Half away through confession with the appearance of abomination

Seeing that Banner's figure is more than doubled, Dr. Stern subconsciously preparing to inject the antidote into Banner's body. Betty immediately stops: "Wait, wait! Not over yet! Wait!"

  Under Dr. Stern's horrified gaze, Banner became more and more sturdy. After waiting a few more seconds, Banner's body finally stopped changing, but it has become a tall and strong green giant.

  the incredible Hulk!

  At this time, Hulk occupied most of control of the body, violently roaring, the strong and powerful arm desperately pulled up, trying to break off rhe belt, and Banner's consciousness was being occupied by Hulk's consciousness of destruction.

  Betty yelled in a panic: "Now! Now! Hurry!"


  Dr. Stern did not immediately execute, as he was looking with hot eyes at the "perfect creature" in front of him, and Hulk, who was suddenly violently knocked down, was still obsessed.

  Seeing Hulk's face murderous, the situation was critical. Betty turned over and sat on Hulk's body. The little hand touched Hulk's face and calmed down in a soft voice: "Bruce, look at me..."

  Then, looked at Dr. Stern, who had just returned to his senses, as she said evilly: "Quick inject the antidote! Stern, hurry!"

  Dr. Stern also thought about touching Hulk's body was shocked by Betty's pungent tone as he put away the hand that had just stretched out, and turned around to control the machine, but the machine did not respond to the failure. Dr. Stern immediately panicked and took the old way of fixing up the machine - by hitting it.

  No matter what kind of machine, as long as it faile to function some "normal" people usually fix it with a foot. It's funny...

  Dr. Stern was not unlucky. After the machine was put into effect, the blood separator began to deliver the neutralized antidote into the body of Hulk. Hulk's right hand just lifted up and wanted to touch the girl in front of him. On the back, I feel that some strange substances are input into my body, and my consciousness is fading.

  Hulk was unable to hang down the struggling arm. Finally, he glanced at the girl who could feel the peace of mind, and then made a cry like relief. He went back and slowly narrowed his body.

  The green color on the skin gradually dissipated like water, restoring Banner's original white skin color.

  With a burst of skeletal contraction, Banner returned to his original state but was stunned by the pain.

  "Bruce?" Betty anxiously touched Banner's face and called.

  Banner took a deep breath and opened his eyes. When he saw Betty, he was a little confused and looked around. Betty quickly calmed and said: "It's okay, nothing went wrong, you did it."

  Banner gradually calmed down, did not feel Hulk's violent consciousness in his body, and finally smiled with relief.

  Dr. Stern looked at the data on the computer and said with shock: "He's fine, great, it's over."

  After a while, Banner, who was slowed down, dressed, and Betty sat on the sofa, listening to Dr. Stern's eagerness to explain the experiment. Suddenly, Dr. Stern's message was too excited to leak Banner's Note: "Experimental sample? What experimental sample?"

  Dr. Stern, who found himself leaking, faced Bunner's questioning eyes and had to compromise. He was helpless and mixed with excitement: "Follow me."

  Dr. Stern led Banner and Betty to another lab. As soon as they walked in, they saw several glass cabinets with countless blood bags hanging inside. In the heart of Banner, there was an ominous premonition.

  Dr. Stern's words also confirmed his bad guess: "...this is all your blood."

  Before, Banner sent Dr. Stern some of his blood. He hoped that Dr. Stern could find out how to eliminate Hulk from his blood. However, he did not expect Dr. Stern to study the mystery of Banner's blood.

Cultivate and make more blood!

  Banner is well aware of what this dense blood bag means, meaning that once a mistake is revealed, it is highly likely that more Green Hulk will be created!

  imagining the scene of the destruction of a lot of Hulks, Banner shivered as he interrupted Dr. Stern's self-speaking statement and said coldly: "No, we have to destroy it!"

  Dr. Stern blew up on the spot: "What? We can get the Nobel Prize, why should we destroy it? Impossible!"

  Banner and Stern were in a dispute for a time, and they were completely unaware that there were several snipers on the opposite building, aiming at this side.

  Outside the school, dozens of military vehicles drove to the stairs to stop, and a fully equipped soldier quickly got off the bus and rushed into the school, quietly approaching Banner's laboratory.

  Thanks to SHIELD interception of the information sent by Banner to Dr. Stern on the Internet, General Ross traced Dr. Stern's ID address to know Banner's next destination and launched a new round of arrests.

  Banner has been arguing with Dr. Stern, but there are no signs of transformation. Dr. Stern never understood the hidden dangers of leaving blood, which made Banner very angry and went to Dr. Stern to prepare the theory. Through the glass window, the whole person was exposed to the shooting range.

  The sniper who seized the opportunity quickly fired. The anesthesia gun hit the back of Banner without any accident. Banner fell down softly, and Betty hurriedly helped Banner.

  Banner saw that Bronsky walked in with anger and madness, so he was unable to remind Betty: "Go!"

