Abomination sudden death

"Hey..." Hulk broke into several buildings and then fell heavily on the garbage bin in the back lane of a high-rise building. The large and hard garbage bin was directly pressed into junk.

  Hulk crawled up and heard the sound over the sky. He looked up and found that the Abomination just crossed the building from the front to the building behind him while General Ross's helicopter kept shooting.

  It was discovered that the enemy was crossing from the upper floor. Hulk's eyes sparked, roaring and jumping to the wall, hands and ankles into the wall, then climb up and catch up.

  After the abomination jumped to the roof of another building, he hurriedly found a cover, and then found the right time. When the helicopter approached, he tried to grab the helicopter's landing gear while trying to throw a punch. He suddenly felt someone behind him. He discovered that Hulk just caught up and grabbed his bone spurs.

  The bone spurs behind him were constantly squeezed by Hulk, which made the abomination feel uncomfortable. He was so angry that he directly sent an elbow and hit the face of Hulk. Hulk's felt so painful in his face Breaking away from the hand, but fortunately he caught the awkward ankle in time and did not fall again.

  Hey! ! !

  The helicopter sounded a very bad alarm, and the driver said with eagerness: "I have to make an emergency landing!"

  The helicopter was being held by two heavyweight giants, and it could not stand it. General Ross realized this and shouted: "Hurry up!"

  without waiting for her father Ross to reminf her, Betty had already grasped the armrest behind her nervously as the alarm sounded.

  The helicopter's wing hit the signboard on the top of a building, and the people in the cabin suddenly rolled from their seats to the ground and slammed together.

  The helicopter was rotating in an uncontrollable manner, and the abomination finaly compromised with an unwillinest. Finally, the helicopter lefted the heavy load, with a "baaam" sound fell on the ground of a demolished house.

  The soldiers in the cabin were skewed and slanted, and they were unconscious. Only one or two of them still had a sense of consciousness, and they were groaning with pain.

  Betty frowned, and she was also violently hit by the helicopter's emergency landing. Fortunately, the injury was not a problem, just a little bruise.

  Carefully pushing away a few unconscious soldiers around him, Betty saw General Ross lying on the side, his face was not very good, after all, it was an old man, even if he was a soldier, how hard can his body bones be, though Unlike the soldiers who were seriously injured and comatose, they suddenly suffered a lot of injuries.

  "Dad! Are you okay? I will help you!" Betty quickly went to General Ross and wanted to lift him up.

  General Ross's painful screams, but the soldiers' bones, and Betty's already come together, in order to keep the father's majestic image in front of his daughter, General Ross braved the sweat, as he said hardly: "I'm fine, think of ways. Go out."


  General Ross and Betty suddenly heard a loud noise from the top of the head, the entire helicopter swayed, and then there was a sound of metal squeaking that sounded so bad.

  At this moment, the Abomination is standing on the top of the helicopter, looking at the Hulk below.

  Hulk was frightened for a few seconds by the appearance of Abomination and his murderous, and then he was angered and screamed at Abomination face.

  The two giants just want to continue a new round of confrontation, while striding into the other side, when they are less than two meters apart, suddenly a fierce electric light descends from the sky, hitting the ground between the two, the ground suddenly blasts, for a time Flying sand and stone, the smoke is rolling.

  Both Abomination and Hulk were shaken back by the sudden explosion. After standing firm, they were angry but still watched with vigilance.

  The smoke and dust scattered, a strong figure stood there. "It's a wonderful night, why are there so many broken things, do you only know how to kill and destroye..."

  I saw Jack still wearing his eavenig suit with a black trousers.

The sleeves of the shirt were still pulled to the elbow position, revealing a strong and powerful forearm. Both hands were inserted in the trouser pockets on both sides, and the look looked like a smile.

  In the clear and deep eyes, there are still a few traces of electric awns. It is obvious that the electric light just shot from Jack's eyes.

  At this moment, the scene is like a well-dressed passer-by, straying into the scene of the monster war, but still not flustered, it seems very out of place.

  When I saw that there was an ordinary youth, Hulk, who only knew how to make troubles, looked at Jack like a young child.

  While the abomination still retaining a bit of his intellegence, although there is such a little vigilance, but because of the confidence brouht by his current strength, there is no fear, but instead he said arrogantly: "Where did you ants come from? die!"

  "Oh, the tone is quite big..." When he heard the abomination, Jack kept smiling, but his eyes suddenly cooled down, and the electric light gradually emerged.

  Abomination is still not aware of the danger, still very arrogantly laughed and said: "Ha ha, still a weak chinese monkey, do you still work hard! Hahahaha..."

  The Abomination is not concealing the sarcasm in the tone, smirking can be seen in the eyes.

  The smile of Jack's mouth is getting thicker and thicker, and the electric light in his eyes is getting more and more fierce.

  The right hand slowly lifted up, and the red flame gradually formed in the palm.

  "Your voice is too ugly, I don't like it..."

  Hey! ! !

  The abomination suddenly felt a dangerous atmosphere. Before he could hide or react, he saw a dragon condensed from flames, wrapped around a golden electric awn, and piercing his body.


  In the abomination body, a large dark green blood was spit out, and he felt his chest empty. As time pass by seconds he became weak, Abomination lowered his head hardly. He saw a big hole in his chest, and his flesh and blood could be seen clearly.

