New World

After Jack and Tony signed their names in the contract, it means that Jack is a part of Stark Industries. But the key point is that Jack no longer has to worry about money.

  There is a 1% stake in Stark Industries, and after he gets the NZT, another 2% in the packet, Jack does not have to worry, of course, that is if he doesn't live a life like Tony.

  Putting down the pen and solving the trouble of money, Jack was inevitably happy for a while, and thanked him: "Thank you, Tony."

  Suddenly I received a thank you from Jack. Tony felt a little wrong, and then reacted, as he becomes indifferent: "Hey, it's just a little money, and besides I am still waiting for your NZT-48."

  Picking up the helmet and putting it on, Jack said: "Then I will go first, and I promise that your conditions can be honored at any time."

  Tony rarely issued an invitation: "Don't stay for a drink?"

  Jack has already disappeared, but his voice faintly passed from a distance: "You have no coke what can I drink..."

  Tony's heart was filled with all kinds of negative emotions in an instant, and he couldn't help himself, as he violently yelled: "Don't say anything about these sh*ty drinks!!!"

  Although Jack left Tony's home before he could hear him, he could still imagine his stinking like a face, know he is singing in a happy mood as he flew leisurely in the sky.

  "...I believe I can fly~"

   All the way to his way home he kept singing, and in order to complete the song, Jack also specifically reduced his speed, he slowly flew home, and as he arrived, he sang the last part of the song:

  "I can fly -!"

  Ok, I know you can fly...

  After entering the house, Jack put the phone on the table and couldn't help but applaud for himself. "It's a sound of nature, and the girls will definitely go crazy if they hear it..."

  In fact, ignoring Jack's shameless boastfulness, Jack's voice is indeed good. Although he has not received professional training, his singing seems out of tune, but he can't deny the spell's strengthening his body, making his voice full of magnetism if Jack is willing to be a singer after training. It is not difficult to be famous.

  I don't have this idea myself...

  After self-indulgence, Jack took off his uniform and put on a set of casual clothes, lying leisurely on a comfortable sofa thinking.

  He now has a beautiful girlfriend, there is money, and there are twelve kinds of magical abilities + super intelligence, but he found a big problem and that is to solve he hyper mind he can't stop thinking, that is why he he have to go to "limitless", get the pills and the formula while staying there to learn about everything.

  Finishing his plans, Jack has a firm face... He called KFC's.

  "I want a family size dinner, the address is..."

After finishing his dinner he took some books and started reading as he waited for tomorrow to arrive.


Next day,

Jack wore casual clothes and went to the bank to withdraw some cash, exactly about 10,000$.

he went to a public toilet and launched the travel function, the next moment he found himself in a remote allay as he adjusted himself, looked around for eyewitness, not finding any problem he sighed with relief, he walked a few minutes and found about 20m in front of him, Eddie Morra talking to Vernon in a bar, after a few minutes they walked out while each one in different roads.

Jack didn't follow Eddie but Vernon as he is the one who has the bag of NZT-48, after a few turns he reached his house. Jack didn't go in or do anything because there is no need to, he just waited, because according to his memory, Vernon will get beating up by someone and as he saw in the movie he must have been beaten up outside his house because it was undamaged when Eddie visited him the next morning.

2 hours later, Vernon went out somewhere and Jack saw his opportunity to take the pills, he went in front of the door, he didn't break it or anything, he just vibrated at the same frequency as the door as he went through it like a ghost, after that he went directly to the Kenshin and found it in the same place as in the movie, he took all the pills and the cash.

You may be asking what about the original protagonist. Well, Jack doesn't give a sh*t because he is the protagonist now.

Jack went to a nice hotel as he opened a room, he took out the bag of pills and the money was put aside, he took one transplant pill and swallowed it after 30 s, Jack felt like never before, all the messy thought were gone, no he should say were organized and clear, his entire outlook of the world has become more bright as if he walked from darkness to light, if the flash of light before gave him super intelligence by unlocking some regions of the brain, then NZT-48 gave him absolute control over them, at first he will always think, he can't stop his mind from trying to analyze anything, it carved for knowledge about everything, which made him unable to sleep, but know his head is clear like water, he knew what he should do and how to do it.

Taking a deep breath, Jack went out to an electronic shop brought a computer, then went to the library. He went through all the biology, physic, chemistry, and all kind of related knowledge and because of his inchased memory he only needs a look to remember, as you know after he gained super intelligence he already had a photographic memory and fast analysing with fast learning in short he IQ and intelligence was on pair.. no even beyond Tony and Reshard from fantastic four, and know after he took the pill he was like a quantum computer and even better as he has:

[Hypermind]: Users possess a limitless level of intellectual and cognitive proficiency. They can process massive amounts of information. They can process an otherwise impossible number of simultaneous calculations, identify all of the variables in any situation, and instantly cross-correlate previously accessed information (including information accessed-even with minimal attention-before taking the drug).