  Betty just turned around, and Bransky, who was stepping forward, pushed open and slammed into the glass cabinet next to it. Bronsky squinted at Banner's face and shouted: "Where is it! "

  Emile Bronsky is a foreign mercenary who has a proven track record in life and has a wealth of operational experience. However, with his age, his physical fitness is not as good as before. He doesn't want the escape of Hulk in Brazil to become a shame in his last career. General Ross's experimental products, undergoing physical strengthening experiments, restored his body to the peak state of his youth.

  However, at the second arrest at the University, Hulk once again trampled his self-confident dignity on the ground. He was kicked directly into the tree by Hulk, and he was lifted back to rescue as a family dog. .

  Because of the physical intensive experiment, Bronsky survived, and with an incredible ability to recover, in a short period of time, he was able to move from a serious injury to a state of survival.

  Both arrests were escaped by the target, and even the second time they were slammed, which made the proud Bronsky feel insulted and at the same time, unwittingly yearning for the tyrannical power of the Hulk.

  That kind of power, Bruce Banner, the nerd who has no hands-on power, is not worthy of possession it, but he, Emile Bronsky, the elite warrior is worthy!

  Bronsky slammed Banner madly, trying to anger Hulk, a shame, but failed to do so, Banner just shook his head under the effect of anesthesia, groggy, and did not change his body. An angry Bronsky punched Banner fainted.

  Looking at the unconscious Banner who was carried away by the soldiers, Betty whispered coldly to her father Ross, then Bronsky noticed Dr. Stern, who was timid and shrinking, had a bit of enthusiasm.

  When the soldiers all quit, Bronsky didn't pay attention to everyone, stayed in the lab, and sneaked behind the female soldier who was interrogating Dr. Stern.

  The female soldier was seriously interrogating Dr. Stern, and suddenly felt a pain in the back, and was stunned by a heavy blow. Bronsky said with an expression: "She is really annoying."

  Dr. Stern asked incomprehensibly: "Why are you always beating people."

  Just want to sneak a bit, Bronsky took a pistol and pointed at him, Dr. Stern suddenly dared not talk.

  Dr. Stern said with horror: "What did I do to provoke you?"

  "It's not what you do, it's what you have to do." Bronsky said coldly, "I want you to extract something from Banner."

  Noticing the hunger in Bronsky's eyes, Dr. Stern immediately became interested, not afraid, and smiled with interest: "It seems that you have already injected something."

  Bronsky did not hide his thoughts. "I want more, and you saw how he becomes."

  Dr. Stern whispered obsessively: "Yes, it's so beautiful, just like God."

  Bronsky said in an incomprehensible tone: "I want to be like that, you have to turn me into that!"

  "I don't know what's in your body. Mixing together can become a scourge..."

  As soon as the voice fell, Bronsky took up the pistol and grabbed Dr. Stern to raise his head. Dr. Stern quickly asked for mercy: "I didn't say that I don't want to, I just need your permission, and you agree..."

  Bronsky put down Dr. Stern and said with a bad attitude: "Get ready!"

  Dr. Stern was frightened and ran to prepare for the experiment, and Bronsky showed a brutal smile.

  However, they did not know what a terrible monster would be created next...



  The applause thundered, and all the audience applauded at the same time when the opera was closed. Sophia also applauded with a smile, and Jack did the same.

  "Les mesirables"is indeed a masterpiece that deserved its reputation. The actors used their vivid acting and singing voices to deeply infect the audience. Even those who do not understand opera like Jack will inadvertently Immerse themselves.

  The opera ended, the audience gradually left, and as many people left they are still recalling the just-experienced opera, but Jack and Sophia did not have that idea, left the seat together, and walked out of the opera house.

  When I got out of the opera house, I felt the cool breeze blowing from my face. Jack's heartbeat was accelerating, and my palm was sweating. I suddenly shouted: "Sophia..."

  "Hmmm?" Sophia looked over puzzledly and found that Jack's face was irritated. It seemed that he was going to say something. Sophia suddenly understood what Jack was about to do, blushing and gazing, looking forward to his words.

  Silently exerting the power of healing to calm his emotions, Jack took a deep breath and said with courage: "Sophia, are you willing to be my..."

  boom! ! ! !

  The word "girlfriend" has not yet been spoken, and a deafening explosion suddenly sounded from a distance. Then, Jack and Sophia saw many panicked passers-by escaping.

  The next moment, a green giant with a height of more than three meters, a long spur, and a sharp claw, flew a car and stood in the middle of the road.

  This image is even more terrifying than Hulk. It is Bronsky who injected the blood of Banner. The violent and murderous who hate the hulk!

  Seeing the abomination in the distance, Jack couldn't help but swear: "f*ck!"

  Is what he was about to say easy? No, It's hard to ask a girl to watch the opera, and then prepare to confess, and the result is the appearance of abomination, and it's funny.

  At this moment, Jack deeply felt that the world was full of malice toward him...