he was cheated by the military.

  There has never been any research on anti-radiation. From the beginning to the end, the head of the project, General Ross, and the father of Bennet's girlfriend, Betty, are kidding him to study the super soldier serum of World War II!

  During World War II, Dr. Erkins, a great genetic biologist, studied a super soldier serum that would strengthen the human body to the limit, and this invention created a symbol of justice in the United States, the arrogant Captain America!

   captain America led his roaring commando, repelling the enemy's aggression once and for all. With superhuman physique, one person reversed the situation.

  However, when Dr. Erkins was assassinated by hostile agents, the formula of the super soldier's serum was also lost, and as one of the few people who successfully injected the serum, the captain America died while fighting the enemy, buried under the glacier. .

  General Ross has always been disdainful about the idea that the R&D department only wants to make better weapons. He is more inclined to build stronger soldiers!

  Therefore, he coveted the effect of super soldier serum, persevered in investing a large amount of funds and talents, attempting to copy the super soldier serum, and Banner's uncontrollable variation is a failure and a success.

  After General Ross saw the green monster's devastating power, he made up his mind to seize Bruce Banner and thoroughly study his body variation, perfecting this "evolution" and creating a giant army obeying orders. !

  From the moment Bruce Banner changed into the Hulk, his body, every drop of blood, every cell, in the eyes of General Ross, belonged to the state's property.

  Under the arrest of the army of General Ross, Banner has been living in the past and hiding in Tibet. He even fled to Brazil and lived in a slum, worked in a soda bottling plant.

  Every day, Banner is going to work in the factory, and spares time to learn various ways to control emotions. Banner, who is so lonely, has a dog to accompany himself.

  However, a dramatic thing happened - he accidentally scratched his finger at the factory, causing a drop of blood to stick in one of the soda glass bottles. After the soda was put on the market, it was drunk by someone (hehe, unlucky Stan Lee). Because the gamma radiation in the blood caused poisoning, the military found Bruce Banner under the soda bottle bottling plant.

  The military surrounded the factury by layers, ready to take down Banner in one fell swoop. Banna escaped with eagerness, but was blocked by several unfriendly workers in the factory. Under strong emotional fluctuations, he reached a critical point. He lost consciousness again and became crazy. The Hulk killed several of the encircled soldiers and then embarked on his jurney under the unwilling gaze of General Ross.

  When Banner reawakened and was already in a different place, exposing his whereabouts and failing to save himself many times, he decided to return to New York to find Mr. Lan who he met online, because Mr. Lan said he had found a way to completely cure him.

  So Benner spent a lot of hard work and finally returned to New York. When he returned to this long-lost city, he couldn't help but miss his inner thoughts and secretly visited his girlfriend, Betty, but was noticed by Betty.

  After a long absence, Betty didn't want to lose Banner again and struggled to retain him, but Banner was exposed, the military tried to arreste him at Betty's university, and Banner was inevitably turned into a terrible monster in front of Betty.

  Hulk shredded several tanks and flew dozens of soldiers. All targets that attacked him were destroyed. When General Ross ordered the soldiers to retreat, Betty stumbled to the front of Hulk, and the raging Hulk was surprisingly quiet. When Betty was almost implicated by artillery, he used his huge and strong body to block Betty's invasion of the bullets. leaving with Betty, who was in a coma, they fled the scene.

  When the two woke up again, Banner and Betty began to look for Mr. Blue. After various means,they finally found Mr. Lan, Dr. Samuel Stern.

  In order to eliminate the Hulk in the body and end the painful roots once and for all, Banner hesitated and decided to accept Dr. Stern's experiment.

  Dr. Stern rushed to operate various precision instruments, put the antidote he developed on the blood separator, and then walked to the bed of the experiment. Dr. Stern looked nervous at the same time he looked forward to the result: "Well, lie down. ."

  Banner and Betty looked at each other and saw Betty's incomprehensible look, showing a smile, letting her rest assured, then leaning on her upper body and lying on the bed, letting Dr. Stern fix him with the belt on the experimental bed. .

  The tubing of the blood separator is inserted into the arms and thighs of Banner by a needle, and the blood in the body of Benner is quickly pumped and mixed with the antidote. "...but you have to completely transform and dissolve. "

  Dr. Stern explained that while picking up a pacemaker that looks like a headset, it is just a little more compact, and when you get closer to the two sides, there is a strong current.

  Betty stroked Banner's arm and said, "Relax, nothing will happen."

  Banner bites a cork in his mouth, and although his eyes continue to calm down Betty, his face is still very nervous.

  Dr. Stern reminded Betty, to step back, and then quickly used a pacemaker to power the position of the temple in Banner. Banner was twitching by the strong current, and the pupils turned green in a moment.

  Then, Banner's bones began to have strange distortions. To be precise, it was growing, the muscles were expanding, and the skin gradually became green. Banner gasped painfully, and the cork in the mouth also I couldn't be kept as he spit it out, After that an incomparable scream come from his voice as pain tried to eat him alive: "Ah-"