[Perfect recall]: Users can flawlessly remember and instantly recall everything they have ever experienced, encountered or learned in their lifetime without being overwhelmed or a pause for thought. They need only to read, hear or see something once and they will never forget it. Their brain and mind gain an unlimited storage and analytical capacity.

[Instant learning]: Users can gather and assimilate any kind of knowledge/skill and understand it fully and rapidly. They can read things at extremely high speeds while still retaining all of the information.

[Instant analysis]: Users subconsciously notices, processes and understands the details of any stimulus, no matter how small, as well as perceives and understand a large number of cause and effect relations. Thus deducing the path leading to any effects, allowing them to intuitively plan, analyze, and take action with perfect efficiency without trouble. They are capable of creating functionally flawless, elaborate plans effortlessly. Users instantly deduce the steps needed to succeed at any given task and execute them perfectly.

Omnilingualism: Users has the ability to rapidly gain fluency in most known forms of communication, often becoming fluent through newly available memories of prior exposures.

Superhuman Charisma: Users become eloquent speakers, orators, and story-tellers, as a side effect of the additional abilities afforded by the drug. they become infallibly persuasive and charismatic. They can usually deduce the ideal statements for most crowds. Their uncanny charisma allows them to easily take the leadership role in many situations.

[Superhuman Dexterity]: Users possesses perfect muscle control, they can perform any physical act without difficulty. They perform some dexterous task with no practice beforehand rapidly and flawlessly. They can copy any movement/action after seeing it performed once. They can control their own vocal cords allowing them to freely manipulate their voice

[Multitasking]: Users are able to perform multiple tasks at once. For example, they can replay in their head, solve a rubric cube with one hand, draw a perfect copy of one of Leonardo Da Vinci's self portraits with his other hand, read through 100s of pages of documents, mentally solve complex math problems, while speaking Farsi, all without anyone task distracting him from another. They can do many things all at the same time efficiently and flawlessly.

[Superhuman sensory absorption]: User can absorb information from all types of media at a superhuman rate. Able to sit in a room with hundreds of television and radio sets blaring away all around him each with a different source, and they can see and hear all of it, process it all, finding patterns or specific details without any trouble.

[Superhuman instincts]: User possesses a mind and instincts which processes the world in the most advanced and efficient manner. Able to find any solutions to any and all kind of problems that they face, using both the logical and illogical sense and strategies. They will make the right decision in any situation, multiplying there survivability and success rate, allowing them to overcome any hardship with minimal damage and pull victory despite all odds.

[Hypercompetent]: User can easily become proficient at every task/ skill. They can handle all situations and matters, regardless of the problem, situation or conflict, and they will know what to do when to do it, and how to do it. They will never lose a fight, conflict, etc., due to always being able to see a way to win and/or escape any situation.

(all these from wiki)

Jack not only had those abilities but more as he is now in absolute control over his active regions, he can slightly feel magnetic waves like radio and other ones, but he can't control them, he can also feel some frequencies in the air roaming everywhere but he can't touch them unless he unlocked more untapped zones in his brain, but for him now, it is enough. He also experimented with his abilities and found that the copy function beside copying abilities and genes, it can copy memories from others into his brain, not only this he found out that he can copy all the books directly into his mind which saved him a lot of time.

2 weeks passed, Jack learned every knowledge he can get his hands on, and also made a lot of money from trading like the original MC Eddie, at least he made enough for him to by a lab with all the necessary equipment for making the perfect NZT-48, although he himself doesn't care about the side effect as he has the healing spell, that can't be said for others.

It took him 2 months to make the perfect drug, and three version at that, one is the normal NZT-48 the other one is a weakened copy of it, about 50% less powerful than the original one and he named it NZT-49, as for the last one it has 20% the original drug and he named it NZT-50.

He also discovered that with long-term use of the drug his brain adapted well to the drug and evolved so that it can keep the hyper state all the time and because of his use of NZT without care of the side effect, Jacks' brain adapted pretty fast and according to his calculation it would take him 2 months to completely stay in this state as much as he wants to, just like Eddie did after years.

Also he made a hiding code in the pill like a password so that if anyone wants to crack it without knowing the code, the pill would collapse from a genetic level making them helpless in front of it, and because of his deep understanding which can throw the biological experts of marvel earth 100 of years if not more, he is sure Tony will not be able to crack it.

Later next day Jack packed up everything and destroyed his lab and all the information in it, and took a small plastic bag that holds about 2000 pills and went to Eddies' apartment, because he kept his eyes on Eddie all the time he now what happened to him these weeks and he felt sorry for him. Jack went directly to his house and passed through the door as he placed the Pills in front of the computer and launched his time and space function and went back home.


  After Jack returned he didn't go to Tony but spent more than five months studying this earth knowledge he also plans to copy Tonys' useful memories.

Besides these, He has gone out to practice every day and maintain order, teach the bad guys, and help those in need.

