Joining the Avenger plan

"SHIELD? I have never heard of it." Although he knows it clearly in his hurt, Jack still pretends to be ignorant.

  Fury picked up his right eye and smiled mysteriously: "Really? Then why did you suggest Dr. Banner to join the SHIELD? Godfather"


  As soon as he heard Fury, Jack suddenly understood that when he appeared, his every move was under the surveillance of SHIELD, but the chose to show themselves today.

  Although I thought that one day sooner or later, SHIELD would find me, I didn't expect it to be exposed so quickly. It seems that Marvel is not alike DC universe, you can just wear a pair of glasses to get away with it.

  Since SHIELD has found his identity, I think Tony Stark, a genius scientist with a help of smart housekeeper Jarvis + billionaire, already knows his identity?

  There were countless thoughts in my hurt, but Jack's face remained calm and steady. He said: "Haha, I didn't think that the SHIELD was so powerful, so...what are you looking for me today?"

  In the end, Jack's eyes flashed a stern color. With his own twelve spells' abilities, he didn't have to worry about his own safety. But now that he has just confirmed his relationship with Sophia, he has finally prepared for a dream life, he does not want it to be destroyed.

  As the king of agents, Fury naturally knows how to look at it. He notices that Jack's eyes are full of threats, his face is slightly changed, and he resists the impulse to pull out his pistol. He said sincerely: "Although I really want to know, how did a 14-year-old Chinese-American youth suddenly have superpowers and how did they know the existence of the SHIELD, but this is not the purpose of my visit today..."

  "Visit? I never thought you can visit someone without their permission? From the point of view of the U.S law, especially if I am a good citizen!" Jack sneered and interrupted.

  In this regard, Fury did not change his authenticity: "As a special organization, sometimes it is acceptable to take some illegal means."

  Jack: "Oh..."

  Fury suddenly looked serious and solemnly said: "Mr. Jack, I hope you can join SHIELD."

  "No." Jack did not hesitate to return.

  Nick Fury frowned and asked patiently: "Why? SHIELD is also pursuing world peace and doing its part for all human beings. Does this conflict with your heroic career?"

  Jack took off his jacket and threw it aside. He went to the sofa and sat down. He said: "Sorry, from start to finish, I didn't think your SHIELD was a 100% good. I never thought about the greater your ability, the greater your responsibility, I just want to live safely and securely."

  When he heard Jack, Fury secretly gave Jack a label of "medium sense of justice", "safety with ease". Although he was rejected, he still said unwillingly: "Don't you think about it? SHIELD has a deep foundation that can provide you with a lot of conveniences..."

  " Needless to say," Jack simply interrupted Fury's words. "There is no free lunch in the world. I have to pay more and get your so-called convenience. I can only promise that at the critical moment of humanity, I will work with SHIELD to calm down the disaster."

  Fury was helpless, the invitation was rejected again and again. This made him as the director of the SHIELD feel worthless. He changed the subject, then after a few small talk Fury left.

  Because Jack's current actions are positive, and SHIELD does not have a thorough understanding of his strength, it is not clear how much power Jack has, so Fury dare not act rashly to avoid irreparable consequences.

  Although Jack decisively stated that he would not join SHIELD, he was willing to cooperate in the event of a major disaster. This made Fury think carefully and remembered the project he was preparing, The Avengers plan.

  At present, the Avengers League is only on papers. The only person that can join for the time being is Iron Man, but Tony Stark's arrogant character makes Fryer unable to make a decision.

  After the confusion of Broadway tonight, Fury has another candidate, that is Bruce Banner, who can become a Hulk, but the other one will become a lawless monster, which is too risky, Fury still Feeling a headache.

  In addition to these two, the members who can be identified are the "black widow" Natasha Romanov and the "Eagle Eye" Clinton Barton, both of whom are his most elite men, all with stunts, and Loyalty, do not need to consider too much trouble, can be directly included in the list of the Avengers.

  Full of calculations, Fury is full of ambition in his way to forming the Avengers. Now it is only pitiful to have only four candidates, two of which are still unstable factors, which makes Frey have no ambition to announce the establishment of the Avengers.

