Hot kiss

Betty looked around and found that the mysterious man who claimed to be the "Godfather" kneeling beside each soldier, and put his hand on the soldier for a while and then released it. This move was a bit strange, and let Betty mistakenly think that the other party has some kind of hobby.

  After Jack healed the last soldier, he got up as he shook his head. After all, two soldiers were unfortunately killed, although the horse spell was very powerful, it could not be brought back to life. Even the dog spell, which is said to make its holder an immortal, it only makes his body unaffected by time making him stay younger from inside to outside but that doesn't mean that he can't die of course if he has the horse spell then that is another talk.

anyway, back to topic.

   Jack did not feel any sadness, he now he can't save everyone back, he also has self-knowledge, it is impossible to stop all disasters. although it is a pity, but god, will not make their death his responsibility.

  However, if someone around him is dead, perhaps, Jack will become very crazy...

  Except for the two dead soldiers that could not be rescued early, other soldiers were treated back to life by Jack. When he came to General Ross, ready to treat this old-fashioned old man, Betty on the side misunderstood Jack that he won't even leave an old man, and shouted: "What do you do! My father's sexual orientation is normal, unlike you."

  Jack: "..."

  General Ross: "..."

  Jack's face suddenly darkened, especially when he saw the cold-stricken General Rose's eyes suddenly stunned and shouted at him: "Listen, don't come near me, I am General Ross, I command you to stop. !"

  "I like women! I am not gay! I am going to help you treat the injury!" Jack's forehead bursts into blue veins, as to which, he emphasized word by word.

  "Oh..." Betty knew that made a mistake, she smiled politely and said with a guilty tone "Sorry."

  General Ross found that he was taken care of by his daughter when he was not careful. He tried to maintain his momentum that has been cultivated after decades of military service and resumed his usual self. you could not see a trace of embarrassment.

  Jack retracted his hand with a black face and said in a bad tone: "I am to send you to the hospital for treatment. Anyway, the old man's body is tough, I don't want to be misunderstood that I have a special hobby."

  Betty and General Ross involuntarily looked away and their eyes were erratic.

  Jack, walked to Banner's side and slapped him a few slaps on his face. He healed Banner's face in the process when he started to wake up.

  For Jack's move, Betty glared at him and shouted "Are you crazy, what are you doing?" as for general Ross he felt the darkness in his heart fade as he saw Jack slap Banner a few slaps, he even somewhat regretted not being the one who did it, as everyone knows banner took away his daughter from him by "tricking" in love.

  "Oh... where am I?" Banna opened his eyes in disbelief, and there was a burning sensation on his cheek, which made his face muscles twitch.

  When Banner saw the blurred figure standing in front of him, he couldn't help but be feel fear. Some of the remaining memory fragments of Hulk flashed through his mind.

  Banner knows that the fear he is now feeling is the instinct that Hulk left behind. After a few deep breaths, he calmed down and recalled the memory fragments left by Hulk. In the current situation, Banner also reacted. It was the other party who solved the chaos and immediately thanked him: "Thank you for stopping the disaster."

  "You're welcome," Jack waved his hand at random, ready to leave. He was not interested in staying here. "Yes, I ]helped you lower the gamma concentration in your body. You will not become so easy in the future." It is."

  once his words fell, Banner's eyes lit up and he couldn't believe it. "Are you telling the truth? How is this possible?"

  Jack shrugged and did not intend to explain more. He said: "Give you a suggestion, join SHIELD, they can shelter you there, and you and your girlfriend should hurry to run, and once you join Shield, General Ross can't catch you..."

  SHIELD? Banner has never heard of this name before, but he still remembers it.

  Jack suddenly smirked to Banner's ear, whispered: "You are not so easy to become a Hulk now, don't worry too much, find a time to make an 'in-depth communication' with your girlfriend. "

  Banner gave a glimpse, and then he couldn't help but groan, but there was a hint of desire on his face. He and Jack looked at each other. Although he couldn't see Jack's appearance, they were both men, and they all understood the deep meaning contained in each other's eyes.

  Jack fluttered indiscriminately, ignoring the exclamation of the sound behind him.

  Flying back to the original intersection, Sophia still stood in the same place as she was worried, holding the jacket he had taken off.

  When Jack fell from the air, the sorrow on Sophia's face was swept away. He just showed a hint of joy, and then he remembered something then he looked around nervously, once he found that no one noticed him, he sighed with relief.

  Sophia asked with concern: "How? No big problems?"

