throwing breaks .......not fair

It's really a sh*t dog luck.

  Although Jack knew that after the end of Iron Man 1 story, it will follow up not long after it the story of the invincible Hulk, on top of that he did not expect to encounter such a coincidence, even more move directly to the late stage of the plot, Hulk vs Abomination.

  I just want to be safe and steady, si it hard to give a man in love some space to confess his love ahhh... Jack is thinking with resentment.

  But now I saw it, and I can't sit back and watch it, but I didn't expect it to happen so suddenly, I didn't have a uniform and it was not convenient to rush out like this.

  As for the flight back to get the uniform like last time, huh, too much trouble, don't even think about it.

  Later, Bruce Banner will come to a decision as he jumps off the helicopter and changes back to the Hulk. Jack doesn't have to worry about it.

  Or, just wait for Hulk to come out and solve it?

  However, as soon as he turned his head and met Sophia's nervous eyes, Jack could only sigh with emotions, could not let the girl be scared.

  "Oh... it's really restless." Jack took off his coat, unbuttoned the shirt cuffs and pulled it to the elbow to avoid damaging the clothes too much. Then, looked up to the ground, went to a corner, bent over and picked up a brick.

  A brick in my hand and I have the world!

  Bricks, one of the first artifacts to human progress!

  then let's use the bricks to smash some "friends" hehe!


  Well, to say less, Jack is working hard to play the power of the bricks.

although it is not fair for the other party, who told the other party to ruin his confession

  Holding the bricks in the right hand, of course, did not forcefully grab, so as not to accidentally crush it. At this point, the muscles of the arm suddenly bulged and gradually expanded. Not long after, the right arm became extremely strong and rough, and the soaring muscles appeared strong and powerful, full of power.

  However, because only the right arm becomes larger, the rest of the body does not change, so it looks a little deformed so that domestic friends will be surprised to see the "Kirin arm"!

  The cow charm, in addition to the endless brute force, and the strength make the muscle grew stronger, but its strong character will only stand out when you are concentrated.

  And Jack now concentrates his strength on the right arm, so only the strange changes appeared in the right arm.

  Well, it doesn't matter.

  After gathering the whole body strength in the right arm, Jack grabbed the bricks and pointed at the abominations that was still laughing in front, and throw it hard!

  The bricks flew out like a string of arrows, and the air cut caused a burst of sound like a sonic burst. At this time, the impact of the brick was no less than that of a small shell.

  Abomination is holding a taxi, ready to throw it on the military vehicle in front of him, sitting in a car with a team of soldiers, just launched a rocket launcher on the abomination but was caught by hand. After the explosion, even its awful skin did not break. When I looked at the abomination and prepared to throw the car at them, the road behind the car was blocked by a large number of cars and they could not retreat. The soldiers were so scared that they even forgot to shoot back.

  At the beginning of the next second, an unidentified object shot like a lightning bolt, hitting the abomination's chest, and knocking it out with great impact. The taxi in his hands was also dropped, exploding killing the driver in the process.

  the next second was met with silence for the driver who laid the gun as he prayed for this unlucky soul, Amen.

  The abomination climbed up from the ground while having a stunned expression, Because of the collision, his was a little dizzy as hi heads was smashed by the brick, after recovering a little he roared then slammed his hand on the ground shaking it, then burst into anger.

  "Damn! Which bug throws bricks at me!"

  The abomination violently screamed and thundered.

  As for Jack, when throwing the bricks out, he put-ed away the throwing action, the huge right arm also returned to normal and he inserted it into his pocket, looked up at the sky, stood in the place blowing a whistle, an action say ' I have nothing to do with it'.

  Behind Jack, Sophia, who was holding his jacket for him, was shocked and stunned. Can't help but feel a bit funny, can he pretend to be innocent again? is he not clear that this action was like telling the other party 'that is what I did'

  Abomination does not matter whether the soldiers jumped out of the car and fled, and after angrily glanced at it, he naturally saw Jack and Sophia. After all, under the scene of everyone running away, two people stood still, they looked very strange.

  finding the one who attacked him. abomination smiled awkwardly and disgustingly as he said, "little bug, are you ready to die?"

  Before waiting for the abomination to run over, Jack slowly raised his hand and lifted his middle finger upward to the sky.

  Jack is not picking abomination, but really pointing to a certain goal in the sky. "leave The next things to me, forgive me."

  In the sky, after a deep kiss between Banner and Betty, he went backward and jumped from the helicopter of General Ross.

  In the face of this destroyer, the situation went completely out of control, and General Ross is not reconciled, but he is helpless. He can only choose to make Banner a Hulk and kill the abomination.

  Banner fell from the air, closed his eyes, clenched his teeth, and looked awkward. It stands to reason that Dr. Stern's detoxification experiment was accepted, and Hulk has been eliminated. However, in order to stop hatred, Banner can only gamble, and the consciousness of gambling is only temporarily suppressed.