  How can there be a person who is stronger than the giants...

  On his last moment of death, the abomination flashed this thought and then fell heavily remaining as a stiff corpse.

  Jack put his right hand with a smile, and the electric awn in his eyes gradually dissipated, returning to calmness, as if talking to himself, and as if explaining: "Dragon breath fused with pig spell laser-eye is my strongest attack, can die Under this trick, you are also honored."

  Well, I am really a generous person. In the face of the offense of the cockroaches of the mice, I also gave him a death with a big move. I am a good example of a good youth...

  By the way, although this move consumes all my strength but with horse spell and dog spell and didn't feel it but I have to say, the combination of the Dragon Charm and the Pig Charm is my big move. What should I name it? ahh, I don't care for the time being.

  Ignoring Abomination that has already fallen to the ground, Jack turned around and looked towards Hulk, and as soon the Hulk saw the person who had easily killed his "brother" approaching him, his face appeared a trace of fear, and could not help himself. After a few steps back, he screamed: "Hulk!"

  It is rare to see that Hulk, who has never been afraid of anything feel fear and screams and destroys everything, shows a timid side, so it is a courage to hear Hulk, and Jack is somewhat ridiculous.

  "Hey, big man, I don't plan to open a hole for you, just relax."

  Like to appease the wandering little animals on the side of the road, Jack tried to speak the temperature and said, but Hulk obviously did not believe him. He felt that Jack was simply joking with him, he suddenly clapped his big hands creating a shock wave.

  Jack suddenly changed his face and immediately floated to the sky. "hey, don't ruin my clothes!"

  I have escaped from Hulk's attack, and without waiting for Hulk to react. Jack's flashed and appeared behind him, holding Hulk's head as he channeled the horse spell. The healing power not only quickly restored the injury on Hulk's body but also let Hulk's angry brain gradually calm down.

  But when the mood is calm, that means that Hulk's consciousness will be suppressed, and Banner's consciousness will regain control of the body.

  Feeling that he had to sleep again, Hulk was not willing as he roared: "No! No! No!"

  The voice is getting weaker and weaker, as the anger is fading. The hulk that has lost his anger is unable to resist, and the body shape is gradually shrinking, and it is back to the original appearance of Banner.

  In an instant, from the tall and strong Hulk back to the thin and thin Banner, Banner fell into a coma, bare upper body, a pair of pants still firmly hold the territory.

  Hey... One of the mysteries of Marvel's unsolved case, the Hulk wears his trousers intact and wears it on his body.

  Through preliminary observation and identification, Jack can confirm that Banner is wearing only a pair of ordinary pants, but the elasticity is good, and there is nothing strange.

  Sure enough, it is still the role of the cosmic consciousness (Marvel)...

  Although my mind was thinking about it, my hand did not stop the healing power, but it strengthened the output.

  He is not only planning to help Dr. Banner heal his injuries but also to suppress Hulk consciousness, by reducing the gamma toxin in the blood of Banner by means of the healing power!

  Of course, Jack is not unable to completely eliminate gamma toxins. The power of the horse charm is still easy to do, but the great chance of removing gamma toxin will kill Hulk's consciousness. He never thought about killing the Hulk. The future of the Avengers still needs the Hulk to join.

  However, under the treatment of Jack, the gamma toxin in Banner has not been completely removed, but it has been greatly reduced to reach a stable index.

  From now on, Banner can still become a Hulk, but if you want to change, you need a higher emotional index.

  This also means that Banner no longer has to worry about controlling his emotions.

  I deeply sympathize with you and your girlfriend.

  After finishing some degree of treatment, Jack took back his hand and suddenly heard some noise behind him, immediately swaying all over the body, and the whole person looked blurred.

  In the absence of uniforms, you can only disguise yourself.

  Turned around, the voice was low and said: "How are you, Miss Betty."

  The helicopter fell to the ground, and Betty climbed very carefully to the doorway and saw the fierce abomination fell to the ground. The body has a big hole, obviously could not survive, but her attention at this time was all in banner who is in a coma and the unidentified person standing next to Banner.

  Betty was in a hurry to examine Banner's situation and asked aloud: "Who are you? What did you do to Banner?"

  "I am the 'godfather'," Jack's right hand is placed on the left chest position, slightly stunned, it is a gentleman's self-introduction, but the whole body remains turbulent, and the figure seems uncertain. "I just helped Dr. Banner in his treatment."

  Betty didn't believe the other person's words so easily. When she want to keep asking, she was interrupted by Jack: "I will rescue you all first. The helicopter seems to be exploding."

  Betty noticed that the helicopter was dripping down the gasoline, the helicopter was seriously damaged, and sporadic sparks were scattered around. According to this trend, the helicopter explosion was also a matter of time.

  Just as she wants to ask for help, Betty found that she lost the sight of the man beside her. Only Banner was still lying there. He hadn't raised the idea of ​​"I ran away." It felt like a strong wind rushing into the cabin, completely unresponsive. When I found myself and everyone else left the helicopter and stayed beside Banner.

  Teng -

  The helicopter was swallowed up by the flames. The blazing fire burned the entire helicopter. Betty and others were a few meters away from the helicopter, and they could fully feel the heat of the flame.