  Jack made an "OK" gesture, proudly said: "Of course no problem, the monster was finished in a second."

  Looking at Jack's smug look, Sophia couldn't help but smile and giggled with her small mouth.

  Jack is not embarrassed. He raises his left hand and looked at the watch on his wrist. There is not much time left. If so, then simply let it go.

  "Sofia," Jack suddenly looked serious as he continues "Would you like to be my girlfriend?"

  In the face of Jack's sudden confession, Sophia's performance was a bit flustered, and while the heart felt like a little deer who was in the middle running, there was another sweetness.

  Sophia's face is red like red wine, and she seems to be able to drop water. 'Oh, I want to respond to a positive answer, but I can't say it because of my shyness and restraint.' Sophia thought.

  After not hearing a response, Jack was also anxious. Tonight, he said it clearly and honestly. If there is no clear answer from Sophia, the two will definitely become very embarrassed when they meet.

  suddenly Jack stealed his will and temporarily borrowed the overbearing presidential style.

  His hand went through the waist of Sofia. The heart was very well controlled, his eyes are full of enthusiasm, and aggressiveness. The corner of his mouth evoked an evil smile. The temperament has undergone earth-shaking changes and is full of hegemony.

  Not waiting for Sofia to exclaim, Jack bluntly bowed his head and kissed Sophia's delicate red lips. The tongue also took the opportunity to explore the red lips and found Sophia's delicate tongue, then unscrupulously Entangled.

  Sophia's lips, her teeth, her fragrant, her soft little tongue, all touched Jack's heartbeat, instantly indulged in this beautiful emotion, as seconds pass the kiss become more intense, without stopping.

  Sophia was stunned by Jack's overbearing strong kiss. There was no rebellious heart. When her lips were printed on his lips, she felt her body weak as her feet become soft. She barely stood with her legs, know she is like a well-behaved kitty, weakly accepting the teasing of the wolf Jack.

  For a long time, Sofia felt a little shortness of breath, and when she was about to pass out, Jack left her lips, leaving her blushing to her neck, but Jack still very arrogantly said: "From now on, you are my woman!"

  Sophia felt hot as she was blushing, swearing to drop blood any moment. She said with the sound of mosquitoes: " can you...I haven't..."

  After the words have not been finished, Jack once again blocked her lips, and unrelentingly set off a new round of "war", which lasted for a long time, Jack released her after a moment, seeing her blushing but with no sign of rejection he said strongly: "No rebuttal, no rejection, just nod your head!"

  "Ok..." Sophia nodded in obedience.

  Looking at this beautiful girl in his arms, Jack's excitement at this time could not be described in words. He couldn't help but kiss the red lips that tempted him again, but this time he was no longer overbearing, but gentle and Careful.

  Under the night, no one has noticed a pair of man and woman who are immersed in kissing...


  After the end of the third kiss, Jack did not move to the next step... Although he has already gotten an inch, he still knows that he just started, he did not continue to kiss or makes other more intimate moves.

  The things of men and women can't be rushed. After all, the relationship has just been determined. Kissing is already a breakthrough. I can't be so anxious to go to the last step. in the end, it is not a Japanese H-movie who don't need to talk about love and move directly to action.

  Ok, less talk, except that Jack cares about Sophia's feelings, and that he is also very nervous, in his two worlds he never experienced love, this new realm is completely new to him, so he needs to move in this relationship carefully...

  Of course, although Jack is fluent, by watching too many p*rn, personally said, too stimulating, but that is a movie, not the real life.

  After sending Sophia to her house, Jack did not go in and thought about it. Sophia went home for a holiday. Jack was not ready to see her parents. After all, he just bubbled up their daughter.

  Under the reluctance gaze of Sofia, Jack flew into the air while waving goodbye to her, then went to his home.

  After having a girlfriend, Jack's mood is naturally very pleasant, with a magical tune falling in a corner outside his apartment, then enter the apartment with cheerful step, he come to his house and open the door.

  When Jack entered the house and turned on the light, he found that someone stood at the window while his back facing him.

  Hearing the sound, the person turned around and did not ask anything, wearing a black shirt with a black pant and a black windbreaker on top of them, a black one-eyed man.

  The bald head, with the dark skin, plus the decoration of this body. Jack didn't have to even think about to know the identity of the other.

  Nick Fury, the bald... oh no, the current director of the SHIELD.

  Jack did not have any change on his face, he just closed the door, as he asked in confusion: "Who are you?"

   Director Fury smiled and said: "Nick Fury, Director of SHIELD."