  But no matter how Banner recalls something that makes him angry, stimulates his nerves, and even makes such a crazy move of a helicopter, the heartbeat has reached a very high frequency, and there are still no signs of the emergence of Hulk.

  "Shit!" although Dr. Banner is highly educated. At this moment, he can't help but spout nonsense, and his face fell into the ground from the air, and he pulled out a giant pit.

  Jack, who had greatly improved his vision, took a careful look at the whole process. He nodded thoughtfully and muttered to himself: "It seems that Bruce Banner is still the same as Edward Norton. I don't know if he will change, well, I just have to wait and see if he will change to Mark Ruffalo..."

  As everyone knows, for various reasons, Edward Norton, who played Bruce Banner in the invincible Hulk, did not continue to cooperate with Marvel. Later, he was replaced by Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner, and the superhero image of the Hulk was booming. .

  In reality, it's not unusual for a film and television character to change an actor. Like former Tony Stark's best friend, Colonel Roddy also changed.

  However, Jack is now living in the real world of Marvel. If this is Bruce Banner of Edward Norton, after a few years it will become the appearance of Mark Ruffalo, then the problem that is coming, Dr.Banner has experienced a life that is unimaginable, so will he evolve from a gentle handsome uncle to a happy and funny little uncle?

  When Jack was thinking about it, Banner who fell into the big pit on the ground suddenly slammed as a green giant hand come out. Then, the Hulk climbed out of the big pit and made a deafening roar.

  Roar! ! ! !

  Hulk's roar caused abomination's attention. Seeing that Banner was once again a Hulk, the abomination suddenly revealed a smirk and his eyes looked at hulk as if looking at a prey. He is now too eager for an opponent that can be worthy, and Hulk is exactly what he dreams of for an opponent.

  "Hulk." Abomination walked to Hulk with a smirk.

  Hulk threw off the piece of clothing hanging on his body. He saw the abomination in front of him start running, and his pace is getting faster and faster, He also rushed toward the abomination.

  Soon, the two giants ushered in the moment of collision. Hulk made a punch, but was sneaked away, and was punched in his abdomen, after hitting Hulk in succession. abomination stopped.

  Abominable looked at hulk and made a very annoying and ridicule laugh as he said: "hahahaha...come on!"

  Just right, I lost the other side, which made Hulk even angrier, as he frantically smashing the police car next to him, making it look like a hand glove weapon, as he slammed the ground in anger.

  When the abomination rushed to the front of Hulk, Hulk grabbed the police car and punched a series of fists at the abomination. Abomination was slow to respond to his enemy and was knocked down to the ground and when he had no time to counterattack, he started Suffering from Hulk's angry attacks.

  When Hulk threw the police car wreck from his hand while leaving only a small piece of iron, Hulk threw the piece of iron aside, raised his strong left arm and punched abomination face, but the other party only turned and spit some blood, while his face hung a mocking look. " is this all your ability?"

  Not waiting for Hulk to throw another punch again, abomination lifted his foot and directly sending Hulk flying out, then got up and jumped, as he rushed to the position where Hulk fell.

  Above the sky, General Ross saw that Hulk being at a disadvantage. He could not help but frown, and solemnly gave orders to soldiers who drove the helicopter: "Get a machine gun! Support him!"

  The driver did not react to it for a while, and he asks idioticly: "Which one?"

  When he heard the question from his men, General Ross's brain burst into a blue vein. If it was the comics he would have turned into a red giant in seconds, and educate the blind soldier, but know he just gnashed his teeth and said: "Help the green one and Shoot the other one!"

  the soldier seems to have realized the anger in General Ross's tone. The driver finally got his IQ online. He didn't even ask ignorantly which green one to help. Although the abomination is green, the skin color is more like faint-green. It is not as green as Hulk. obviously.

  He pressed the machine guns' button as he aimed at abomination trying to shoot him down, and as the helicopter rained him with bullets, the abomination was successfully - angered as he looked at the helicopters' machine gun.

  This is a professional teammate, and it is necessary to help pull him down.

  Jack looked at abomination and climbed to the top of the building. He jumped on the floor and ran away from the machine gun of the helicopter. Jack touched his chin casually as he said to himself "it seems that everything is going according to the original plot. Finally, Hulk will live up to expectations. Kill the hatred, and since he is going to die in the end then there is nothing wrong if he fell under my hand..."

  But when I thought of the vows I made, I couldn't help but smile.

  "OK, fine..."

  Very gently stroking the suit on his body, "I only wore this suit once, it seems that I have to make a quick decision..."

  Hey... looks like it's ok, is it okay? ahh, he almost forgets the unreasonable property of the healing spell 'ahhh, I almost forgot that the healing spell can recover my clothes too, what an idiot I am'...