  As for the relationship with Sophia, it went a thousand step because of his open hyper state, his charisma was beyond any man, that even Sophia started to question him about how he became so smart, fluent in all kind of languages, and he only tells her that she will soon know. At the end of November, the university put on a one-month winter vacation. In addition to Christmas and other holidays, Sophia wanted to go home and celebrate with her parents. Other times she went to all kinds of dates with Jack. Anyone who saw them can't associate them with couples who started shortly.

  Then, right now...

  On March 14th, this is a memorable day.

  Because Sophia promised to live with Jack!!!

  To tell the truth, Jack thought it would take a little time while having a hint to propose this idea to Sophia. Sophia is of course... was Chye especially when she thought about what they are gonna do when they live together.

  However, it is still good for Jack to get along with her these months, and he also realizes that Sophia is not completely refusing his small touches, so he did not talk too much nonsense.

Directly made an overbearing long kiss, as long as she refuses to continue he would become like this and it always works, Sophia can only surrender to Jack's rogue offensive.

  After moving Sophia's personal belongings into his home from her rented apartment, Jack sat on the sofa and held Sophia in his arms. He said with emotion: "I feel like I am dreaming..."

  Sophia, affixed to Jack's chest, blushes and whispers: "Why do you think so?"

  "Because everything is so beautiful, like a sweet dream..." Jack bowed his head and looked at Sophia's eyes. "If this is a dream, I don't let me wake up..."

  Sophia felt that Jack was full of endless magic at this time, deeply attracted her, and she couldn't help but lift her head slightly. Jack also bowed his head and kissed her lips.

  Everything is so natural, warm, with a shallow kiss, they want to keep going...


  At night, New York.

  With a passionate music, Tony was wearing a steel armor suit flying in the sky. When the music climaxed, Iron Man descended from the sky, and the sound of a metal slammed on one knee fell on the stage.

  Tony stood up and waved his arms. There was a row of hot dancers behind him dancing with his music and kicking his thighs. The audience were innocent, cheering and shouting.

  The scene is very lively.

  Tonight, the Stark Expo will be held here!

  The stage under the foot of Iron Man slowly rotates, and several manipulators were dismantling the armor are extending from the bottom, and the steel armor is dismantled one by one. After a 360 degree turn, the steel armor has been disassembled and collected, and the robot also Retreated under the stage, the stage is restored to its original state.

  After removing the steel armor, Tony in the suit and attire has a confident smile, and with the last sound of the music, he opened his arms, with an arrogant gesture as if he is saying i have the world.

  He, Tony Stark, the pride of the sky, has this capital to enjoy this treatment beyond ordinary people.

  "Oh... it's good to come back, do you miss me?..."

  Tony maintained a proud and confident look and spoke eloquently at the opening speech of the Stark Expo. When one of the scenes of his father's video was played back, Tony stunned because the audience was immersed in the big screen that is showing his father. When the video was being played, he quietly retreated to the background and took out a small instrument.

  The thumb was pressed at the instrument measurement point, the finger slightly hurt, pierced the epidermis and took a drop of his blood sample. After the instrument quickly detected the blood, it showed the data of "palladium content: 19%".

  Although Tony tried to stay calm, there was always a lingering haze in his eyes and a look of grief.

  No one knows that Tony, who is laughing on the surface, is facing the countdown to his death. Although the energy reactor on the chest maintains his life, the palladium is constantly eroding his body. In other words, Tony is only delaying his death time and is now in chronic suicide.

  When Tony found himself showing signs of palladium poisoning, he tried his best to save his life. However, even after he tried every element known, he found no substitute for palladium. The energy reactor needs palladium. Tony had no way to solve the palladium poisoning. Therefore, Tony knew that if he would continue using the reactor he would die, and he could only watch himself die step by step.

  At present, with the help of Jarvis, Tony has created a drink that is extremely eccentric. He barely drinks a cup every day, delaying the symptoms of palladium poisoning, but the effect is very small, and the palladium content in the body is still growing.

  Tony was really forced to a desperate situation. He did not die in the cave where he was imprisoned for three months. He did not die in the hands of the iron king who was hiding beside him, but he was about to die because of his own reactor. He had to say that it was really a special way. What an irony!

  Putting out the instrument, Tony hides his bitter emotions, restores his confidence and walks off the stage.

  With the end of his father's video, the Stark Expo was officially opened. Tony was only symbolically attending tonight. He was ready to go home and continue to find a way to save himself.

  The dedicated team of bodyguards resisted the crowds. Under the protection of his bodyguards, Tony was eager to face the camera flashes of various reporters. Slowly the driver and bodyguard Happi went to their latest luxury car, but I found a well-dressed beauty who leaned on the car and looked at them with a smile.

  Seeing the beauty is not bad, Tony can't help but say: "Is she included with the car?"

  Happi also cooperated very uncomfortably: "I hope so too."