  However, Jack's words made Fury's plan come to light. Since Jack was unwilling to join SHIELD, he would let him join the Avengers. Anyway, Nick's idea was to find a special group of people to solve those trouble that are beyond common sense.

  After having a decision in his heart, Fury who was about to go out, turned and put a very friendly expression, and sincerely said: "If this is the case, then I will not force you to join SHIELD, but I have a good plan recently, I hope you can participate in..."

  Jack showed a look of interest, "Oh? Let's listen..."


  After more than an hour of discussion, Jack agreed to Fury's invitation, not to join the SHIELD, but to join the Avengers.

  In order to participate in the follow-up story, joining the Avengers is the easiest way, Jack will not refuse.

  After negotiating, Fury asked with satisfaction: "Thank you for joining, I am looking forward to working with you."

  Jack politely stepped forward and shook hands with the director as he said: "No need for a Thanks.oh, by the way, you may wish to recruit Dr. Banner."

  Fury remembered what Jack had said to Banner and asked without hesitation: "Is Dr. Banner really stable?"

  "Reassured, I lowered the concentration of gamma toxin in his body, which greatly increased the difficulty of his transformation. Although Banna will become a Hulk in the case of extreme anger, it will not be like before. It will be transformed by a little stimulation, and the stability will be improved a lot."

  After hearing Jack's answer, Fury felt a peace of mind and made up his mind to find Bruce Banner. After observing for a while and determining that Banner was really stable, he would immediately recruit Banner inside SHIELD, after all, Banner is not only able to transform into the high-end combat power of the Hulk, but also a highly knowledgeable person with a high-end talent.

  After finishing Nick opened the door, Jack saw a tall beautiful woman standing outside the house, wearing dark blue agent tights and a pistol around her waist.

  Maria Hill, SHIELD agent, Nick Fury's right-arm.

She is really beautiful with a black leather tight suit showing a devilish figure.

In short, she looks exactly like Maria Hill of (Earth-1260) [] (for more information and photo)

  After Fury opened the door, he nodded unconsciously, indicating that everything went well, don't worry.

  Hill put down her hand from her waist with relief, and silently followed Fury and walked out of the apartment.

  Going to the window watching Fury and Hill driving an unremarkable black car. Jack couldn't help but smile and glanced at the apartment opposite to his.

   the house opposite, in the impression of Jack, no one lives there but in the middle of his conversation with Fury, Jack had a feeling of being spied at.


  For his own feelings, Jack is convinced because when his body was strengthening his senses naturally improved. The instinct to perceive danger is no exception.

  Oh, I didn't expect him to enjoy such a treatment of being surrounded by a bunch of assault troops in advance, Unfortunately, it is not the sexy black widow.

  Jack didn't care too much. After all, Fury wouldn't come alone. It was normal to arrange a bunch of people waiting for him to make a move against Nick. Anyway, he didn't really care because no one can hurt him.

  I seem to have forgotten something... Jack frowned and thought about it.

  Suddenly, Jack's eyes widened and shouted: "sh*t! Forgot to talk about salary!"


  Inside the car.

  Hill sat facelessly on the side of Fury and asked, "Sir, what about the target ?"

  Fury calmly said: "He refused my invitation."

  Hill asked again: "That..."

  "But he promised to join the Avengers."

  Hill's felt a bit wrong. "Why should he be allowed to join the Avengers? For a target we don't know how much power he has, the risk is great."

  Fury said seriously: "A Chinese-American youth living in the United States for almost 20 years suddenly gain superpowers, and he may be showing only the tip of the iceberg, but only this, is enough for him to be included in the danger List of the SHIELD."

  "In this case, why should we invite him to join the Avengers?" Hill is very puzzled.

  Fury smiled bitterly: "We don't know his strength. I invited him to join the Avengers. On one hand, it is convenient to monitor him and study him. I hope to control the situation as much as possible. On the other hand, the Avengers need such a supernatural person to Join in, because some strange things, can only be solved by strange people, just like the giants who appear today, even without Jack shots, he can only be handed over to Hulk."

  Fury looked at the scenery passing by the window and sighed softly.